The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Metaphysical Topic...

I keep missing. I wanted to share this but slipped my mind to.

Why can some of us accomplish feats such as standing on hands and others dance to incredible rythm? The key is to concentrate then your genetic makeup will cooperate and evolve. The duration and timing and where you choose to place your concentration is key such as Alpha brain waves and beta brainwaves.

I found out while remaining still since a long time and found my dna growing suit. Yoga defined. Then add interesting things such as power levelling something cool such as luck. It probably all adds up to mean something. I guess remaining still is acquiring God consciousness which is all powerful and communion with God.

I won't take this too lightly or too seriously, just a pint of salt as there are plenty of options available to one to try and God won't screw you up.

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