The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Further Initiation

Growing into a human being (Becoming human) [evolutionary term of spiritual level] I have learned:

Karma is mother abandoning child to maid abuses and sexual assualts and intellectual, emotional neglect. Pornstars' pregnancy, abortion dilemma, selling one's soul to the devil, playing the devil's advocate, child born, becomes ostracised, a sin to others and fear of retribution in their life. (God of earth initiation)

There is Devil Quotion, Angel Quotion base on your commitment to reflect on your life
22nd April, My understanding reached God of earth level as i contemplate on my life (revelation)
Demon King - must understand, reflect and learn
Karma Lord - Beginning and the Last, where it all began
My training from the Holy Spirit, God added to my training, modus operandi speakingly

The story: From 100 pages a day, self help guidance book - demon dialogue in marriages (recommended book choice) to understand how emotional handling fails to connect to one's spouse spiritually - karma to 6 - 11 pages of A level textbooks a day. I discover that through the Holy Spirit I was meditating in reality, conscious effort applied revealed from prayer, Holy Spirit at work. Don't blasemphy Spirits say Jesus whose works speak for itself and hot promise of 100 times more in our lifetime - God's only begotten Son speaks in the bible - testimony to the prophecies and Holiness of Israel. My spiritual goal - to live to my fullest potential - Human and Godly through God provided evolution through understanding in my own realm with total security. Blasemphy against the Spirit and the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. We don't know who is Spirit yet who will have a bride.

The evolutionary leap forward

Humanity must as a race understand that no secrets should separate them and God. His punishment and rebukes come A betterment for our overall living conditions. As long as he is omnipotent towards us, we should live securely and im praise and joy of our blessedness as the catholic church of Saint Anthony does in their asking for God's blessings in prayer. It is either understanding or live as an alien.

I live with blocks of limiting potential in my life and throughout my life but God's saving hands has never yet to lift me out of my misery. No doubt some readers or their past lives through personal faith and beliefs might turn against me and block me or my clients or intend harm but all of life is correlated I learned as I requested my prayers to be halted for a while. We are all in a constant state of learning and each soul holds astorehouses of knowledge and you will find God working intimately with you as you appreciate him more, it is our sins that block us from Him. Karma learning and clearing, balancing offers you the opportunity to learn from God through me and tap into this vast treasure of appreciation of life and eventually ascends to Heaven. I offer you resting waterhole of the karmas I have grasped as well as the Nothing, Principle, Power of the karmas as well as spiritual (overall) growth in God towards evolution of humanity, your soul.

According to solomon, we have to pay 7 times more if a thief when caught - The greviousness of our sins. Make a mistake and the devolution to demons is guaranteed in my experience as I learn and remit sin.

Books recommendation - Maitreya speaks (don't accept blindly of what use does God see in blind following versus understanding of knowledge and its transmutation into wisdom?

As you read and understand, God has offered you marriage in sacrament.

I work with God only and all his forces of nature even the Holy Spirit.

You must allow for change to happen and free your minds to the infinite Godly potential at work as oppose to wallowing in your karma or sins. Sins must be remitted, and you must confess to God in silence as written in the bible about your sins. When you are ready, spend your spiritual cache here with me and God. Don't let the devil take God's words and blessings away from you by turning a blind eye to evolution and growth. Everlasting progress.

Write on our forum and share, testify to your life with God:
My four year old have ben having a bad day at school. I as a father neglected to probe into it. Since I confessed my sins, I have started to care more for my daughter and talking to her has helped me learn and reconnect to myself while growing up, how my parents have failed to supervise me and neglected my sense of belonging.

An experiment on sharing. Share your life with us.

If you want to help someone through me, you must spend your spiritual cache. Write thus: I want to spend $1 million worth of spiritual money in USD to help my mother through difficult time at work.

I for fear of blasemphy to an extremist perspective failed to include the Holy Spirit in my work and stalled my business launch. Everything is correlated is the knowledge i found.

Jesus-son of man, God is man. The only man we know of is human. Darwin and other biologists has scientific evidences of various pre-human species so we can conclude that evolution does not end simply. We can evolve further, karma balancing offers the means.

