The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Song Writing (Expression)

Noel asks me to blog a song so i did here. I lost a soulful song in the attempt as my memory let me down. My soul longs for an entry into the sacred Heart, the presence of Jesus and His glory so i blog this song and sang it with my soul and heart.

Lament: Jesus’ Ascension

My soul is crying
My nearest refuge has ascended

Glory, Glory, Glory
Hosanna to the highest

Don’t think that life has past me by
Life does not end with his ascending

His Spirit leads me onwards to Paradise
Glory, Glory, Glory to the highest

In the end we shall be as One
Together as One forever

Heaven is His dwelling
Earth is His footstool
Glory to the highest

My Spirit endures on for the access to His Heart
My Soul endures on to the Secrets of His Life
Forever, forever is your glory
Glorious life, everlasting salvation, the Lamb has come to me
Finally, we are One.

My emotion is suddenly insurmountable
Just as the moody sky is a sign of rain to come
My sorrow sings of valuable tears to drop
Precious emotions in a dull world still
Nobody but me exists in this whole world and with You again.

Remark: Borrowed a line from the church that sings and shout his glory:
Hossanna to the highest

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