The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happiness is found in reconciliation

As Receptionists know I have the idea of taking a six months break. This is due to my chronic fatigue issue that has been developing for quite a while. For 4 months working at IMH, it hasn’t been a physically pleasant experience as I have been tired out as Noel understands. Despite this these 4 months I have been working mostly full days. I have already had worked 4 months, nobody in their right mind would want to kill their record but this fatigue has seeped into my mind, memory, spiritual and mental health. Spiritually I have been doubting Jesus and hating him for no reasons like a mental illness. Memory wise, my short term memory is non-existent and I can’t remember many work related matters that I am suppose to do. I believe these 6 months break is divine revelation from God to go for a break as it feels and connects very strongly to my intuition telling me what to do. The problems I listed progressively grew as I ignored my intuition like divine guidance.

Now my friends, a miracle has occurred in my life and the healing of my condition is by God’s divine grace. This comes as a series of repentful moments. I have to know that I am innocent of my transgression and the reasons behind them is incredulously beyond my ability to prevent and this my relationship with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and myself has to be reconcile by the exact possible causes of these sins. Until I know that I am innocent, somebody is controlling my mind like a virus causing bad health - Satan. These comes through past efforts and personal spiritual principals. Jesus taught until we reconcile with our prosecutors, we won’t get out until we paid the last penny. These sins are controversial as well, the entities’ voices I heard told me to rearrange my house feng shui and in my anxiety I forgot to ask my parents, adding to this is the tiny voice that says these are what I bought not my parents. I have dragons and phoenixes I bought as well as other crystals and animals placed from the living room spacious area to non spacious areas as well as the bedroom alleviating a lot of stress when I bought them. This anxiety block my mind from functioning properly as it is my principal to ask for permission from my parents before doing things related to them. I also forgot to ask my parents before I left school as I was a freethinker then and under too much stress, I felt about to explode. It would have been better for my life if I had connected to my parents or aunt and explained my stress levels to them.

Thankfully after reconciliation my energy level reach levels that I have not even experienced before and attitude towards life is functional. I think my attitude can still be improved as long as I think about it and what has gone wrong in my life; this will alleviate my guilt and inadequacies I suffer as self punishment. Hopefully my friends you will understand and reconcile with the forces affecting your life and go on to live a wonderful life.

1 comment:

Noel said...

great reflections :)
how can you sustain your energy levels for the long term now that you're up and going already?