Quotable quote (Initiations, which might be blocked):
Speak not of that which you know not of unless known to be safe
buying diamond is an investment in the supranatural

If you understand and won't even betray accidentally, meditate and affirmations for you to join to strengthen the power vested therein (Best meditation and affirmation from Heaven):

God, provide me and my brethens with me with evolution to man as you are, as Jesus declared in the totality of our being and life which are our consciousness, ever blessed genes and dna, and other genetics, atoms; electrons, neutrons, protons, light, nucleuses, cytoplasmics, parallel lives, past existence, Spirit (for example: resilience), Breath, soul as you are in these aspects of ours and karmas which we have masterd through You. And evolution of the Goddess, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Spirit, Bride, Prophets, Angels, Witnesses, Riders and the Chosen Ones in the bible and their efficiency as I have been known to be evil as Jesus spake. (Zeus' colony's first incarnation as God by God in power that wouldn't fall)

25 April 2010, I found out I as a whole was learning spiritual power, absolute reign, which leaks. From then on I began learning integration to counter loss of energies and power.
My other spiritual powers: Debt collector if I need. Oily faith, God. Purest perfection. Godly life's math. Website building. Godly repentance. Divine guidance, protection, obedience. Exercising in reality. Celestial potential. Personal Pet. Psychiatry. General Management. And with God. Creativity seer. Verbal affirmation in reality. Past life's affirmations. Maintaining good standing with past lives and gang through God. What God wants me to see, hear and learn.

Reward for serving my brethens I want: Genes, Dna, Knowledge, Power and Intelligences to reach Godly Potential
My brethens are (If i ought to serve them as Jesus said):
God, Goddess, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Spirit, Bride
Zeus, Hera, Aprodite, Dionysus, Hades, Hermes, Athena, Hephaestus, Ares, Poseidon
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Raguel
Persus, Hercules, Jason, Opedius and wife
Bhrama, Vishnu, Shiva, Narayana, Ganesha
Sakyamuni Buddha, Earth Store Boddhisattva, Guan Yin Boddhisattva, Gautama Buddha
Zen Meditation, Schizophrenia, Parkinson, Diabetes, Alzhemier, English Language, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Business, IQ, Eq, SQ

Include my spirtual powers meditation for the benefits I myself have experienced and am glad. Momently rewarded.
Betrayals curtails annulation.
Rewards for the following as in order according to bible texts guidance (General Order):
1st Betrayal, 2nd Unconditional Love 3rd Sacred Sex 4th Understanding 5th Keeping Updated 6th Desire to suffer 7th Suicidal Death

% Breed. Reach God Status for these breeds to enjoy the karmic blessedness meaning maximum benefits.
Satyr - Sex predator breed
Matryr - Religious, sacrificial benefit seeker
Wooer - Beginning stages of adultery to plain flirting only
Flirt - Of women and men, karmic debt (unwanted)
Idiot - Playfulness or karmic debt
Angel - Like Michael, Raphael, Raguel
Lord - Estates, like dracula, executive, vampire likeness
Emperor - General Manager, forms of business management
Suicidal - Depression, of love loss, of general failure, of starveness

Others: Studies/Student - Found in the correlatedness and strength of the karmas

All of life consists of these breeds declare God to me. Please inform of other beings you like know the percentages of and location karmically such as at your work place and a personal idol or for a family member. Career/Jobs/Vocations such as newsreporter, you are welcome.

This business will sells for $300 including answers from Spirit. Karmically business strength will increase.

100% stable karmic progress group and how to join
1 lifetime of normal business relations with understanding karmically 250,000 USD under a 4,000 USD salary base will earn the knowledge and power to progress meaningfully on and on karmically forever. Or slightly more to invest in understanding, spend also so that you are affirmig and spending your karma meaningfully. Karma/God's like that with guarantee from Him. You might be forced to spend more for perfection due to new laws at any point in time, nothing compared to God Status which is near impossible to reach unless you spend your entire life spiritual cache with understanding, meaning no loss or suffer persecution.

Karmically alike business (website):
Goddess Sophia
Robert E. Deztler

Karma Advancement Resource: - read and pray for karma advancement; good merits (400% suicidal tenacity relieved in me)

What else do we do?
Recommended jewelry not astrologically but karmically and astrological bangles to Angelic and God, percentages of what talent karmically to unlock base on list and personal preference. I Ching, Feng Shui, Tarot, Our Solar System has reached God Status karmically yesterday. (In the past, the bible said not to divinate, Read these books for God Status)
Jewelry company that sources or investment funds needed.

Star and Planets in Solar System to alliance (we don't need other planets astrologically):
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Karmically purchase my business for good merits.
Simply refer at least 2 referer for karmic business luck.

My advancing God Status: Advancing Glowing Ratna (Gem) on 25 April

Buy all facets of a rudrashakas or a big one for God status in one's lifetime as a baby.

