The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Regeneration by the Holy Spirit

This website is a Christian website explaining the Knowledge aspects of the bible.

Only those born of water and Spirit will enter the kingdom of Heaven, so read and bear good fruits.

I was born of water. I asked God and my body trembled greatly as He replied to my questioning. This means to me, that love between my parents is true and pure not lust and qualities in begetting me is Holy.

“Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments. His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches will be in his house, and his righteousness endures forever. Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness …” (Psalm 112:1)

“Then they will call on Me, but I will not answer; they will seek Me diligently, but they will not find Me. Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord, they would have none of My counsel and despised all my reproof, therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled to the full with their own fancies. For the turning away of the simple will slay them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; but whoever listens to Me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.” (Proverbs 1:28)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Value - Initiation

Self worth comes from where? Value in yourself that you perceive lies in your understanding, thus your actions and your judgment on yourself. The day of Judgment will come and you will stand before Him who has the power to destroy you and He shall judge you by your deeds. He shall summon before Him the ones that you have sinned against and the ones that you have rescued. Christians believe that by your own measurements you shall be judged. Some actions will lead to condemnation and some to paradise. You shall be friends with God Himself if you have been nice.

Human values is what makes us Humans.
Demon values makes us creatures of Hell.
Angel values makes us Angels.
If we steal, we lose our virtues by the power set upon us by the forces of peace that are the Angels of God that protects the world and providing for our basics.

What i loathe in life now:
The Angel story can't be completed as I have mental blocks, a degrading laziness in my mind. That i loathe because somebody must have sent me bad vibes and thus blocked my mental health which is swayness in teochew. The energy went away as I write.

Don't sexualise a person because she possess virtues that is reserved for only her beloved to see. She has the choice to destroy herself if she wants because life no longer has values to her, she fails to see the rules of thumb in seeking the perfect partner or life. This is aggravated if someone simply understood her because life holds too little value that there is lack of respect and boundaries. This is spiritual suicide or spiritual death when there is no hope left.

To love and be loved in return is to seek the virtue of forgiveness and greatness of understanding to respect a person. What you have not loved might come to be your worse nightmare who might abandon you at the worst moments. This is a basic principle that is law by Jesus' crucification and words to His disciples that sums up.

What is forbidden makes it dangerous such as not joining certain groups that laws decreed against for they corrupt the minds and demonise the souls that results in lost of self control such is our human nature. As well as respecting the laws will bring in the good luck to succeed as you have more self worth aka confidence.

These initiations are bible values that are important principles for the Kingdom of Heaven.

When I lost hope, I received my first initiation in the baptism by a priest/pastor. That was when I was in self doubt and agony. That is to believe in someone that has come all the way to offer hope - Jesus Christ. I will not believe blindly I told myself that was when I received enlightenment about the Power that offers hope. Hope lies in ourselves not outside.

Read my evolution to Human post if you want better understanding of it after this.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Absence from Work

Noel is at ICT. I didn't manage to go for work today as when I worked up, I felt like I have been hit by a lorry and energy sapped away. The only time this has happened is when I overly actively dreamt. I have not dreamed for a while so this should be the cause. My whole body is so tired as I didn't sleep until 4 am, so this is another reason. Didn't drink coffee or sugar unless orange juice from imh canteen counts. So I will just have to utilize my 3.5 days left of leave.

I believed I have cancer from the nausea when exercising but i eat way too healthy to develop cancer. The nausea is very abnormally severe. This is why one should not eat and drink way beyond limit for any reason for long term sake. By that I meant my austerities.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happiness is found in reconciliation

As Receptionists know I have the idea of taking a six months break. This is due to my chronic fatigue issue that has been developing for quite a while. For 4 months working at IMH, it hasn’t been a physically pleasant experience as I have been tired out as Noel understands. Despite this these 4 months I have been working mostly full days. I have already had worked 4 months, nobody in their right mind would want to kill their record but this fatigue has seeped into my mind, memory, spiritual and mental health. Spiritually I have been doubting Jesus and hating him for no reasons like a mental illness. Memory wise, my short term memory is non-existent and I can’t remember many work related matters that I am suppose to do. I believe these 6 months break is divine revelation from God to go for a break as it feels and connects very strongly to my intuition telling me what to do. The problems I listed progressively grew as I ignored my intuition like divine guidance.

