The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Monday, August 30, 2010

Storyline: Ancient of days

Now the ancient of days were awakened from the Himalayan Caves where Jesus' disciples, when He visited India for advance yoga training (fictionally) were taught, dwelled where they hide in seclusion from the world and lived long lives afterall Jesus said not to love the world. Now the anciennt of days were giants with huge psionic brains and thick brain nerves and they heard the story of the Avenger Angel so they decide to steal His powers.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Storyline: The Alpha Team

Sammy first met Pearline in a mall when he was only 4 years old. He went to the mall with his parents to buy groceries. He was in the Spirit when he first met Pearline so was Pearline who was also 4. Now the experience was very special, like lovers in love. Sammy never forgotten Pearline till the day they met again at school which is St Anderson High School. How did Sammy and Pearline spend their days since they last bumped into each other as both were very in tuned to one another. They never lost touch of that connection.

Inspirations from Patients at IMH

Will must be strong to carry on in life when faced with a setback.
Not everybody is as fit as another.
Some stay non chalant about their life probably till the day they die.
Others bravely live on.
Some don't have a care in the world.

To live in this world we must be spiritually ready for any kind of knocks from life, the school of hard knocks. Sometimes, due to our good fortune, by no means by our own doing, we get to exuberantly excel in life. This is actually a test on the soul development of our authentic self.

The best form of life is subject to the context of God, we humble servants of his must go through numerous trials before going back to the perfected state of our Father where He showers his great love for the grand total of allness and treatment is in no way bias. This understanding is why I became a Christian, the nature of Christ and his servants through the bible inspires my soul for the merger with the divine will of God seeking to prosper, truely and without fail. Dear God, please guide us in what we must do as you have guided your servants through the ages.

I have had my blight remove, austerity added, life questions answered all from long prayers. Life is complex, everything is correlated, never question God's all righeousness to the point of terror, and frown upon all wrong doings, rebuke your brothers, don't neglect the guidance of the Spirit along the way, heeding instructions wisely.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Story Goes

The Ebola Virus is a virus that rampages on by the savage Angel of Vengance executing vengance on the earth on those who disobeyed God's commandment to curb fornification.

Although the Ebola virus outbreak is being contained, mankind still did not turn from their wicked ways. They carried on drunkenness, practise black magic, girls are casting love spells and calling every guy their boyfriend. The Angel of Vengance's rage burns solemnly in the high mountain of Israel in Jerusalem symbolizing the end of mankind if there is no one holy enough to become chosen to save the world. Either the chosen will save the world or the world will end in horror.

Now Sammy is an adventure sports person kind of innnocent guy who attracts girls' attention now and then. On his way to the high street, he usually met with temptation but gives them a pass. He once rejected an orgy invitation. His austeries and penance is 3 hours of meditation without fail everyday. God is very please with him and is going to take him away like He did to Enoch who walks with Him.

Where Sammy lives, all of a sudden the Angel of Vengance puts a seal on his home, his home brightens up with a bright white glow symbolizing holiness and the aura of that place is one of peace. Now Samy was just worried about not surviving the virus outbreak or watching His friends die around him. In his meditation he talks to the Angel of Vengance and learnt about God. God demands 4 teens Sammy are friends with to help Sammy seal the plague symbolizing mankind reunion with God, all their sins will be forgiven like in the days of Israel as long as they repent.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Praying and self advancement

Prayers is needed to change life for the better, everybody prays, some pray for hours, some follow a schedule set by their religions. Ever since my reflections on my miracle healings from s.i.r sessions, I have found time to pray all day whe free. The benefits have been manifesting in my life and i feel alive each time i pray. Pray to Yahweh through His Son Jesus, Amen so bit it to end.

Inspirations: Crown chakra (Honor the Holy Spirit), Third Eye (see Jesus, don't lust), Heart chakra (Grow stronger forever), Solar plexus (don't hate, love), Sacral (be sexually neutral)

Perfect list of Sins

over 300 sins listed in the bible


On my way home from work, yoyo
I met a pregnant woman,
so i offered her a seat
but she gave me a slap
turns out she's just fat

yoyoyo, i went to the toilet
i want to shit
but the shit was already there

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

God's commandment

He who disobeys His commandments will suffer the blight and seek to have his fortune restored but to no avail.

The following animals you are not to eat:
Follow what the bible says. Moses has laid down many laws regarding food.
Christian shouldn't eat pork as someone i work with once declared she does, I had to inform her.

Mind and its power

The brain is the body's most complex organism that controls all working aspects of us. To function healthily we need to have a sound mind. To do this, we must talk to ourselves as our brain listens to us. If we leave out space for the brain to rest from the haggardness of our life, we develop mental illness.

