The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Monday, October 24, 2011

Angel Story Continues, Sammy's Angel-Hood

Point to ponder

A glass of water is often overlooked as the life giving force of the universe. No beings has yet to strive in a planet without water or moisture. Same principle in life that we have to have nourishment to survive. One element is the source of the other.

Water reflects the energies of the room, blood reflects the goodness of our heart.

Angel Story Continues

A glass of water splashed across Sammy's face and he woked into the no hold bars Angel Battlezone, Sammy is a Chosen One not an Angel so to Jehovah He is not allowed there to witness Angels fight. But Sammy has been practising austerity so for a moment He could be any being he wants within limits of power of God's most uprightness of Judgment. Angel battles are sacred, they represent an Aspect of God most High's desires and helps Him balance decision as an interest only though in the long journey of Life otherwise known as resources of the 3rd dimensions.

The Battle begins with an interest, Angels' interest are sacred to them and is a no-holds bar. They are solid units of beings as an elect, learned goodness as a Chosen One, served General-hood or rulership when the Earth or other planetary realms are in danger then became Angels before standing and serving God wholeheartedly as Spirits through proven actions as Angels.

Before the battle breaks out Jehovah promoted Sammy to the role of Angel although fresh young wings are eager to take flight into the region of particiption, He cannot as he is inexperienced with His new strength. Jehovah at this moment has no words for Him but He has absolute control of the realms.

Before the battle breaks out, He descended from the realms of angels and was restored to His bed. He wonders what it means to be an Angel. All the fun in the world would have popped into His young adolescent mind if not for the heavy duty mission of restoring the world from the beastial mind numbing curses of the Beast. Jesus assignment is separate from Sammy's, Sammy's is to convince the world from sins and to save the world from its grip but Jesus assignment is to kill the beast and its fallen beings with an army. The fallen beings are scattered all over the world and their powers are without a measure, it is as heavy and as powerful as the world's sin.

The One to kill the beast has to be Sammy while the Ancient is to be locked up by Jesus into their deported realm in heaven where they shall be confined by laws of hardship into repentance.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Now as I was reading the Book of Enoch, this dawned on me. Prayers must be updated as intelligence level grew, logically speaking, this can only be proven true, meaning then there will be more to learn.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Relentless Writing

There is nothing more for me to write unless i am paid as I have achieved an elect status through experience from blogging.

Read the Book of Enoch about elects and the last days and what sins unmentioned in the new testament there are. Off to read!

Below is the story's beginning.

The executor of God's wrath has seen the worse in men as he witness the sadisticness of human nature in his life long before he came to the earth for this assignments. The other angels fear that he might be too compassionate and lengthen the earth's people inevitable hardship to come as he might set on testing Mankind torturing their sanity which is also sanctity. The execution is about to come and as the day draws near, the Avenger's power will peak before its climate to unlease the full wrath of God on Mankind. The ancients were aware and unleased a viral plant genetic into the atmosphere to twart the Avenger's power and the lesser angels in an attempt to steal their power. God knows this and this is the perfect opportunity to test the angels and how their loyalty will save them so he set his greatest hope for mankind his Son to the earth to overcome the ancients. For only God's Son will have simpathy for the ancients for their old age in spirits. His Son is a savior for both the sinners and angels - the paradoxy of his assignments.

The avenger is in the form of a man and has came to execute vengance on the island of Okinawa, a metropolis in Japan. Many lesser angels came to greet the avenger as he landed on a plane to Okinawa. It is God's instruction that he is to land there from his plane flights journey. It is on the guise of work assignments that he lands there. He was born an orphan in the district of the English channel near the lake of Iowa in United States of Ameria. The lesser angels are the guardian angels of Okinawa and agents of God in the city. They received divine instructions from the prophetical angel residing in the west gate of heaven as gatekeeper who executed this prophecy to separate the sheeps and goats from the wolves for the Son of God, Jesus who was crucified for mankind's sins.

The Ebola Virus is a virus that rampages on by the savage Angel of Vengance executing vengance on the earth on those who disobeyed God's commandment to curb fornification.

