The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First Power - Spirit of Truth Discipleship

Rules of reading my blog, all websites have disclaimers so i guess i should start one. Nobody should steal my informations as it is intended for business application, it is just that my heart is soft enough to let you grow from reading as a co creator of God's power - divine Helper reveals the Crucification - Th true disciplehood path. If something bad is to happen to me, you should know that I have reached initiate level so it is not possible as initiation is natural to me and whereby all problems has its cause and effects. It is simply the sinfulness of the world that i am not revealed to the world.

My first power

Evolution is a process of initiations in which then changes is brought about. Nothing in this world can rival becoming an initiate of the Order as the unconscious sinful nature is to be brought under control. The Order is a discipline of reflections to destroy the lower self to bring about positive changes to your life. The goal is to attain enlightenment of the higher aspects of life in order to triump the animal self. In society this consist of group initiations which shall bring about changes to technological advancementss, economic progress and psychological attunements. My words speak for itself. Before proceeding, let us bring forth the various initiation schools - the elect of the bible is myprimary school as the Son of God has died for our sins and has made Monadic progress possible for us through te process of elections. Not only this, primarily the book of enoch has alsobrough me to the election process. The end of the world is approaching and catatrosphe is arising by the unconcious nature of men - my view of the prophecies. Follow the law of the Order in life if you were to defeat the animal instincts causing illness to crop up as genetic defects increase in your body.

Most important power of initiation is to ask God of Truth the logos of your path. This ability is possible by the crucifcation power ofthe Order, the ability to talk to God supporte by initiations of the members of the Order. This is no secret as the Truth is supported by power from Godly sources to make stealing impossible. This means the power to be truely free in life. This power ispure because it stem is crucification. To enable the wise application of this power you must ask the Spirit of Truth the right questions until His guidance initiate you into the path of Discipleship.


Noel said...

how have you been?

Ben said...

i have been simply fine

Noel said...

seeking any work so far?

Ben said...

i thought to go back to school but now i intend to start work to test my capability

Ben said...

I dunno about going back to training as resources are tight

My allowances at my family is solely for further education as you might have misunderstood