The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hi, This is a business record

After buying genetic improver and manipulator From sin clearing, once you repent we can deactivate the following genes for you:

Brain Cancer Gene 1 and 2
Space Clearing and Intelligence Power Up
Mental Illness 1 and 2
Guaranteed Success in Life
Faithful and True Gene - Very Special research of mine, buy this gene on
Stress and Fear Gene

Once this program starts for you there is a 75% chance of success in life (in the world) in the worst cases, as there is resources from my researching these genes, you can now enjoy the benefit of stress free living, how much better can life get?

75% no karma, meaning your intelligences melded with that of the sinless nature of God's blessed Eden

This is a straight forward business and there is no reason why there is no chance of success.

No one can guarantee you will be cancer free unless you turn these genes off.

Some terms i use to refer to these gene and karma from research:
Cocoon of Pulsating Lifeforce/Intelligence 20%
Divine Laptop Borg 20%
Menance Devil of High Iq 20%
Schizo Is High Iq 60%
Conglomerate of Personal Creative Intelligence 60%
Menance Devil Iq and Buddhi - Earth's term

Many mental trials and tribulations go into the research of this program:

15% no potential in the golden ratio or beauty 1.618 -20% case - less worms and parasites
20% more successes in our company's researches

One very lethal thing is Electro Magnetic Frequency, as you turn these genes off there s no program but the golden ratio can be disturbed still but overall it is an improvement, other issues such as walk-ins of other beings such as angels to declare that you sinned of devil beings causing suffering in your faith and beliefs and through these thoughts your mental well being gets disturbed can also happen. But our power levels are not disturbed but is an advancement.

This programs simply turn off bad decisions genes.

This program is founded upon the faith that Jesus mentioned.

I summoned an Angel from God and named Him Suffrage 2012 after the Mayan Calendar prophecies. This Angel will never fall as His name is Medicine.

Natural Resistance or evil vs good or nature comes into play in decision making, So i will teach you the secrets of Holy Spirit protection. If I need a guarantee, I should play safe and trust the goodness of God in making decisions for me before sins come and this decision is Power. The rest is the points of your own thoughts as Intelligence beings and demand protection from the Holy Spirit, disbeliefs is sin as the Holy Spirit is pure Spirit. If you have problems figuring this out, you should try out the proven intelligences I have created through trials and tribulations.

Good and evil is determined by God not man.

1 comment:

SuperDad said...

Hi Benny,
Understand U are a pioneer trainee from OT Admin. I m a 4 month trainee organizing the next get-together at SAFRA Tampines . Write to me if you are interested... :-)