The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Obedience is Blessedness

Remember 2 weeks ago I mention that the six month curse/blessing has been in effect since Spirit's revelation? Now the curse/plague has come in full strength. I kept praying in hope of answers so there shall be no difference if I were to take a break or not. So what happened now is that my work stamina has been spiritually and karmically reduced and memory has been cursed. After I made the final decision to take a six month break, a plague lifted off me. So finally a curse has been lifted and the answer is clear, strengthen my Spirit in these six months time and listen to Spirit and God will bless me. If you had objected to my decision, let it be made clear to you. Good luck!

4 Specific Tests From the Bible
1. The Obedience Test
The first test I will show you, and this one was very severe, is what I call the obedience test. This specific test was given to Abraham way back in the beginning of the Bible in the Book of Genesis.

Most of you have heard of this test. God asked Abraham to put his son Isaac on an altar and and then asked him to take a knife and kill his own son. As we all know, Abraham went as far as to actually tie his son down to the altar and had the knife in his hand ready to strike down on him to take his life, when all of a sudden God sends an angel down in the nick of time to stop him.

How many of us could actually pass such an extreme test today, especially in the type of world we now live in where you would be immediately prosecuted if you even tried to do such a thing. I personally do not think God would ever do this type of test in our current day and age due to the extreme dangers of it.

But the point to get is that God may actually arrange for a test to occur to test your actual allegiance and obedience to Him.

Another thing Noel knows, since i forgot my injection in October, the side effects of the medication has not occur but since I did its evil is back. My prayer is proof.


RJ said...

hello we have the same "research" class on mon, wed and friday..I took a look at ur blog and was awed and intimidated by the colourful vocabulary.May I suggest that you become an author in future?

Ben said...

Hi Rajes,

I have been meaning to write and would consider being an author if I have the stamina to write. Books are complicated enough to read what more write.

I have problems with the character's speech part as i feel all speeches are cliche, this big handicap has cost me.

Q-S said...

No problems Benny. My edited articles on the Sports section of The New Paper appeared many times. Just submit your entries to The Straits Times or The New Paper when they ask for readers' views. Don't give up if they don't publish your entries the first few times you submit. Who knows one of these days your name may just appear on a newspaper. And when they enter your name on Google, they may see your articles online too. This will be a major stepping stone to being an author.