The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hi, This is a business record

After buying genetic improver and manipulator From sin clearing, once you repent we can deactivate the following genes for you:

Brain Cancer Gene 1 and 2
Space Clearing and Intelligence Power Up
Mental Illness 1 and 2
Guaranteed Success in Life
Faithful and True Gene - Very Special research of mine, buy this gene on
Stress and Fear Gene

Once this program starts for you there is a 75% chance of success in life (in the world) in the worst cases, as there is resources from my researching these genes, you can now enjoy the benefit of stress free living, how much better can life get?

75% no karma, meaning your intelligences melded with that of the sinless nature of God's blessed Eden

This is a straight forward business and there is no reason why there is no chance of success.

No one can guarantee you will be cancer free unless you turn these genes off.

Some terms i use to refer to these gene and karma from research:
Cocoon of Pulsating Lifeforce/Intelligence 20%
Divine Laptop Borg 20%
Menance Devil of High Iq 20%
Schizo Is High Iq 60%
Conglomerate of Personal Creative Intelligence 60%
Menance Devil Iq and Buddhi - Earth's term

Many mental trials and tribulations go into the research of this program:

15% no potential in the golden ratio or beauty 1.618 -20% case - less worms and parasites
20% more successes in our company's researches

One very lethal thing is Electro Magnetic Frequency, as you turn these genes off there s no program but the golden ratio can be disturbed still but overall it is an improvement, other issues such as walk-ins of other beings such as angels to declare that you sinned of devil beings causing suffering in your faith and beliefs and through these thoughts your mental well being gets disturbed can also happen. But our power levels are not disturbed but is an advancement.

This programs simply turn off bad decisions genes.

This program is founded upon the faith that Jesus mentioned.

I summoned an Angel from God and named Him Suffrage 2012 after the Mayan Calendar prophecies. This Angel will never fall as His name is Medicine.

Natural Resistance or evil vs good or nature comes into play in decision making, So i will teach you the secrets of Holy Spirit protection. If I need a guarantee, I should play safe and trust the goodness of God in making decisions for me before sins come and this decision is Power. The rest is the points of your own thoughts as Intelligence beings and demand protection from the Holy Spirit, disbeliefs is sin as the Holy Spirit is pure Spirit. If you have problems figuring this out, you should try out the proven intelligences I have created through trials and tribulations.

Good and evil is determined by God not man.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


It is december and I have read the october issue of the newsletter. It is really a down back to earth and connecting me to the human side of life experience to read the newsletter.

Blog Note

The Angel Story material is not last days aka Book of Revelation based, resemblance in story line is purely coincidental. Probably the Ultimatum of Spirit of Truth for readers who are not aware of the things that will happen as I have beliefs that such powers and forewarning do come from God.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Karma Granting and Its Rewards

Karma can serve society in many ways, granting them can have great effects on the workings of society such as when people fall ill, the power vested by the karma can restored them to general wellbeing thus money is earned in society.

I am thinking of going to report to job club for work but my aunt hasn't replied as to if i can go to school as she work at moe. i watched many movies these past weeks and am feeling great.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Life of Karma

Pray and fast on for karma clearing!!!! yipee!

Spread my teachings if you want!

Just Increasing Your Iq

This is for a course that i am going to establish maybe in a future lifetime.

Through austerity and power levelling inteligence I have came up with passive powers and transformed into 1 of the 8 billion Yahwehs ruling the world that we exist in.

From a dream God gave me a realms filled with planets and that realm is a universe of planets which will meld with the universe we now live in by spiritual power. This spiritual power has to be acquired from long suffering or austerity which increases goodness level causing energies or beings to serve you.

In this realm I, Spirit, owns 30 out of 1,000 of God's planets, the other planets consist of sexual beings. Sexuality has to be overcome by intelligence and intelligence comes from suffering.

In another dream, Spirit of Truth informs there is no karma, that this dream is a dream where i can travel to for austerity through quality of its protein. My goal is to meld these dreams in power. Goodness for another dream which is the gift of Hoy Spirit dream where Holy Spirit fed me in a ship - mine. I shall travel to realms in this ship.