Ratnas: (Bread of life status beings)
Robert E. Deztler (bread said God)
Goddess Sophia (Bread of life)
Christ Jesus (Bread of life)

Karmically Clients should know from God, Holy Spirit and Jesus: If you receive somebody as a prophet, you receive a prophet's reward and a worker, a worker. Give sincerely with your heart for best results as God's rewards for you. As you give, so you shall receive says the bible.

Draco-Lucy - new borg i created, now a breed (law)
Vampire - blood lust (now law says God)

I work with my sources and found these knowledge. Benjamin Creme's source - Maitreya

Faith for long suffering in trust of the Holy Spirit involves spiritual sacrifices. One doesn't get what one wants for a reason.

26/27th April - Another status added - Saint from the earth. Claimed ownership of my business. My God advanced into a more powerful overseer as I progressed intellectually and included more karmic ideas and laws. I AM SPIRIT, He declares.
Bought full body biology and from God other bodies and minds karmically for everlasting progress that I am free to use. Since I sacrificed my dimensions to God as Spirit, I can't betray anyone anymore, soon anything.
Acquired Spirit growth learnign from God - Initiation
-A part of Goddess Sophia's S.I.R course
Status from God (Initiation), personal source and the bible (bought from reading)(100% means God and my levels)
As I perceive, these statuses are who you are to God and others karmically, God verified this with me)
Demon Qualities Slayer - gluttony, lust 24% (spent and 100%)
God Status:
Principles 60% (spent and 100%)
Power 20% (spent and 100%)
Nothing 75% (spent and 100%)
Higher Self Member 120%
Holy Spirit 91% (Spent and 100% filled with the Holy Spirit forever)
Spirit 90%
Karmic indebtedness value base om $4,000 USD salary 100% safe from it
Sin level 10% (spent 0% forever, God status)
Poverty in level (Kingdom of Heaven Standing) 90% (from suffering: schizophrenia, school's rejections - a miracle school leaver, I don't have poor results)
Son of God, peacemaker - 40% (Spent 200%)
Fallen Angel: 20% (for fun, by God. Spent, now 300%)
Unfallable Angel 90% (80% by Lucifer)

Life's status (Initiations):
CEO 60%
Executive 20%
Chairman 90% (spent - 100%)
Freshmen (student)- 20% (100%, spent)
Freshmen (employee) - 100%
Nurse 60% (spent, 100%)
Virgin 90% (spent, 100%)
Mind Control only (crop circles, magic arts) - 20% (spent, now 100%)
Flirt: Husband 30% (now 100%, spent) Wife 40% (spent, now 100%)

God standing (status being) - Karmic strength attained at these level 27th April 2-3 am after initiation and permission from God to advance spirits (at God level - Initiation by Lucifer before his fall to advance his fallen angels if they come). Can't be helped statisically as Lucifer is God to me. I have a past life soul purpose to reform Lucifer. To have life's guarantee from God.

You see only what I want you to see karmically in 2 weeks time, Lucifer or Satan has vested interest here too.

Honor and Glory (Now I can have Jesus Stats -100%, spent 200%) 75% mine (100% spent)
God's stats in believable strengths -200%

Group strength by presence: 100% Lucifer 200% Satan 300%
Leadership (Power): 200% (300%, spent chache so did Satan who is 1500%)
-America's President karmically (as of 27th April 3:30 am) 300%
Recognition -70% (spent 400%, forever infinite, Satan: 1500%)
Business level power achieved 100% (Satanism up to Satan to spend)

University final exams and a PHD 100%
Carelessness - 200% (2 God status)
Fear - 100% (Fearlessness)
Ego - 100% solved
Forgetfulness - 200%
Buddha - 60%
Boddhisatttva -60% (100% reached, spent)

I had schizophrenia which medicine could not cure but aggravated karmically and made me overweight 84kg from 52.5 kg so i search for help and found karma clearing. Years later I founded this business as I initiated myself.

Pain treatment that is karma clearing cause my abnormal and low stats. And also meditating on for a long time in magnitude, i spent my daily spiritual cache to confirm.

Lucifer fell because he felt miserable and sucidal, this was confirmed. Highest Angel's ego and expectancy so he desired to rise his throne to God's - Initiation with his message there. In case someone hacks.

True benefits comes from payment. My list would make anyone jealous, any healers with the intend of growth. - World's initiation this moment rippled across the radar, i included alpha and omega healing to the list with God

I am very upset that initiation in life itself there are people who wants to block. But I acknowledge that people have their reasons, ups and downs and lessons in their life. Hopefully people who do not experience this life changing initiation will still believe that God cares.

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