Although the Ebola virus outbreak is being contained, mankind still did not turn from their wicked ways. They carried on drunkenness, practise black magic, girls are casting love spells and calling every guy their boyfriend. The Angel of Vengance's rage burns solemnly in the high mountain of Israel in Jerusalem symbolizing the end of mankind if there is no one holy enough to become chosen to save the world. Either the chosen will save the world or the world will end in horror.

Now Sammy is an adventure sports person kind of innnocent guy who attracts girls' attention now and then. On his way to the high street, he usually met with temptation but gives them a pass. He once rejected an orgy invitation. His austeries and penance is 3 hours of meditation without fail everyday. God is very please with him and is going to take him away like He did to Enoch who walks with Him.

Where Sammy lives, all of a sudden the Angel of Vengance puts a seal on his home, his home brightens up with a bright white glow symbolizing holiness and the aura of that place is one of peace. Now Samy was just worried about not surviving the virus outbreak or watching His friends die around him. In his meditation he talks to the Angel of Vengance and learnt about God. God demands 4 teens Sammy are friends with to help Sammy seal the plague symbolizing mankind reunion with God, all their sins will be forgiven like in the days of Israel as long as they repent.

Sammy first met Pearline in a mall when he was only 4 years old. He went to the mall with his parents to buy groceries. He was in the Spirit when he first met Pearline so was Pearline who was also 4. Now the experience was very special, like lovers in love. Sammy never forgotten Pearline till the day they met again at school which is St Anderson High School. How did Sammy and Pearline spend their days since they last bumped into each other as both were very in tuned to one another. They never lost touch of that connection.

Now the ancient of days were awakened from the Himalayan Caves where Jesus' disciples, when He visited India for advance yoga training (fictionally) were taught, dwelled where they hide in seclusion from the world and lived long lives afterall Jesus said not to love the world. Now the anciennt of days were giants with huge psionic brains and thick brain nerves and they heard the story of the Avenger Angel so they decide to steal His powers.

Our Father the Angels
sealed a portal
victorious gentiles
unleashed a demon
corrupt the holy city
turned to waste
lords and High lord in charge of the devil kins
base on the book of corruption
surrender the holy city
Sacred Eden
Lost scroll the key to sealing the portal
Mankind giving up hope, losing God's trust

The ebola virus outbreak cause by the uncontrolled growing population of locusts is severely killing the cows counting on the grass the locusts feed on to live.
The technology instigated by the government to control the spread of the ebola outbreak is a vaccine unattainable except by the bugs that feed on the manure of the cows.
The people counting on the vaccine has no hope as well as the farmers living with the cows as the cows no longer is part of agricultural use and farming as the dead cows pile up, the landscape deadens and blighted by the diease of the dying and the carcarsses. There is no solution yet as to how to contain the ebola in the county, the vaccine has to be flown in from overseas, the costs only coverable by donations that has to pour in from outside.

Keywords upon reflection
Dilemas, hopelessness, despair, virus, calamity
God is not here today, blight represents sins in the bible that comes upon a person as he betrays his God by not obeying His words

Beat me to this by an assignment to think of more words that can be associated with this short paragraph and post here if you have had fun. Write your own short linking story with keywords like this etc that you can think of. It's fun! Have a good mental workout. Good luck!

Basic of a Sadhu

I have basic powers I want from God, this is credited to my standard levels as rewards of austerities. If you want rewards from my blog, you have to be an alliance of good faith not negative ego which drags down.

I wrote a no correlations course through meticulous thinking, this should help me power lavels as my mental component is just a prayer away and needs to be activated. Actions such as this will motivate one to advance even further once the bad vibes of ego clears.

If you have a guru, listen to your guru, if you don't have a guru, let God guide you to a Guru through Pure Faith and Austerity. Most often the requirement is beyond what is assumed due to past lives.

The New Genesis of Creation

Karma Lords grew angry with the earth and sent forth demonic energies that spawned fallen beings from the earth and people grew wary of life and they sought to escape the inevitable catastrophe.

