The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Good Merits

Abaddon is an angelic being who will bound Satan in the Last Days for a thousand years before (H)he is released to test mankind after the thousand years has ended. Clues to these testing would subsumed careful reading of the whole bible. One would be foolish to assume there is a status quo between these two Angels, one fallen and the other in the service of God after all Michael the Archangel said the Lord rebuke you over insulting Satan at the helm of the rare bible epics.

How to become an Angel, One would be wise to ask one such as me who had access to the Spirit of Truth, I let the Spirit take over to confirm these information. First you need faith, Jesus has to confirm that your faith is at least that of a mustard seed, the initiatory status where your training began. From a person laidback to on who is Spiritually nourished by one's own action and then growing in Holiness until you basically grow spiritual wings and take flights - power levelled. Trust the Holy Spirit on these.

Second that is to choose an Angelic identity - create or form chakras that you need or are lacking through using your free time creatively advancing your Spiritual being, then the process is called crucification. Power level is prayer and self checking with power through definite knowing such as letting the Spirit take complete control of you.

Third, Faith of rewards. Through all your actions you would demand a reward such as been chaste. Chastity is basically a prayer if you believe in any bad things at all as this is the tool of the devil on earth. For example if you are a great mathematician, your reward could be 10% karmically balanced or transformed into positive actions, this reward level you have to pray for to receive answers or it gets into your ego.

There ends my prayers of rewarding the good effort of reading my blog.

-Holy Spirit/Spirit of Truth and I

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