The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The New Genesis of Creation

Karma Lords grew angry with the earth and sent forth demonic energies that spawned fallen beings from the earth and people grew wary of life and they sought to escape the inevitable catastrophe.

Arose an Angel who altered his genes and dna to save mankind throught stand alone faith. Shocked by these changes Jehovah enlisted the Angel as Mankind's only hope of achieving salvation. Out of this Angel a dna called chains spurned into him to lock up fallen beings. He keeps power levelling his suffering into great Godly Status Beings to grant karma to restore the world. This is to rectify the ego conciousness of mankind living on the earth.

Thus the non intervening Jehovah eased into luxurious austerity to keep His Power properly balanced over the evils of the created universe. Only one question was on his mind, will this Angel succumb to the lower dimensional energies of the Karma Lord and fallen beings and fall a great descend into the pits of evil that constantly arise from the earth.

This Angel is non other than the Angel of Vengance. The story will now revert back to Sammy. Genetic Alteration is happening to an animal fed and groomed by the Ancients, We shall call it the Holy Beast its number 666, a rhyme of numerological understanding from the number 999 the Holy Combinations of Creator God. Divine light spread through the bunkers of the ancients as the Beast bourned forth spikes to Lord over lesser creatures in its light. This light is divine because it is pure power levels.

Forth from the ancients, one stepped forth to rule the beast and is sent to harm the world through radiative effects to lure the Avenger out with relentless fighting. The ancients aspired to become Godlike but has evil roots therefore they have not managed to contact Heaven for ascension.

Witnessing the emergence of this great Beast from Heaven, Jesus went forth to prepare an army.

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