The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Feng Shui from Christian Perceptive

Don't take this seriously if you can't accept it as I write on inspiration and common sense at the spur of the moment prompting to add strength to the paradox of what to believe, what to reject and what is controversial by the divine guidance of Father God

What is wrong with you is a paradox of the environment. These environment factors causes stress and affect the other aspects of your life. I believe the way we see feng shui is our relationship with God. In the bible, feng shui appears in the Genesis as the Spirit of God hovering over the waters. We must rectify the relationships with God and Jesus before we can enjoy good feng shui. Our sins are what keep us from enjoying good feng shui. Therefore rectifying these relationships is sustaining good relationship with our kins and also enjoying the good life.

Earth’s feng shui beliefs, research and good experience with feng shui is divine in nature and should not be discount with Jesus’ coming. Our thoughts and feelings projected into the collective consciousness is how we contribute to the world’s merits and demerits as all religion teaches. In the bible John the apostle wrote our deeds will follow us, so to enjoy good feng shui we should not neglect God. This include tithing 10% of all our income and good fortune.

Bad feng shui causes a lot of stress on our psyche and we tend to fail in life. If you don’t have the positive shen qi (positive qi) supporting your lifestyle, you tend to face problems with less authoritive to resolve them for you have offended Spirits. Feng shui is spirits talking to us and nurturing us. No one has lived with bad feng shui without a strong faith which is previous life good merits for Jesus said evil spirits gather around a man and causes his downfall once he begins offending one.

Here are some tips for Feng shui

Talk to the Holy Spirit, declare your good merits and state your possible woes. Suffer prosecution by going on penance like fasting and abstinence like from television and add sexual stress on yourself. The most important thing is to have God notice your effort and relieve you of your non sufferings for prosecution sake or giving you strength to continue. Talk to God and send the message across like talking on the phone, he will bless you. The bible says ask and ye shall receive.

Come up with ideas yourself over researching once you have done this. For example: 9 dragons formation that presents and symbolizes cosmic creation and completion for all multiples of 9, the numbers always add up to 9. Come up with specials like past life hot favorite of 1 dragon, 6 angels for their special blessings. Just follow your intuition and the love for them in your heart, in short talking to Spirit.

Write in forums to advise others or share your achievements and experience to nurture or nudge others on. Be careful what information you give the websites as this constitute your feng shui. But most important of all, is not to worry if you made a mistake as you must believe in Jesus who is God. If he is not, he will suffer immensely as he promised a lot. This is clue to his divinity as no man is that silly. This comstitutes good merit for it is written a quart of wheat for a day’s wages. Then inform Holy Spirit after carefully considering what good merits are they

1 comment:

Noel said...

wow that is a whole load of information!!