The main purpose of these planets is to achieve balance in life through power of a new creation of Yahweh where it is guaranteed we live in heaven of no potentials. 144,000 chosen ones of mine some lords, some ladies of another dream which will be mine to acquire its potential and 24 elders or 24 of 8 billion Yahwehs will be chosen in a future lifetime. Spirit of Truth is the typer as Power.
I got the Status Quo of Spirit in a dream where I got married, where I said Spirit and the bride says come! when i was young I dreamt i was Faithful and True. Partner is anonymous and has no potential of knowledge in me probably due to gender factors.

Man made matrixes for participants of this course, which will be given due consideration into entrance into the new planets maybe made into lords and ladies. If you don't succeed and karma expires, the theory is that this powers should be reduced or confiscated as you karmically withdraw from the course.

In heaven, Angels will live with God, in the subverse planets beyond the 1,000 planets there is no guarantee of partaking of God's powers as solidly as the 1,000 planets which are being build by my spiritual overseer powers.

I know all this because in power level I was also Yahweh in a dream. Guarantee not lying in Holy Spirit's bosom.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Angel Story Continues, Sammy's Angel-Hood

Point to ponder

A glass of water is often overlooked as the life giving force of the universe. No beings has yet to strive in a planet without water or moisture. Same principle in life that we have to have nourishment to survive. One element is the source of the other.

Water reflects the energies of the room, blood reflects the goodness of our heart.

Angel Story Continues

A glass of water splashed across Sammy's face and he woked into the no hold bars Angel Battlezone, Sammy is a Chosen One not an Angel so to Jehovah He is not allowed there to witness Angels fight. But Sammy has been practising austerity so for a moment He could be any being he wants within limits of power of God's most uprightness of Judgment. Angel battles are sacred, they represent an Aspect of God most High's desires and helps Him balance decision as an interest only though in the long journey of Life otherwise known as resources of the 3rd dimensions.

The Battle begins with an interest, Angels' interest are sacred to them and is a no-holds bar. They are solid units of beings as an elect, learned goodness as a Chosen One, served General-hood or rulership when the Earth or other planetary realms are in danger then became Angels before standing and serving God wholeheartedly as Spirits through proven actions as Angels.

Before the battle breaks out Jehovah promoted Sammy to the role of Angel although fresh young wings are eager to take flight into the region of particiption, He cannot as he is inexperienced with His new strength. Jehovah at this moment has no words for Him but He has absolute control of the realms.

Before the battle breaks out, He descended from the realms of angels and was restored to His bed. He wonders what it means to be an Angel. All the fun in the world would have popped into His young adolescent mind if not for the heavy duty mission of restoring the world from the beastial mind numbing curses of the Beast. Jesus assignment is separate from Sammy's, Sammy's is to convince the world from sins and to save the world from its grip but Jesus assignment is to kill the beast and its fallen beings with an army. The fallen beings are scattered all over the world and their powers are without a measure, it is as heavy and as powerful as the world's sin.

The One to kill the beast has to be Sammy while the Ancient is to be locked up by Jesus into their deported realm in heaven where they shall be confined by laws of hardship into repentance.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Now as I was reading the Book of Enoch, this dawned on me. Prayers must be updated as intelligence level grew, logically speaking, this can only be proven true, meaning then there will be more to learn.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Relentless Writing

There is nothing more for me to write unless i am paid as I have achieved an elect status through experience from blogging.

Read the Book of Enoch about elects and the last days and what sins unmentioned in the new testament there are. Off to read!

Below is the story's beginning.

