The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Explaining Karma

Karma simply means instructions, all Instructions come from God

Remembering My Lifetime as Jesus Christ (Not Against Him - revelation)

Jesus is in everyone, this is one of my many prayers. Lately I have been into the task of power leveling God Status (authenic self) with Him. How do I explain this event is because He is the Word and the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the lst, in order language my understanding level of Christ Consciousness. I power levelled into the level of Avatar where knowledge of God is complete and one, which means True.

First, Honorable audience I shall explain the process of Avatarhood.
Knowledge of God

God as Source, All there is
You might deciper this code yourself with the first revelation, God is perfect so is creation.

He therefore created Perfection. God doesn’t destroy, at worse creation is an accident.

Only God is Life as He is Good only and grew better.

Debt is suffering, Debt ends when God doesn’t Grow in Truth and Holiness, Debt is an element of Chance. Remember the bible where Jesus mentioned the truth about the Spirit, Holy Spirit and Spirit of Truth. John mentioned Chosen Ones, Israelites and Virgins. This means they can’t be disturbed and is a Choice of Theirs what their Powers are. You must know your power levels as that is where you are blessed, this is logical deduction of the Book of Revelation.

Truth of God is God is an Austerer or Good as He created so much that there is more to learn.

Sin defined: The need to know is a byproduct of the element of surprise. It hindles because there is doubt of God, injustice and sin in you.

Initiations: Innocence is Good merits. Eloquence is musical Talents. Persecution consists of micro evolution or genetic growth which is information or dna.

Spirit and Angelic Statuses I found through the Blessed Lord, Only begotten Son of God (Married to God through Mother Mary the ever blessed Virgin through his revelation to the Sinned World)

Abaddon, the despondency of life is the need to think

Faithful and True, the power to carry on in life

Alpha and Omega, Righteousness and its rewards

Neutrality and logical deductions

Script Writer of Mine, the endless excess to knowledge from understanding

Necessity – Initiate as one of the Angels, don’t stop growing is Law or choose death

Economics – is a book of Life

Graphical Understanding to be a Genius or Leadership

Correlations as Understanding, a crucial component of Life

All Knowingness through the authentic self

Knowledge of Society as God Self

Reasoning of Chosen Ones

Control Mechanisms and Leadership

Physics as Son of Understanding

Writing and Work (Focus and Concentration)

Eloquence of Music

Innocence of Suffering

Reasoning of Truth


Sathya Sai Baba (Sathya - Truth, Sai - God, Baba - Father or Caretaker)
Rules of Worshipping this Avatar is Love all, Serve all, Authenic Self must know or will know

Sai Krishna – Reasoning a understanding, Integrity, Love for Truth

An Angel would have power leveled as Jesus’ Christed One and understood me (Truth of My Avatarhood)

Point One: Create an angel Power level)
Point Two: Seek Blessings
Point Three: Assumptions are Growth Factors and is Good only or God factors

You are Now at least an angel

I discovered power leveling dowsing God while meditating at God consciousness or Alpha and Omega, it has no difference as Understanding Whole Heartedly/Deeply but talk to God as He replies, His replies are Training and Power, In other words Dowse with Serenity - Alpha Consciousness

Let your suffering end as a Chosen One/elect (understanding level)

-Jesus (chinese - Shan)

Ps: Avatar means Apostle or Angel to you but it could be Spirit, I could be Jesus or Spirit as bible revealed these Statuses as I am a deciperer of codes (Fires of God)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

What Happened to Me

I have an oversized head from blogging with all the ideas flowing around and all the library memories to develop. So much so that I forgot to explain that my salvation army experience was a pretty bad one cause due to the high muscles stress environment I still had to carry heavy load for a customer to his car that my rest from working was waned out. Such a coincident, hopefully Noel can explain this to Miss Tan Peck Yan for me.