The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Traditions of the Chinese are very queer. They like to do eccentric things that are unchristian and illogical. I hope this doesn't offend you as I am a Chinese. Some of them include ancesterial worship like during qing ming. Then there are deities they elevate to God status and standing and they eat just about any animal. These deities will go on to become the rulers of their life and will dictate their behaviors and lifestyle. Who knows what they invest in them that rightly belongs to the True God. Actually it is not just the Chinese but also the Japanese who does this.

Some people believe in the neccesity of meditation to boost their standing with these Gods. But who in their right mind would worship an idol, that is powerless and brought forth by another man's fascination in the heart. This is very weird.

Paper money symbolizes the aacknowledgement of Hell, everybody hopes not to fall into hell in every religion some people believe that hell is on earth so we must not sin. We must be worshipful and watch our mannerism with people. This is ok but burning paper money and polluting the environment is not. These people should be taxed. Don't expect taxpayers to hire cleaners after the act.

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