The executor of God's wrath has seen the worse in men as he witness the sadisticness of human nature in his life long before he came to the earth for this assignments. The other angels fear that he might be too compassionate and lengthen the earth's people inevitable hardship to come as he might set on testing Mankind torturing their sanity which is also sanctity. The execution is about to come and as the day draws near, the Avenger's power will peak before its climate to unlease the full wrath of God on Mankind. The ancients were aware and unleased a viral plant genetic into the atmosphere to twart the Avenger's power and the lesser angels in an attempt to steal their power. God knows this and this is the perfect opportunity to test the angels and how their loyalty will save them so he set his greatest hope for mankind his Son to the earth to overcome the ancients. For only God's Son will have simpathy for the ancients for their old age in spirits. His Son is a savior for both the sinners and angels - the paradoxy of his assignments.

The avenger is in the form of a man and has came to execute vengance on the island of Okinawa, a metropolis in Japan. Many lesser angels came to greet the avenger as he landed on a plane to Okinawa. It is God's instruction that he is to land there from his plane flights journey. It is on the guise of work assignments that he lands there. He was born an orphan in the district of the English channel near the lake of Iowa in United States of Ameria. The lesser angels are the guardian angels of Okinawa and agents of God in the city. They received divine instructions from the prophetical angel residing in the west gate of heaven as gatekeeper who executed this prophecy to separate the sheeps and goats from the wolves for the Son of God, Jesus who was crucified for mankind's sins.

The Ebola Virus is a virus that rampages on by the savage Angel of Vengance executing vengance on the earth on those who disobeyed God's commandment to curb fornification.

Although the Ebola virus outbreak is being contained, mankind still did not turn from their wicked ways. They carried on drunkenness, practise black magic, girls are casting love spells and calling every guy their boyfriend. The Angel of Vengance's rage burns solemnly in the high mountain of Israel in Jerusalem symbolizing the end of mankind if there is no one holy enough to become chosen to save the world. Either the chosen will save the world or the world will end in horror.

Now Sammy is an adventure sports person kind of innnocent guy who attracts girls' attention now and then. On his way to the high street, he usually met with temptation but gives them a pass. He once rejected an orgy invitation. His austeries and penance is 3 hours of meditation without fail everyday. God is very please with him and is going to take him away like He did to Enoch who walks with Him.

Where Sammy lives, all of a sudden the Angel of Vengance puts a seal on his home, his home brightens up with a bright white glow symbolizing holiness and the aura of that place is one of peace. Now Samy was just worried about not surviving the virus outbreak or watching His friends die around him. In his meditation he talks to the Angel of Vengance and learnt about God. God demands 4 teens Sammy are friends with to help Sammy seal the plague symbolizing mankind reunion with God, all their sins will be forgiven like in the days of Israel as long as they repent.

Sammy first met Pearline in a mall when he was only 4 years old. He went to the mall with his parents to buy groceries. He was in the Spirit when he first met Pearline so was Pearline who was also 4. Now the experience was very special, like lovers in love. Sammy never forgotten Pearline till the day they met again at school which is St Anderson High School. How did Sammy and Pearline spend their days since they last bumped into each other as both were very in tuned to one another. They never lost touch of that connection.

Now the ancient of days were awakened from the Himalayan Caves where Jesus' disciples, when He visited India for advance yoga training (fictionally) were taught, dwelled where they hide in seclusion from the world and lived long lives afterall Jesus said not to love the world. Now the anciennt of days were giants with huge psionic brains and thick brain nerves and they heard the story of the Avenger Angel so they decide to steal His powers.

Our Father the Angels
sealed a portal
victorious gentiles
unleashed a demon
corrupt the holy city
turned to waste
lords and High lord in charge of the devil kins
base on the book of corruption
surrender the holy city
Sacred Eden
Lost scroll the key to sealing the portal
Mankind giving up hope, losing God's trust

The ebola virus outbreak cause by the uncontrolled growing population of locusts is severely killing the cows counting on the grass the locusts feed on to live.
The technology instigated by the government to control the spread of the ebola outbreak is a vaccine unattainable except by the bugs that feed on the manure of the cows.
The people counting on the vaccine has no hope as well as the farmers living with the cows as the cows no longer is part of agricultural use and farming as the dead cows pile up, the landscape deadens and blighted by the diease of the dying and the carcarsses. There is no solution yet as to how to contain the ebola in the county, the vaccine has to be flown in from overseas, the costs only coverable by donations that has to pour in from outside.