Wow! mm... I defined mental illness, inspirations don't come everyday. It is important to note down to remember.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Our Father the Angels
sealed a portal
victorious gentiles
unleashed a demon
corrupt the holy city
turned to waste
lords and High lord in charge of the devil kins
base on the book of corruption
surrender the holy city
Sacred Eden
Lost scroll the key to sealing the portal
Mankind giving up hope, losing God's trust

The ebola virus outbreak cause by the uncontrolled growing population of locusts is severely killing the cows counting on the grass the locusts feed on to live.
The technology instigated by the government to control the spread of the ebola outbreak is a vaccine unattainable except by the bugs that feed on the manure of the cows.
The people counting on the vaccine has no hope as well as the farmers living with the cows as the cows no longer is part of agricultural use and farming as the dead cows pile up, the landscape deadens and blighted by the diease of the dying and the carcarsses. There is no solution yet as to how to contain the ebola in the county, the vaccine has to be flown in from overseas, the costs only coverable by donations that has to pour in from outside.

Keywords upon reflection
Dilemas, hopelessness, despair, virus, calamity
God is not here today, blight represents sins in the bible that comes upon a person as he betrays his God by not obeying His words

Beat me to this by an assignment to think of more words that can be associated with this short paragraph and post here if you have had fun. Write your own short linking story with keywords like this etc that you can think of. It's fun! Have a good mental workout. Good luck!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Short song

Memory's failing
Hearts are broken
Nobody cares
Life's like that

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Working Life

My working life has brightened up my day alot since my first day as I learned the ropes of administration. Today I have been assigned a new level administration task of data entry. I am very happy that my boss, Noel trust me to do this work. I have been as meticulous as I can at my task, so I am very happy about this recognition that came into my path. I sometimes triple check my assignments and double check if there is no errors. I hope working and school life goes as smooth as now, improving on.

Now and then I can't seem to focus but overall my focus is great as I work on my tasks. I just need to take note of the minute details which I lost touch of since secondary school and poly days. I had become too rusty under my own observation. Never let your mind go unattended to for too long. Either that or I have grown fat and the fats in my brain is unhealthy. Been forgetting to take Omega 3 which the dietician recommended I take.

All my problems seem gone for now. I hope they will never return!

Good luck with your endeavours!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Writing a book

I decide to write a story on my blog if I am free, I might lose interest any day. I got a good feel of writing strength so I want to write

So here goes the template for writing:

Character's thoughts and feelings
What will these thoughts and feelings trigger
What triggered these thoughts and feelings
Is there a lover whereby the book will incoporate romance
Or is it a mystery thriller with suspense as to who did a crime
Give reader minds' room to expand
What led to what
Is the character a curious person with an inquisitive mind
What science is involve, is the science of romance involve?
What strategies is being taught, and to the reader
What background is involve? Religious, education level
How strong is the observation skill of the reader that this appeals to
What mistakes will a character make

How to blog

Hmm...Interesting topic that cross my mind, what exactly is missing in my blog:

Thoughts and feelings

The issues of adolescent is a very depressing problem, not just to the reader but to the parents and friends and relatives of these girls. Nobody cares for them, nobody loves them the way that seems right to them which is consumerism and popularity over focusing on what's important; true love, friendship and famialial connections.

Who is involved?
What happened?
How it happened?
When it happened?
Why did it happen?
What are the pros and cons?

This leads to my report:

Levels of involvement

The adolescent girls woes form a side by side relationship with the high divorce rate such correlations cannot be discounted or denied.

Type of involvement

The adolescent girls issue is part of the problems that plague society and is a societal issue.

What is relevant

Education before marriage is critical as today's education curriculum does not involvement marital psychology and talking to each other properly leading to demon dialogues. Bad influences also are hurting adolescent girls pride and bringing them closer to what we see as vices. Close couple relationships requires mutual respect to maintain and only by working together can couple solve this adolescent issue by setting a close example and a strong family bond to keep girls on the good side and staying strong.

Principles of involvement

To tackle the issue of adolescent girls we must not ignore the arrogant groping of girls by boys and issue such as oral sex on a bus. Media influence of hots bods as sex objects must also not be ignored as these are principles causes of men straying and preying on young girls not just sexually but harrassing unpopular overweight girls.

Hopes this help you blogging.

Bring up an example if you need. Have fun blogging.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Donate and Click

God will destroy those who destroy the earth.
Jesus promises 100 times more.
The woman who gave more than others is the one who gave with her heart and her poverty.
Become spiritually rich with these little efforts everyday.

Gifts come with prosecutions, so watch out!