The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Monday, September 19, 2011

Job Search

As it has been awhile since going back to school or getting a job, this is because I want to wait to see if i can revert to studies, waiting a while longer doesn't dimpen my prospects. I am significantly better from medicine from polyclinic as I feel that sometimes only conventional treatment can manage an illness. The sole reason i have been at home is to have my trigyclerides leve balanced otherside my condition is the same as I have been when I was at training as Clerical Recep. Anyone in my shoe should be able to understand. Sometimes i feel other patients i feel are more fortunate than me to not be on zuclopethixol but all medication has its ups and downs, my particular medication should be a mood stabiliser which is fine to dagnose in my personal view - just fine.

To Noel, I hope to reverse a training place if i can't find a job for long through job clubs as i heard for months they have been without jobs. Spiritually i feel lying about my illness is wrong so there won't be employment outside if there isn't one at job club sensibly speaking. I don't want to work at salation army due to my medication preventing it from happening so i am stuck at clerical, you see? Realistically speaking.

The reason why i want to go back to school is because I had been reading as though studying and memorising texts and even mastered basics skills of physics. I found out I just had to take my medicine promptly.

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