The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Sunday, September 26, 2010


My flu lasted 5 days and due to medication I have slept these 5 days due to the medication side effects and the medication has drained me of my energy. I hope I won't suffer potential long term side effects like a lump of fat stuck to my face for years before I go on a detox regime. This is the reason why people get fat, all the chemicals from animals injected for agricultural purposes and medicines. Some go to the extent of consuming exotic animals for curing these ills. What is the purpose of tiger genetics in your penis if you are not attracted to female tigers? Simply don't break laws for these extent of self medication, you can functon perfectly in those proven diets and regimes that doctor recommend. Nothing beats standard exercise and fruits and vegetables, other practices, all doctors in singapore will reject.


Q-S said...

I notice you drink one big bottle of milk everytime you go to the library. Have you tried Dutch Lady Honeydew milk? It's green in colour and nice taste.

Noel said...

yup I agree with you on exercises, fruits, and veges; there is no short cuts to good health :)

Ben said...

Thanks Syahrein, i will see if i can find the product you recommended. The normal milk tastes like oil.