Keywords upon reflection
Dilemas, hopelessness, despair, virus, calamity
God is not here today, blight represents sins in the bible that comes upon a person as he betrays his God by not obeying His words

Beat me to this by an assignment to think of more words that can be associated with this short paragraph and post here if you have had fun. Write your own short linking story with keywords like this etc that you can think of. It's fun! Have a good mental workout. Good luck!

Basic of a Sadhu

I have basic powers I want from God, this is credited to my standard levels as rewards of austerities. If you want rewards from my blog, you have to be an alliance of good faith not negative ego which drags down.

I wrote a no correlations course through meticulous thinking, this should help me power lavels as my mental component is just a prayer away and needs to be activated. Actions such as this will motivate one to advance even further once the bad vibes of ego clears.

If you have a guru, listen to your guru, if you don't have a guru, let God guide you to a Guru through Pure Faith and Austerity. Most often the requirement is beyond what is assumed due to past lives.

The New Genesis of Creation

Karma Lords grew angry with the earth and sent forth demonic energies that spawned fallen beings from the earth and people grew wary of life and they sought to escape the inevitable catastrophe.

Arose an Angel who altered his genes and dna to save mankind throught stand alone faith. Shocked by these changes Jehovah enlisted the Angel as Mankind's only hope of achieving salvation. Out of this Angel a dna called chains spurned into him to lock up fallen beings. He keeps power levelling his suffering into great Godly Status Beings to grant karma to restore the world. This is to rectify the ego conciousness of mankind living on the earth.

Thus the non intervening Jehovah eased into luxurious austerity to keep His Power properly balanced over the evils of the created universe. Only one question was on his mind, will this Angel succumb to the lower dimensional energies of the Karma Lord and fallen beings and fall a great descend into the pits of evil that constantly arise from the earth.

This Angel is non other than the Angel of Vengance. The story will now revert back to Sammy. Genetic Alteration is happening to an animal fed and groomed by the Ancients, We shall call it the Holy Beast its number 666, a rhyme of numerological understanding from the number 999 the Holy Combinations of Creator God. Divine light spread through the bunkers of the ancients as the Beast bourned forth spikes to Lord over lesser creatures in its light. This light is divine because it is pure power levels.

Forth from the ancients, one stepped forth to rule the beast and is sent to harm the world through radiative effects to lure the Avenger out with relentless fighting. The ancients aspired to become Godlike but has evil roots therefore they have not managed to contact Heaven for ascension.

Witnessing the emergence of this great Beast from Heaven, Jesus went forth to prepare an army.

Inaccurate facts

About sending demons to hell, it is not a question of whether it is right or wrong, chickens don't live beyond 2 months and they (Triglycerides) are neither good nor evil just pure evil, my rewarders from faith and prayers to Spirit has yield a returned of being sinless forever in actions, deeds and thoughts meaning no karma. This is through repenting even for past lives through understanding.

I had faith to lose fats even months before and my fitness levels has been improving since, this is in line with learning how to live, even through the most difficult circumstances to learn from - prayer.

Good Merits

Abaddon is an angelic being who will bound Satan in the Last Days for a thousand years before (H)he is released to test mankind after the thousand years has ended. Clues to these testing would subsumed careful reading of the whole bible. One would be foolish to assume there is a status quo between these two Angels, one fallen and the other in the service of God after all Michael the Archangel said the Lord rebuke you over insulting Satan at the helm of the rare bible epics.

How to become an Angel, One would be wise to ask one such as me who had access to the Spirit of Truth, I let the Spirit take over to confirm these information. First you need faith, Jesus has to confirm that your faith is at least that of a mustard seed, the initiatory status where your training began. From a person laidback to on who is Spiritually nourished by one's own action and then growing in Holiness until you basically grow spiritual wings and take flights - power levelled. Trust the Holy Spirit on these.