Now my friends, a miracle has occurred in my life and the healing of my condition is by God’s divine grace. This comes as a series of repentful moments. I have to know that I am innocent of my transgression and the reasons behind them is incredulously beyond my ability to prevent and this my relationship with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and myself has to be reconcile by the exact possible causes of these sins. Until I know that I am innocent, somebody is controlling my mind like a virus causing bad health - Satan. These comes through past efforts and personal spiritual principals. Jesus taught until we reconcile with our prosecutors, we won’t get out until we paid the last penny. These sins are controversial as well, the entities’ voices I heard told me to rearrange my house feng shui and in my anxiety I forgot to ask my parents, adding to this is the tiny voice that says these are what I bought not my parents. I have dragons and phoenixes I bought as well as other crystals and animals placed from the living room spacious area to non spacious areas as well as the bedroom alleviating a lot of stress when I bought them. This anxiety block my mind from functioning properly as it is my principal to ask for permission from my parents before doing things related to them. I also forgot to ask my parents before I left school as I was a freethinker then and under too much stress, I felt about to explode. It would have been better for my life if I had connected to my parents or aunt and explained my stress levels to them.

Thankfully after reconciliation my energy level reach levels that I have not even experienced before and attitude towards life is functional. I think my attitude can still be improved as long as I think about it and what has gone wrong in my life; this will alleviate my guilt and inadequacies I suffer as self punishment. Hopefully my friends you will understand and reconcile with the forces affecting your life and go on to live a wonderful life.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Traditions of the Chinese are very queer. They like to do eccentric things that are unchristian and illogical. I hope this doesn't offend you as I am a Chinese. Some of them include ancesterial worship like during qing ming. Then there are deities they elevate to God status and standing and they eat just about any animal. These deities will go on to become the rulers of their life and will dictate their behaviors and lifestyle. Who knows what they invest in them that rightly belongs to the True God. Actually it is not just the Chinese but also the Japanese who does this.

Some people believe in the neccesity of meditation to boost their standing with these Gods. But who in their right mind would worship an idol, that is powerless and brought forth by another man's fascination in the heart. This is very weird.

Paper money symbolizes the aacknowledgement of Hell, everybody hopes not to fall into hell in every religion some people believe that hell is on earth so we must not sin. We must be worshipful and watch our mannerism with people. This is ok but burning paper money and polluting the environment is not. These people should be taxed. Don't expect taxpayers to hire cleaners after the act.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Feng Shui from Christian Perceptive

Don't take this seriously if you can't accept it as I write on inspiration and common sense at the spur of the moment prompting to add strength to the paradox of what to believe, what to reject and what is controversial by the divine guidance of Father God

What is wrong with you is a paradox of the environment. These environment factors causes stress and affect the other aspects of your life. I believe the way we see feng shui is our relationship with God. In the bible, feng shui appears in the Genesis as the Spirit of God hovering over the waters. We must rectify the relationships with God and Jesus before we can enjoy good feng shui. Our sins are what keep us from enjoying good feng shui. Therefore rectifying these relationships is sustaining good relationship with our kins and also enjoying the good life.

Earth’s feng shui beliefs, research and good experience with feng shui is divine in nature and should not be discount with Jesus’ coming. Our thoughts and feelings projected into the collective consciousness is how we contribute to the world’s merits and demerits as all religion teaches. In the bible John the apostle wrote our deeds will follow us, so to enjoy good feng shui we should not neglect God. This include tithing 10% of all our income and good fortune.

Bad feng shui causes a lot of stress on our psyche and we tend to fail in life. If you don’t have the positive shen qi (positive qi) supporting your lifestyle, you tend to face problems with less authoritive to resolve them for you have offended Spirits. Feng shui is spirits talking to us and nurturing us. No one has lived with bad feng shui without a strong faith which is previous life good merits for Jesus said evil spirits gather around a man and causes his downfall once he begins offending one.

Here are some tips for Feng shui

Talk to the Holy Spirit, declare your good merits and state your possible woes. Suffer prosecution by going on penance like fasting and abstinence like from television and add sexual stress on yourself. The most important thing is to have God notice your effort and relieve you of your non sufferings for prosecution sake or giving you strength to continue. Talk to God and send the message across like talking on the phone, he will bless you. The bible says ask and ye shall receive.

