The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Karma‏ Clearing and Schizophrenia

I took initations and wrote these.

School rejected me this year, but i trust God daily and took initiations and became Humanised. I still remember the initiation I took and can initiate others through karma balancing. I couldn't find a job for 2 years now due to schizophrenia. Few years back I experienced alot of brain shrinkage symptoms like over frequent painful migraines and other psychotics symptoms, through my desparation I found a karma healer who healed me and I recovered well. Since I stopped my sessions with the therapist, I gained weight from 52.5 kg to 84.5 kg from risperidone and zuclopenthixol side effects such as increased appetite, low metabolism and muscle loss. So I started Karma learning blog aside my job experience blog to assist my website for karma healing in future to help others since I bought the business, there's a savior complex in me.

Karma Balancing, Human Evolution at a microscope, an important evolutionary leap forward for mankind. No harm reading my website of the future.

Permission Karma Advancement

What happens if you do something without permission? You have to suffer the consequences of it in your lifepath. If not for God's laws, there would be no peace. What happens in your life if you have too much karmic baggages, you cannot move forward and you suffer repercussions of your actions and inactions and remissions of sins, as written in the bible is blocked. You eat meat and part of their bad karmas is passed on to you and their good karma gets stuck on you and cannot go back so life punishes you and you don't know why.

How do I know if what i am referring to is true, experience our karma advancement whereby I do karma learning, karma clearing, healing, advancement through the Mind, Heart, Spirit, Soul, Breath, Light of God. You will feel lighter and life stops bothering you for a while. Your entire being radiates with the wisdom of God. This I promise you and money back garantee if it doesn't manifest for you. Explore the reasons for your karmic woes if any and sincerely reconcile with God and you will also feel your suffering lightens and life baggages reduce and you get filled with light like I did on a 40 minute journey home in my father's car. Effects are garanteed. We do your karma life advancement for you within 3 days of receiving your payment. Follow-up once every two week to get your life lessons learned in your beingness to its totality.

New karma are granted once old ones are clear to learn from. Where do i get my powers from: Jesus, Holy Spirit, God. Works on you starts once I get the go ahead from you.We have to work with blocks from people so results might take 3 days to confirm or more. Arrange a waking time and we will do the healing for you so you can experience firsthand or up to you. There is alot of work and you get your money worth of healing and learning and you get to keep your soul advancement with you throughout your soul journey. This is quite an excitement so to speak. Your soul no longer needs to experience the tired old routine over and over.

Block is someone wants you to understand something about yourself or your life, there might be any form of block as i work on you but God is unlimited.

Cure the commotion of life.

Ps: You only work with the amount of karma you can handle every day.

Karma I work with
Qualitative reading karma:

When two or more gather in my name, I am there among them - something done
Reward keep somewhere with you -implies purpose
Brain damage exist - fact
It is written God is good only - done, fact
All is Good. Conferred Good because it is true.
While this is still fresh to me is a good act.
safe, sister, sister is safe, life is good.
God revealed guiding principles
Innoncence at a place such as character, a recipient one becomes an Angel
All there is Power, All is noun, there is fact so conferred Power
Good - kingdom of heaven and links with revelation
Provided for your thinking needs is factual.

Guiding principle
drink water, need hydration - because
something loss [blocked ony] to memory
Power of faith, will can confer faith to remember
listen carefully, great will be your reward in heaven, form the right correlation in that fact confers power correctly which is a principle act which is referring to the act of forming
Intend and faith, send something to an authority, base on/with a guiding principle is Good. Character of a person here can be seen and is a power, Character is a power. Your character is your power and is derived with guiding principles.
Explain, uproot, cover what one can hear and understand is Good and comes from the above principle of derivation
Stating stand is therefore good as well. Important to know.
Addiction, intrigue will lead to downfall while is revelation from the bible, pages forgotten
It is written is understanding. It is understanding is good and also revelation due to intend to know and faith that you will understand.
Understanding an involvement undetermine due to arrogances which gives room to quarrels because of known and unknowns, revealed and unrevealed
Innoncence - settle your quarrels before you offer your gifts at the altar, possibilities arises from the revealed and unrevealed to you. Reasons for innoncence is credit given.
Bible, it is written spoken by Jesus, Lord (bible - revealed, Jesus is Lord)
Jesus the Christ is also a brother, God is/as decon is Good, revelation and something obvious
It is obvious that Jesus is Christ because he promises many times more in a Gospel, and up to 100 as accounted by an apostle i will get back on who later
Sinner, don't stand in sinner's way is an unseen - unknowns, infinite possibilities of an unseen
Good sharing is a lord of lords, king of kings characteristics as sharing is thus holy

God is harbringer is good and brings faith and fear. Fear of God is good.

Exist with you guided by higher self member is revealed as Good base on guiding principle and Good is God, purpose is God purpose is to exist with you is therefore Good
You have no shame. Conferred Nothing, correlations-possible correlation is an error consciousness
find someone doing something oneself
are conferred facts by the relevant guiding principles, the right effort, right guiding principles, all righteousness, have the right purpose is good
I know as well - revelation, somebody knows something base on a guiding principle of do or don't know something
many possibilities can be used to escape a quarrel

savior ousted (not Jesus) can be viewed by me as a consequence as facts are false

who will keep then

trust is needed, to use or be trusted is the purpose revealed - God triumps in guiding principles, God is pupose, purpose triumps
find God, find purpose with analogies for purposes, have your sins come out into the open, remission of sins is the purpose or reflection

time of completion/fulfillment/accomplishment is personal commitment and is a revelation

Party constitutes involvement and unrevealed is an outbreak possibility of public nuisances

God (pupose)

kingdom of heaven is a thought process of making decisions therefore can be a kingdom of heaven dilemma.
Don't take credit is reasoning, not misguided reasoning is a check of facts of what true is
Level of mastery is a measure

guidelines are guiding principles base on something
revealed or proven true

have a purpose then guidelines to achieve the purpose

Implants don't work, blocks exist, God is good only is a fact therefore something can be trustworthy or not and can have a measure called degree of trueness

remember to thank my teachers - purpose must be found for properness of thanking

Heart is true and with completion (can be) derived the Knowledge is God is good only, and purpose is God, no beginning or no endness therefore God can/must be a purpose is a language only of society, religion, guidelines, guiding principles as more and more expansive knowledge

do or don't up to me, forgotten is it with how many known and unknown
Trust, information, must or must not thus comes
2nd death can come to one and is also a revelation

setback is something, hope is better future of an outcome or consequences

Leads to personal consideration, level of seriousness is a factor, type of purpose can be proposal, type of proposal can be marriage
which are true, someone else is there in a marriage can also be true
Worry comes from a possibility that can be a consequence
is a fact felt by a man, outcome is the man is worried

identity given by sources Jesus Christ taught me these is a revelation then

another relevation is these are karmically downloaded into me by John the Baptist

has to be revealed now
Trueness finds a revealed and unrevealed sources and derives what can come about, infers from
Jesus Christ is only Begotten Son of God, is revealed to me as well

Paying 2 denius despite a shorter working hour and longer working hour workers. The kingdom of heaven is like that.
Why pay the same wages to them.

Spiritual money, life pays them back. Why? God is good only.
Payment by other means through God's infiniteness, unfairness lack of awareness of flaws in the payment system that other workers are involved and will be paid more is hidden to the workers if they hadn't had a full term of agreement, it also implies that one must check. John wrote there will be a rider, a quart of wheat for a day's wages.

There is spiritual debt and morever there is a clue in the fasting parable that one will be paid in full and you will meet with punishment if you don't reconcile in full.

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