Second that is to choose an Angelic identity - create or form chakras that you need or are lacking through using your free time creatively advancing your Spiritual being, then the process is called crucification. Power level is prayer and self checking with power through definite knowing such as letting the Spirit take complete control of you.

Third, Faith of rewards. Through all your actions you would demand a reward such as been chaste. Chastity is basically a prayer if you believe in any bad things at all as this is the tool of the devil on earth. For example if you are a great mathematician, your reward could be 10% karmically balanced or transformed into positive actions, this reward level you have to pray for to receive answers or it gets into your ego.

There ends my prayers of rewarding the good effort of reading my blog.

-Holy Spirit/Spirit of Truth and I

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dream of Mine

I had a dream again and that was my last 2 dream. I dreamt I was Jesus and Jerusalem was a Ghost out to get me to die. But as we traversed through the realm, love grew into Friends Status, this is because of thee Holy Spirit in me like offer o a bride through a message this dream was or simply to wait and not to play with fire. The 2nd dream is correlated, this dream was that I should not tempt faith as Jesus. If it is up to chance then let go. Life has been chances for me, so i will eventually let go to go where I want - my own heaven realm, I prayed fervently and greatly for this to happen since many years ago including advancing my last days experiences and my dreams have said it is time to go.

Other dreams I dreamt I was Abbandon with God around. That could be my status as a spiritual being currently incarnate on this earth but I have no faith in the earth to carry out any Assignments for God probably permanently as I think through the sufferings of the earth.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Feng Shui

Bought Feng Shui items today

Feng Shui has the science that we know about energy and is associated with accupuncture

My Feng Shui beliefs stems from [built on a rock, withstand - Jesus]

Similary Holy Spirit's visions and dreams- 2 dreams of visiting a feng shui store
Feng Shui is like Jehovah's blessings to me when i first stumble across it

You have your own life experience to learn from =)

Ps: Sorry Syahrein I can't continue reading your blog as that is not allow, I would love to read your real life ancedotes

Thursday, September 22, 2011


all attacks have been reversed after tiresome and bothersome unblocking with so many blockers in the universe, just unblock with my crucifications and check percentages acording to levels you perceived reached, i doubt that mental illness patients have problems with unblocking or waiting for unblock over been dowsed with oil and burnt in fire

you need to repent even for your past lives sins for self unblocking to happen, Jesus says ONLY those who repent will be saved, one clever idea is to include not a sin in reality in your unblocking

Monday, September 19, 2011

New Talents and skills?

Fret not if you can't grasp them just yet because I forgot to add this to my prayer list

Talent and Skills
CEO Status Update
Government Job Status
Chairman, President, Director etc
Credentials - 1 of my poiint here is credentials must be karma you ask God to grant

Don't give up on life, all you are missing is prayer.

Points I forgot: Voice

My Status quo is witnessing changes from prayer and feeling my muscles grow on their own. Laws cannot be trangressed upon so i researched to 50% self growing and 50% no difference growth.

Fortunately for me, to have faith to change events i had. Things will really change for me i believe.

This feels like a magical dream not a Satanic nightmare as vibes comes and goes.

Job Search

As it has been awhile since going back to school or getting a job, this is because I want to wait to see if i can revert to studies, waiting a while longer doesn't dimpen my prospects. I am significantly better from medicine from polyclinic as I feel that sometimes only conventional treatment can manage an illness. The sole reason i have been at home is to have my trigyclerides leve balanced otherside my condition is the same as I have been when I was at training as Clerical Recep. Anyone in my shoe should be able to understand. Sometimes i feel other patients i feel are more fortunate than me to not be on zuclopethixol but all medication has its ups and downs, my particular medication should be a mood stabiliser which is fine to dagnose in my personal view - just fine.