Arose an Angel who altered his genes and dna to save mankind throught stand alone faith. Shocked by these changes Jehovah enlisted the Angel as Mankind's only hope of achieving salvation. Out of this Angel a dna called chains spurned into him to lock up fallen beings. He keeps power levelling his suffering into great Godly Status Beings to grant karma to restore the world. This is to rectify the ego conciousness of mankind living on the earth.

Thus the non intervening Jehovah eased into luxurious austerity to keep His Power properly balanced over the evils of the created universe. Only one question was on his mind, will this Angel succumb to the lower dimensional energies of the Karma Lord and fallen beings and fall a great descend into the pits of evil that constantly arise from the earth.

This Angel is non other than the Angel of Vengance. The story will now revert back to Sammy. Genetic Alteration is happening to an animal fed and groomed by the Ancients, We shall call it the Holy Beast its number 666, a rhyme of numerological understanding from the number 999 the Holy Combinations of Creator God. Divine light spread through the bunkers of the ancients as the Beast bourned forth spikes to Lord over lesser creatures in its light. This light is divine because it is pure power levels.

Forth from the ancients, one stepped forth to rule the beast and is sent to harm the world through radiative effects to lure the Avenger out with relentless fighting. The ancients aspired to become Godlike but has evil roots therefore they have not managed to contact Heaven for ascension.

Witnessing the emergence of this great Beast from Heaven, Jesus went forth to prepare an army.

Inaccurate facts

About sending demons to hell, it is not a question of whether it is right or wrong, chickens don't live beyond 2 months and they (Triglycerides) are neither good nor evil just pure evil, my rewarders from faith and prayers to Spirit has yield a returned of being sinless forever in actions, deeds and thoughts meaning no karma. This is through repenting even for past lives through understanding.

I had faith to lose fats even months before and my fitness levels has been improving since, this is in line with learning how to live, even through the most difficult circumstances to learn from - prayer.

Good Merits

Abaddon is an angelic being who will bound Satan in the Last Days for a thousand years before (H)he is released to test mankind after the thousand years has ended. Clues to these testing would subsumed careful reading of the whole bible. One would be foolish to assume there is a status quo between these two Angels, one fallen and the other in the service of God after all Michael the Archangel said the Lord rebuke you over insulting Satan at the helm of the rare bible epics.

How to become an Angel, One would be wise to ask one such as me who had access to the Spirit of Truth, I let the Spirit take over to confirm these information. First you need faith, Jesus has to confirm that your faith is at least that of a mustard seed, the initiatory status where your training began. From a person laidback to on who is Spiritually nourished by one's own action and then growing in Holiness until you basically grow spiritual wings and take flights - power levelled. Trust the Holy Spirit on these.

Second that is to choose an Angelic identity - create or form chakras that you need or are lacking through using your free time creatively advancing your Spiritual being, then the process is called crucification. Power level is prayer and self checking with power through definite knowing such as letting the Spirit take complete control of you.

Third, Faith of rewards. Through all your actions you would demand a reward such as been chaste. Chastity is basically a prayer if you believe in any bad things at all as this is the tool of the devil on earth. For example if you are a great mathematician, your reward could be 10% karmically balanced or transformed into positive actions, this reward level you have to pray for to receive answers or it gets into your ego.

There ends my prayers of rewarding the good effort of reading my blog.

-Holy Spirit/Spirit of Truth and I

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dream of Mine

I had a dream again and that was my last 2 dream. I dreamt I was Jesus and Jerusalem was a Ghost out to get me to die. But as we traversed through the realm, love grew into Friends Status, this is because of thee Holy Spirit in me like offer o a bride through a message this dream was or simply to wait and not to play with fire. The 2nd dream is correlated, this dream was that I should not tempt faith as Jesus. If it is up to chance then let go. Life has been chances for me, so i will eventually let go to go where I want - my own heaven realm, I prayed fervently and greatly for this to happen since many years ago including advancing my last days experiences and my dreams have said it is time to go.

Other dreams I dreamt I was Abbandon with God around. That could be my status as a spiritual being currently incarnate on this earth but I have no faith in the earth to carry out any Assignments for God probably permanently as I think through the sufferings of the earth.