The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What is Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia in my schizophrenic research day was defined in the dictionary as a serious debilitating disease. It shocked me into wondering about how I was going to live the rest of my life. When my world first collapsed around me as the portal of hells delivered his first entity to my perception I was only 14 years old. I have no idea that I was to be ostracized by the working community for the rest of my life as I non-chalantly went to my first psychiatric treatment. If I had known I would have taken better care of myself and prevented any issues in my life from cropping up and affecting me, I believe that I could have taken better care of my mental health with right food instead of canteen diets, eating with my friends who were also my classmates.

My classmates were informed of my conditions and they responded with concerns. They never ostracize me or left me out of their games. I was ignorant as them regarding my employment chances. In my medicating life, I had a wretched experience of life as to leave school due to side effects of medication, sulphide and lost contact with them due to feeling that they will harm me subconsciously. Now that I think of it, life is full of regrets. My side effects that i experienced were need for isolation and fear of people and that they were out to harm me. My research showed shrinkage of the brain and was also inform that I had time to repair my brain by a psychiatrist so I had to eat well as the brain only stops growing at 21. But I ate so well that my weight grew from 52.5 kg to 84.5 kg due to medication risperidone and injection zuclopenthoxiol, inevitable common side effects. Now I have to stabilize my high cholesterol with medication and omega 3 fish oil as well. 4 months ago before my Occupation Therapy training, while still on risperidone, I had to sleep 12 hours a day and still remain fog-brained, another side effect.

My goals now is to return to school or reintegrate back to society with employment so that I will have the money and the energy to study in future as my well being is back on the up-swing. I hope this is still possible and I will make new friends that will care about me as much as my previous friends did.

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