The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Three Angels

Three Angels were once brothers
They chance upon each other betrayal and thought no further
Two were after the same girl and one hit the other
Their state were no better
They could only think of life without their partners
Where they don't depend on one another
One afternoon they seek to heat up the crater
Where enemies sought no recover
Sounds they heard irritate them over and over
Nobody loves them like they once had been friendlier
So they sought to resolute their dispute quicker
But consulted non other
The Devil in disguise who is their Savior
They left with a state no gooder
Feeling less heartier
All decide they weren't meant to be friends forever
Until one day life got worser
Then heaven gates open to reconcil them together

Justin Bieber and Music

Dna activation is very common in he internet, it usually consists of listening to something. After listening to Justin Bieber I felt much more refresh and the creative genius in me has awakened to higher consciousness. Relax and enjoy your day and allow your dna to activate as you enjoy your moment.

I decide to buy a dna activation cd from the internet so as to have my mood enhance since medication is persecuting my consciousness which is the injection i take.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Metaphysical Topic...

I keep missing. I wanted to share this but slipped my mind to.

Why can some of us accomplish feats such as standing on hands and others dance to incredible rythm? The key is to concentrate then your genetic makeup will cooperate and evolve. The duration and timing and where you choose to place your concentration is key such as Alpha brain waves and beta brainwaves.

I found out while remaining still since a long time and found my dna growing suit. Yoga defined. Then add interesting things such as power levelling something cool such as luck. It probably all adds up to mean something. I guess remaining still is acquiring God consciousness which is all powerful and communion with God.

I won't take this too lightly or too seriously, just a pint of salt as there are plenty of options available to one to try and God won't screw you up.

Book Review

So what have I been reading at home? Since I am into Heaven and Hell (due to vivid dreaming these genre), Yes, the topic has been Angels. I decided not to name the book as it signifies very little. The book revolves around the life of a Chosen One Nephilim who is also the Son of Lucifer, how paradoxical. The hero who is to acquire the Edict of Forgiveness from God is fraught with the interference from Power class Angels. In the end, the neutral personality Lucifer is the only one not forgiven. This means alot as no matter what you do some things just cannot be forgiven such as blasemphy against the Spirit such as the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit. Spirit therefore should means Power, power to prevent sinning and the truth to reclaim one's life again through sincere repentance and rebuilding your relation with Spirit.

Before as the Avian Flu outbreak I thought the world was going to end so I thought to stay at home and wait it happen before Jesus comes and rescue me, silly me. Some facts just cannot be denied and these facts shall be my secrets. Does it dissapoint me that it doesn't end there and then as I wait in my apartment? Probably not as I don't have the resources to save myself from rising sea levels. There is no denying its validity. The world has more diasters as the end time approaches such as time shift. Some aspects of life are just miracles. Those who don't care about the rapture just need to worry about its brimestones.

Don't believe every nonchalant blabber you hear, most of us are just kidding, who hasn't experience heaps of hot coals on your head now and then. Some of us can't accept and chose second death and that should be all, there couldn't possibly be sanity in living in choosing waters of fire that burns away life, it is probably an accident base on choices we make and don't make.

Now for those who criticise or judge me for staying at home, they have repentance to do for I have been balancing myself with the Holy Spirit these times except times where I competely forgot. Having my IMH records cleaned up is part of my balancing prayers as my muscles recover from the punishment of bad blabbering mostly by accidentally finding things to say as the endless barrage of stress to heal from my sessions with the doctor. Now I have more confident as I think through while writing as the dotor's assessment should be more profound to consider why I think these thoughts such as my alien interest. This should come across as common beliefs found in the internet, what a relief.

Blog update

Now many of you may think tht I am into metaphysics but I am not, it is just a topic of interest in my life where there is most interesting science.

I contemplated on science with a fresh outlook and discovered some interesting facts:
Speed is energy as
Gravity is energy
Speed and Gravity are like Time
Maybe the existence of Speed and Gravity created Time
along with Fire which is raw energy

Haha very scientific thinking as I was about to fall asleep, this comes with the realisation of the law of attraction where your efforts at believing and actions to affirm that belief sets off in motion the energy to manifest with increasing speed into your life. Should all these lead to further revelation of the working of the universe such as the chaos theory. You won't find these secrets revealed elsewhere I am sure, I might be first at unveiling this mysterious links.

Interesting Question I will probe into, maybe with external help:
Does extreme speed create the univerese? what must be involve in the creational process
Theory of going back in time involve speed which has a direction, so it couldn't have been possible to go back in time unless it is a parallel universe

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Schizophrenia Class Suffering

In today's world, with all sort of harmful environmental issues, people are conscientious about all sorts of things and they try to help each other out. Doctors are busy researching viruses, companies are coming up with nifty new gadgets. How I wish to be born into a rich family with powerful gene pool to play a part in all these excitement. Without schizophrenia class suffering I wouldn't be as blessed with all the time I have to contemplate on life. Hopefully I wouldn't have spent my time looking at girls if not for schizo, which is an abuse to nature, overloading hormones class genes into suffering.

Now I haven't blog for a while as my computer desktop buzzed with a violent sound and failed to display any messages. To add to the list of woes, the modem has no signal, that's all I have to blog as the router keeps losing signal.