The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Working Life

My working life has brightened up my day alot since my first day as I learned the ropes of administration. Today I have been assigned a new level administration task of data entry. I am very happy that my boss, Noel trust me to do this work. I have been as meticulous as I can at my task, so I am very happy about this recognition that came into my path. I sometimes triple check my assignments and double check if there is no errors. I hope working and school life goes as smooth as now, improving on.

Now and then I can't seem to focus but overall my focus is great as I work on my tasks. I just need to take note of the minute details which I lost touch of since secondary school and poly days. I had become too rusty under my own observation. Never let your mind go unattended to for too long. Either that or I have grown fat and the fats in my brain is unhealthy. Been forgetting to take Omega 3 which the dietician recommended I take.

All my problems seem gone for now. I hope they will never return!

Good luck with your endeavours!

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