The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Story Goes

The Ebola Virus is a virus that rampages on by the savage Angel of Vengance executing vengance on the earth on those who disobeyed God's commandment to curb fornification.

Although the Ebola virus outbreak is being contained, mankind still did not turn from their wicked ways. They carried on drunkenness, practise black magic, girls are casting love spells and calling every guy their boyfriend. The Angel of Vengance's rage burns solemnly in the high mountain of Israel in Jerusalem symbolizing the end of mankind if there is no one holy enough to become chosen to save the world. Either the chosen will save the world or the world will end in horror.

Now Sammy is an adventure sports person kind of innnocent guy who attracts girls' attention now and then. On his way to the high street, he usually met with temptation but gives them a pass. He once rejected an orgy invitation. His austeries and penance is 3 hours of meditation without fail everyday. God is very please with him and is going to take him away like He did to Enoch who walks with Him.

Where Sammy lives, all of a sudden the Angel of Vengance puts a seal on his home, his home brightens up with a bright white glow symbolizing holiness and the aura of that place is one of peace. Now Samy was just worried about not surviving the virus outbreak or watching His friends die around him. In his meditation he talks to the Angel of Vengance and learnt about God. God demands 4 teens Sammy are friends with to help Sammy seal the plague symbolizing mankind reunion with God, all their sins will be forgiven like in the days of Israel as long as they repent.

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