To Noel, I hope to reverse a training place if i can't find a job for long through job clubs as i heard for months they have been without jobs. Spiritually i feel lying about my illness is wrong so there won't be employment outside if there isn't one at job club sensibly speaking. I don't want to work at salation army due to my medication preventing it from happening so i am stuck at clerical, you see? Realistically speaking.

The reason why i want to go back to school is because I had been reading as though studying and memorising texts and even mastered basics skills of physics. I found out I just had to take my medicine promptly.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Power Levels

Disturbing beings has been talking to me so i used Angels' Powers to send them to hell, the floor of their own house and cursed them with prayer to die. Angels has fought demons for milienniums. Many people have complained of demonic attacks, so Jesus left his Power for us to exorcise these beings. These demon is just the extra soul in earth's spiritual terms of beings such as a chicken you ate.

My prayers has levelled - now and for eternity, business power level 100% Angel, God Status Status Quo on Earth 100%, Muscles 100% self growing/generating, 71+ times reward of all day dowsing and direct benefits. I prayed to regenerate my brain so the cruz of this writing is my true power levels. 20% of Angel Business. done.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Life goes on

actually Joel is not Noel, it is quite taboo so I am leaving my new name alone

And i figured how to vote, that is to choose a criteria, such as experience -Inspirations from Singapore's Presidential Election

Sleep and Hormones

Actually I qualify as a miracle case in the area of pubersence and adolescence growth as I consider myself an adolescent, this is because when I was growing up I believe in God and in Him that I will grow despite diets. He has been faithful to the tee as experience wise. Every week that I slept at home for long, I experience growth spurts so much so that the new flesh on my feet had yeast. And they are major. Food is seen as me by genetic miracles for growing, what a coincident. So don't worry about me, my growth spurt is ridiculous. I have my prayers in Jesus Christ that I will live well according to how i wish it to be.

Explaining my medical history as you know it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dream and Angels

God has given me a dream and in that dream i wrote down the power level of a business to be 100%. It is prayer base.

God, Holy Spirit and Jesus, I pray that all my karmas clears 100% for me and daily. Thank you God, Holy Spirit and Jesus.

Eventually I shall venture into that business, to serve humanity and teach them what i know.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Name

I have a new blog name for myself to celebrate my new adventure

Douglas Joel

I made customer service prayers as well as teamwork and presentation prayers at imh, as well as work environment for myself, salvation army as well as job club. It is stuffy there. If anyone is interested, pray for the wards at imh. I am packed with suffering already but will try to accomodate for pure luck of God's blessings. Some reasons why suffering is ordained.

4th Power

I really should be celebrating as I have given a place to a Chosen One of mine the fourth title. tranquil meditation

Dowsing, Prayers and Parallel Lives

I discovered dowsing while meditating, all of a sudden an astral pendulum pops up and swirls about as I converted to dowsing. Haven't discovered its meaning.

My 2nd Power involves prayers and parallel lives.

When I was a child, I loved God and decided to have God to take care of me as my parallel lives. Over the schizophrenic recovery time I also made prayers for parallel lives. So my second prayers will be to have my parallel lives unblocked to be purposeful in my life.

To add to this is to withdraw my money from spiritual banks, after that we shall see how it goes. This intelligent piece of work should be a sure win in life, don't you think? Spirit blocks as the world sinned. I dreamed a dream completely a prayer, I shall go and live there.

Once you trained with God as an Angel, come join me! Dowse on to change your human, alien breed to Angels. Think of your life experiences and how it has failed to serve you for no reasons. Ask yourselves why. No karma, just revelations - New Heaven of Us it shall be called. =) This is solely for you that i reveal at the spur of the moment.

Lord Dragon is also my 2nd school. He is a chosen one who knows the art of perfecting the consciousness.

My 3rd school is intelligence base and is very refined.

[Whom He loves, He rebukes]

This website is for Christians and non christians who wonders about the Historical facts of Jesus. It is well written, more facts base.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


My faith has brought about a miracle!

