The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Miraculous Brain and Karma Clearing

I found out i have some brain programmings by myself. Here is what i have learnt, they are mental programming tips suppose it works:

reminiscing, reflect, consider
don't do it all the time, i was stuck doing this all the time without realising it at least have that awareness, and save yoursef the stress

Have a strong purpose to/before doing anything

don't give myself to an experiment

don't program myself without sufficient safety precautions

future consequences might come

something can become obvious

Analogy, use something not disturbing but relevantall in all, don't forget what i am doing. write down, remember somewhere. chemtrails can kill the brain and cause anti time conflict.

Have a strong purpose to/before doing anything - God is purpose, purpose has a beginning or end something before idea has none. God is the doer and the doee instead

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