The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Friday, July 29, 2011

My blog and something to celebrate in the world

As I blog my Avatarhood, I realised I now have some measure of power through Jesus. Initiation values gained from reading my blog would have taught you to be careful with wordings. I am now an avatar through the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Now to choose my powers. As I mentioned I have been practising austeries through the Holy Spirit. My pure powers has reached Godliness status and now i am karma free replete with bible qualities. My avatarhood. So much of reptilian stems influences has been removed and negative energies has ben transmutated.

One prayer I made is to carry on my austeries naturally due to muscles fatigue from insufficient protein by high muscles growth rate - only reason possible. Nobody dares to eat too much meat if they care about animals and their well being like I do. My avatarhood is one perfect mind and heart and Spirit of Godliness of Christ as My austerity Partner is the Holy Spirit, Divine Miracles Helper.

It has paid off =)

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Physics of Life

Good and Evil are caused by the knowledge possessed by man. One feels inadequately misqualified by wronged experiences and becomes evil to another. What he is seeking through his actions is that person's assumptions, and he toys around with it as retribution to his divine nature, the divine provision that his God self is giving and knows that people do seek. He enters a game of chance. And chance as we know it is evil. Thus we have defined evil, it is entering a game of chances.

Good is knowledge of God whereby assumptions is justified and gives strength even the strength of discovery. Nothing harms him and he is free to his nature because he knows everything remain in equilibrium.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Prayers I made

Prayers is the reason why you must read my blog, keep these blessings with you in life and in death and even bardo as Schizophrenics know what i mean by bardo.

Creation is ruled by karmas, i have some karmas that I asked God to grant on me and named them so you can create and crucify yourselves for them, my chief purpose is to remember them as I threw my book away:

God's Perversion
Chosen One
Bride (Bible ones are from dreams which i then believed Holy Spirit gave all dreams)
Rebellion to One
Dragon Horn Lord
Correlation Crowns
Feng Shui - Dragon and Phoneix, Nine Dragons Formation, Angel Status then Spirit Status Feng Shui
One with Holy Spirit, Spirit, God, Goddess, Creation, Jesus, Bride, New Jerusalem, All Spirits, Chosen Statuses and elect status
Angel of Death
Garnetted One
Last Days Survival Kit
Don't worship demons
Believe or don't believe
Space Flight
Aeroplane Flying
Engineering Choose One but later switched to one study course
Human Indigo and Modelling
Friends or buddy system
Future Lives as I have blogged
Marriage to True Love
Earth Matrix is Bride
7th Angel as Lord of Spirits
Angels' Friends

Monday, July 4, 2011

Good merits

Abundance of Future Lives - Just ask an animal to incarnate as a human being
Abundance of Money - Working hard to Bosses
Abunance of Religious Values - Don't abandon reading indeptly
Abundance of Friendship - Friends of like values and social status or different only as there is endless opportunity to learn from one another
Live in no war zone - don't abandon moral values; never abandon, never steal, never scorn
Learn how to be an elect, my lives are all representatives of my elect statuses
Ask society to pay for my contributions
God is Life then Future Lives of my future lives, there must be spiritual nourishment, sometimes it is suffering

Identify fallen angels in yourself and try to rectify them

If I have more than 1 lives what would I do

Buying lives:

Ask God by informing him that you want these lives for the stipulated purposes. The purpose of my buy lives blog is to study how buying lives can offer security in an usecured environment such as the dissenated world environment of unfair trading. Counttries help each other but don't demand anything in return an it is call aid. These defeats religious values and is therefore Satanic.

First, I would marry my future live and this woman shall have intelligence matching mine or in order we speak the same language. These will be proven true in our associations.

This is for the purpose of begetting progencies to support old age life quality. And this woman shall remain one of me till she dies and rebirthed herself.

The qualities of this woman are her spiritual values and must be non adulteress. Second she must get close to me out of her own initiative because she is confident and Godly. This woman can also be a brother of mine who is close or will get married so their children will support me. And for all my lives, these are basics. They function as a nuclear family.

I must have such a abundance of these lives that there is no financial resource problems. Money is freely earned and freely distributed, the only source of hardship is wanton spending as man likes to spend on luxury for himself. This has to be proven false.

I might not get married, this is only because it is sexually unnecessary. - my level
I get married because of financial security, the earlier I achieve this the better.

What constitute a happy relationship. Spending on the family, such as going out for a meal and talking to express care and concern. Explaining problems to each other so there is less conflict as there can be no problems that can't be resolved by two person working together. At any time, these lives must support each others' well being and not create conflict, as I the Living One is the one who suffers.

Education substance must therefore be high and maintain good reputation through one another as Two is Strength. Care must be taken so there is no exhaustion.

If I am a Virgin, there must be understanding for me as sexuality is a form of degeneration. Therefore I must have a brother. If all goes well, as austerity, these must be hidden from me, otherwise I must be intelligent enough to know God of Truth who is work of knowledge. Simply acknowledge that we are self sustaining and lives without potential but kinetic energy.

Therefore base on elf assessment, I assessed financial security through a bride.
I assessed spiritual strength through a non adulterous wife.
Children for financial security and accompany me to daily activities minus cruel dependency. That is that they must respect my decisions and ask with knowledge regarding expectation, they must be trained to keep a log book or journal.

In my career, these lives shall play the role of strength giving, for example, when I suffer persecution from bosses, they must explain why.