My chest muscles has increased after my austerious faith in it growing and it has triumped significantly.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First Power - Spirit of Truth Discipleship

Rules of reading my blog, all websites have disclaimers so i guess i should start one. Nobody should steal my informations as it is intended for business application, it is just that my heart is soft enough to let you grow from reading as a co creator of God's power - divine Helper reveals the Crucification - Th true disciplehood path. If something bad is to happen to me, you should know that I have reached initiate level so it is not possible as initiation is natural to me and whereby all problems has its cause and effects. It is simply the sinfulness of the world that i am not revealed to the world.

My first power

Evolution is a process of initiations in which then changes is brought about. Nothing in this world can rival becoming an initiate of the Order as the unconscious sinful nature is to be brought under control. The Order is a discipline of reflections to destroy the lower self to bring about positive changes to your life. The goal is to attain enlightenment of the higher aspects of life in order to triump the animal self. In society this consist of group initiations which shall bring about changes to technological advancementss, economic progress and psychological attunements. My words speak for itself. Before proceeding, let us bring forth the various initiation schools - the elect of the bible is myprimary school as the Son of God has died for our sins and has made Monadic progress possible for us through te process of elections. Not only this, primarily the book of enoch has alsobrough me to the election process. The end of the world is approaching and catatrosphe is arising by the unconcious nature of men - my view of the prophecies. Follow the law of the Order in life if you were to defeat the animal instincts causing illness to crop up as genetic defects increase in your body.

Most important power of initiation is to ask God of Truth the logos of your path. This ability is possible by the crucifcation power ofthe Order, the ability to talk to God supporte by initiations of the members of the Order. This is no secret as the Truth is supported by power from Godly sources to make stealing impossible. This means the power to be truely free in life. This power ispure because it stem is crucification. To enable the wise application of this power you must ask the Spirit of Truth the right questions until His guidance initiate you into the path of Discipleship.

Friday, July 29, 2011

My blog and something to celebrate in the world

As I blog my Avatarhood, I realised I now have some measure of power through Jesus. Initiation values gained from reading my blog would have taught you to be careful with wordings. I am now an avatar through the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Now to choose my powers. As I mentioned I have been practising austeries through the Holy Spirit. My pure powers has reached Godliness status and now i am karma free replete with bible qualities. My avatarhood. So much of reptilian stems influences has been removed and negative energies has ben transmutated.

One prayer I made is to carry on my austeries naturally due to muscles fatigue from insufficient protein by high muscles growth rate - only reason possible. Nobody dares to eat too much meat if they care about animals and their well being like I do. My avatarhood is one perfect mind and heart and Spirit of Godliness of Christ as My austerity Partner is the Holy Spirit, Divine Miracles Helper.

It has paid off =)

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Physics of Life

Good and Evil are caused by the knowledge possessed by man. One feels inadequately misqualified by wronged experiences and becomes evil to another. What he is seeking through his actions is that person's assumptions, and he toys around with it as retribution to his divine nature, the divine provision that his God self is giving and knows that people do seek. He enters a game of chance. And chance as we know it is evil. Thus we have defined evil, it is entering a game of chances.

Good is knowledge of God whereby assumptions is justified and gives strength even the strength of discovery. Nothing harms him and he is free to his nature because he knows everything remain in equilibrium.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Prayers I made

Prayers is the reason why you must read my blog, keep these blessings with you in life and in death and even bardo as Schizophrenics know what i mean by bardo.

Creation is ruled by karmas, i have some karmas that I asked God to grant on me and named them so you can create and crucify yourselves for them, my chief purpose is to remember them as I threw my book away:

God's Perversion
Chosen One
Bride (Bible ones are from dreams which i then believed Holy Spirit gave all dreams)
Rebellion to One
Dragon Horn Lord
Correlation Crowns
Feng Shui - Dragon and Phoneix, Nine Dragons Formation, Angel Status then Spirit Status Feng Shui
One with Holy Spirit, Spirit, God, Goddess, Creation, Jesus, Bride, New Jerusalem, All Spirits, Chosen Statuses and elect status
Angel of Death
Garnetted One
Last Days Survival Kit
Don't worship demons
Believe or don't believe
Space Flight
Aeroplane Flying
Engineering Choose One but later switched to one study course
Human Indigo and Modelling
Friends or buddy system
Future Lives as I have blogged
Marriage to True Love
Earth Matrix is Bride
7th Angel as Lord of Spirits
Angels' Friends

