The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Feng Shui

Bought Feng Shui items today

Feng Shui has the science that we know about energy and is associated with accupuncture

My Feng Shui beliefs stems from [built on a rock, withstand - Jesus]

Similary Holy Spirit's visions and dreams- 2 dreams of visiting a feng shui store
Feng Shui is like Jehovah's blessings to me when i first stumble across it

You have your own life experience to learn from =)

Ps: Sorry Syahrein I can't continue reading your blog as that is not allow, I would love to read your real life ancedotes

Thursday, September 22, 2011


all attacks have been reversed after tiresome and bothersome unblocking with so many blockers in the universe, just unblock with my crucifications and check percentages acording to levels you perceived reached, i doubt that mental illness patients have problems with unblocking or waiting for unblock over been dowsed with oil and burnt in fire

you need to repent even for your past lives sins for self unblocking to happen, Jesus says ONLY those who repent will be saved, one clever idea is to include not a sin in reality in your unblocking

Monday, September 19, 2011

New Talents and skills?

Fret not if you can't grasp them just yet because I forgot to add this to my prayer list

Talent and Skills
CEO Status Update
Government Job Status
Chairman, President, Director etc
Credentials - 1 of my poiint here is credentials must be karma you ask God to grant

Don't give up on life, all you are missing is prayer.

Points I forgot: Voice

My Status quo is witnessing changes from prayer and feeling my muscles grow on their own. Laws cannot be trangressed upon so i researched to 50% self growing and 50% no difference growth.

Fortunately for me, to have faith to change events i had. Things will really change for me i believe.

This feels like a magical dream not a Satanic nightmare as vibes comes and goes.

Job Search

As it has been awhile since going back to school or getting a job, this is because I want to wait to see if i can revert to studies, waiting a while longer doesn't dimpen my prospects. I am significantly better from medicine from polyclinic as I feel that sometimes only conventional treatment can manage an illness. The sole reason i have been at home is to have my trigyclerides leve balanced otherside my condition is the same as I have been when I was at training as Clerical Recep. Anyone in my shoe should be able to understand. Sometimes i feel other patients i feel are more fortunate than me to not be on zuclopethixol but all medication has its ups and downs, my particular medication should be a mood stabiliser which is fine to dagnose in my personal view - just fine.

To Noel, I hope to reverse a training place if i can't find a job for long through job clubs as i heard for months they have been without jobs. Spiritually i feel lying about my illness is wrong so there won't be employment outside if there isn't one at job club sensibly speaking. I don't want to work at salation army due to my medication preventing it from happening so i am stuck at clerical, you see? Realistically speaking.

The reason why i want to go back to school is because I had been reading as though studying and memorising texts and even mastered basics skills of physics. I found out I just had to take my medicine promptly.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Power Levels

Disturbing beings has been talking to me so i used Angels' Powers to send them to hell, the floor of their own house and cursed them with prayer to die. Angels has fought demons for milienniums. Many people have complained of demonic attacks, so Jesus left his Power for us to exorcise these beings. These demon is just the extra soul in earth's spiritual terms of beings such as a chicken you ate.

My prayers has levelled - now and for eternity, business power level 100% Angel, God Status Status Quo on Earth 100%, Muscles 100% self growing/generating, 71+ times reward of all day dowsing and direct benefits. I prayed to regenerate my brain so the cruz of this writing is my true power levels. 20% of Angel Business. done.