Come up with ideas yourself over researching once you have done this. For example: 9 dragons formation that presents and symbolizes cosmic creation and completion for all multiples of 9, the numbers always add up to 9. Come up with specials like past life hot favorite of 1 dragon, 6 angels for their special blessings. Just follow your intuition and the love for them in your heart, in short talking to Spirit.

Write in forums to advise others or share your achievements and experience to nurture or nudge others on. Be careful what information you give the websites as this constitute your feng shui. But most important of all, is not to worry if you made a mistake as you must believe in Jesus who is God. If he is not, he will suffer immensely as he promised a lot. This is clue to his divinity as no man is that silly. This comstitutes good merit for it is written a quart of wheat for a day’s wages. Then inform Holy Spirit after carefully considering what good merits are they

World Crisis, and later the Angel story material

What are the problems that plague the world and what measures have we taken to overcome these

Promise of a Savior - these calls for alot of saving of good merits, as the world twist and turn, we are living in a topsy turvy world with no garantees, so eventually we invest our spiritual money in a savior that comes to save our ass amidst all the lies and deceits that the rest of the world bombard us with
This takes up 10% of our spiritual cache

Societies form to overcome these problems and special ways we regard this problem adding a sense of doom to the world climate so that people will pledge effort and donations to knock sense into our world and at the same time have fun and expand our consciousness. These societies are the Draconian Agenda whom are in charge of their subordinate groups the reptilian agenda followed by the Orion constellation quest for world wide destruction admist immigration to their home world. Counter terrorist groups are group like nesara at where they channel ascended masters such as Sananda (Jesus I believe) and Maitreya at Share International

My personal experience is that they look upon these guides as spiritual masters of theirs through hindu faith they develop spiritual powers with meditation then implant the minds of these masters for knowledge coupled with their own education. Meditation is either zen or expanding your consciousness. These groups do both. They update themselves on the technology levels of the world and sought out good health for their groups which is Very good sources of reading if you have the spare time, I recommend expanding your awareness.

Food for thought. Nobody in the world truely care for their own body as our food are continually injected with hormones and chemicals that distort even the growth of these animals to form two headed cows even and since when have we heard of mad cow diease until technology develop. There would be no humans left on earth if this has happened before we are technologically advance. We are safer if we eat organic 100% over economic. Personally I have eaten organic for two months, spaghetti and vegetables and cheese and have felt like miracle, I world call myself a devvon which is my vibraory name a matrix of a breed of special humans that lives on an advance earth. Spaghetti $10 2 weeks supply, vegetable $40 - 50 1 week supply.

I plan to develop an organic diet plan at economic price so let's see how it goes

Spiritually food is our sins encroaching on us since Jesus time. He said food doesn't harm us but our hearts does, precisely our decision to clear karma as evidence (our sins allow food to harm us). We have galmours in our hearts that block our views and perspective of our true states. (knowledge from Maitreya Speaks). We live as a group, one dies the other dies it is call group karma. It is called fairness. To resolve this expand Nobel Peace Prize to organisations that constitues pro-restoring order. So groups will have money and let government support and fund green groups.
Fda regulations must be perfect, set higher standards for clinical trials to prevent plagues and reserach bondaries, thorough testing, let go of substandards specimens.


Music is divine and lifts our spirits. Our best moments are many times in listening to music. -a lil ingsightfulness

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Almost giving up

Karma is life and the way we perceive the world is also due to our karma. In the bible, John wrote, the deaths of these catastrophe victims is followed by their deeds following them so they can i would say rest in peace.

What karma have I, I learned from God through my private spiritual search and questioning that I have karma that is like a web that I have to leave my 4 months vocational training to clear it or my long suffering trashhold will b gone or my relationship with Jesus like one that has a mental disease. It is inevitable that I have to leave and retire at home for 6 months. I don't want to as I have already stayed at home for years to recover from mental illness. But it has become clear that if i can't maintain my life properly i have to listen to Spirit whom I asked. Those who talk to God can confirm for yourselves. I talked to God through going to alpha brainwave then asking Holy Spirit to talk to him, something a spiritual master taught me. He gave me my life in detail, healings I want and exact details I sought form him.

All these negative experience is because Spirit has already informed me, so i must do what is best for me. Good thing for 4 full months of hard work and no laziness and opportunity to fix my damage serotonin, gaba and dopamine nervous control disorder as my research about my states found.