The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Almost giving up

Karma is life and the way we perceive the world is also due to our karma. In the bible, John wrote, the deaths of these catastrophe victims is followed by their deeds following them so they can i would say rest in peace.

What karma have I, I learned from God through my private spiritual search and questioning that I have karma that is like a web that I have to leave my 4 months vocational training to clear it or my long suffering trashhold will b gone or my relationship with Jesus like one that has a mental disease. It is inevitable that I have to leave and retire at home for 6 months. I don't want to as I have already stayed at home for years to recover from mental illness. But it has become clear that if i can't maintain my life properly i have to listen to Spirit whom I asked. Those who talk to God can confirm for yourselves. I talked to God through going to alpha brainwave then asking Holy Spirit to talk to him, something a spiritual master taught me. He gave me my life in detail, healings I want and exact details I sought form him.

All these negative experience is because Spirit has already informed me, so i must do what is best for me. Good thing for 4 full months of hard work and no laziness and opportunity to fix my damage serotonin, gaba and dopamine nervous control disorder as my research about my states found.

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