The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Absence from Work

Noel is at ICT. I didn't manage to go for work today as when I worked up, I felt like I have been hit by a lorry and energy sapped away. The only time this has happened is when I overly actively dreamt. I have not dreamed for a while so this should be the cause. My whole body is so tired as I didn't sleep until 4 am, so this is another reason. Didn't drink coffee or sugar unless orange juice from imh canteen counts. So I will just have to utilize my 3.5 days left of leave.

I believed I have cancer from the nausea when exercising but i eat way too healthy to develop cancer. The nausea is very abnormally severe. This is why one should not eat and drink way beyond limit for any reason for long term sake. By that I meant my austerities.

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