The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Value - Initiation

Self worth comes from where? Value in yourself that you perceive lies in your understanding, thus your actions and your judgment on yourself. The day of Judgment will come and you will stand before Him who has the power to destroy you and He shall judge you by your deeds. He shall summon before Him the ones that you have sinned against and the ones that you have rescued. Christians believe that by your own measurements you shall be judged. Some actions will lead to condemnation and some to paradise. You shall be friends with God Himself if you have been nice.

Human values is what makes us Humans.
Demon values makes us creatures of Hell.
Angel values makes us Angels.
If we steal, we lose our virtues by the power set upon us by the forces of peace that are the Angels of God that protects the world and providing for our basics.

What i loathe in life now:
The Angel story can't be completed as I have mental blocks, a degrading laziness in my mind. That i loathe because somebody must have sent me bad vibes and thus blocked my mental health which is swayness in teochew. The energy went away as I write.

Don't sexualise a person because she possess virtues that is reserved for only her beloved to see. She has the choice to destroy herself if she wants because life no longer has values to her, she fails to see the rules of thumb in seeking the perfect partner or life. This is aggravated if someone simply understood her because life holds too little value that there is lack of respect and boundaries. This is spiritual suicide or spiritual death when there is no hope left.

To love and be loved in return is to seek the virtue of forgiveness and greatness of understanding to respect a person. What you have not loved might come to be your worse nightmare who might abandon you at the worst moments. This is a basic principle that is law by Jesus' crucification and words to His disciples that sums up.

What is forbidden makes it dangerous such as not joining certain groups that laws decreed against for they corrupt the minds and demonise the souls that results in lost of self control such is our human nature. As well as respecting the laws will bring in the good luck to succeed as you have more self worth aka confidence.

These initiations are bible values that are important principles for the Kingdom of Heaven.

When I lost hope, I received my first initiation in the baptism by a priest/pastor. That was when I was in self doubt and agony. That is to believe in someone that has come all the way to offer hope - Jesus Christ. I will not believe blindly I told myself that was when I received enlightenment about the Power that offers hope. Hope lies in ourselves not outside.

Read my evolution to Human post if you want better understanding of it after this.

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