The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Monday, November 21, 2011

Just Increasing Your Iq

This is for a course that i am going to establish maybe in a future lifetime.

Through austerity and power levelling inteligence I have came up with passive powers and transformed into 1 of the 8 billion Yahwehs ruling the world that we exist in.

From a dream God gave me a realms filled with planets and that realm is a universe of planets which will meld with the universe we now live in by spiritual power. This spiritual power has to be acquired from long suffering or austerity which increases goodness level causing energies or beings to serve you.

In this realm I, Spirit, owns 30 out of 1,000 of God's planets, the other planets consist of sexual beings. Sexuality has to be overcome by intelligence and intelligence comes from suffering.

In another dream, Spirit of Truth informs there is no karma, that this dream is a dream where i can travel to for austerity through quality of its protein. My goal is to meld these dreams in power. Goodness for another dream which is the gift of Hoy Spirit dream where Holy Spirit fed me in a ship - mine. I shall travel to realms in this ship.

The main purpose of these planets is to achieve balance in life through power of a new creation of Yahweh where it is guaranteed we live in heaven of no potentials. 144,000 chosen ones of mine some lords, some ladies of another dream which will be mine to acquire its potential and 24 elders or 24 of 8 billion Yahwehs will be chosen in a future lifetime. Spirit of Truth is the typer as Power.
I got the Status Quo of Spirit in a dream where I got married, where I said Spirit and the bride says come! when i was young I dreamt i was Faithful and True. Partner is anonymous and has no potential of knowledge in me probably due to gender factors.

Man made matrixes for participants of this course, which will be given due consideration into entrance into the new planets maybe made into lords and ladies. If you don't succeed and karma expires, the theory is that this powers should be reduced or confiscated as you karmically withdraw from the course.

In heaven, Angels will live with God, in the subverse planets beyond the 1,000 planets there is no guarantee of partaking of God's powers as solidly as the 1,000 planets which are being build by my spiritual overseer powers.

I know all this because in power level I was also Yahweh in a dream. Guarantee not lying in Holy Spirit's bosom.

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