Monday, July 4, 2011

Good merits

Abundance of Future Lives - Just ask an animal to incarnate as a human being
Abundance of Money - Working hard to Bosses
Abunance of Religious Values - Don't abandon reading indeptly
Abundance of Friendship - Friends of like values and social status or different only as there is endless opportunity to learn from one another
Live in no war zone - don't abandon moral values; never abandon, never steal, never scorn
Learn how to be an elect, my lives are all representatives of my elect statuses
Ask society to pay for my contributions
God is Life then Future Lives of my future lives, there must be spiritual nourishment, sometimes it is suffering

Identify fallen angels in yourself and try to rectify them

If I have more than 1 lives what would I do

Buying lives:

Ask God by informing him that you want these lives for the stipulated purposes. The purpose of my buy lives blog is to study how buying lives can offer security in an usecured environment such as the dissenated world environment of unfair trading. Counttries help each other but don't demand anything in return an it is call aid. These defeats religious values and is therefore Satanic.

First, I would marry my future live and this woman shall have intelligence matching mine or in order we speak the same language. These will be proven true in our associations.

This is for the purpose of begetting progencies to support old age life quality. And this woman shall remain one of me till she dies and rebirthed herself.

The qualities of this woman are her spiritual values and must be non adulteress. Second she must get close to me out of her own initiative because she is confident and Godly. This woman can also be a brother of mine who is close or will get married so their children will support me. And for all my lives, these are basics. They function as a nuclear family.

I must have such a abundance of these lives that there is no financial resource problems. Money is freely earned and freely distributed, the only source of hardship is wanton spending as man likes to spend on luxury for himself. This has to be proven false.

I might not get married, this is only because it is sexually unnecessary. - my level
I get married because of financial security, the earlier I achieve this the better.

What constitute a happy relationship. Spending on the family, such as going out for a meal and talking to express care and concern. Explaining problems to each other so there is less conflict as there can be no problems that can't be resolved by two person working together. At any time, these lives must support each others' well being and not create conflict, as I the Living One is the one who suffers.

Education substance must therefore be high and maintain good reputation through one another as Two is Strength. Care must be taken so there is no exhaustion.

If I am a Virgin, there must be understanding for me as sexuality is a form of degeneration. Therefore I must have a brother. If all goes well, as austerity, these must be hidden from me, otherwise I must be intelligent enough to know God of Truth who is work of knowledge. Simply acknowledge that we are self sustaining and lives without potential but kinetic energy.

Therefore base on elf assessment, I assessed financial security through a bride.
I assessed spiritual strength through a non adulterous wife.
Children for financial security and accompany me to daily activities minus cruel dependency. That is that they must respect my decisions and ask with knowledge regarding expectation, they must be trained to keep a log book or journal.

In my career, these lives shall play the role of strength giving, for example, when I suffer persecution from bosses, they must explain why.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Explaining Karma

Karma simply means instructions, all Instructions come from God

Remembering My Lifetime as Jesus Christ (Not Against Him - revelation)

Jesus is in everyone, this is one of my many prayers. Lately I have been into the task of power leveling God Status (authenic self) with Him. How do I explain this event is because He is the Word and the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the lst, in order language my understanding level of Christ Consciousness. I power levelled into the level of Avatar where knowledge of God is complete and one, which means True.

First, Honorable audience I shall explain the process of Avatarhood.
Knowledge of God

God as Source, All there is
You might deciper this code yourself with the first revelation, God is perfect so is creation.

He therefore created Perfection. God doesn’t destroy, at worse creation is an accident.

Only God is Life as He is Good only and grew better.

Debt is suffering, Debt ends when God doesn’t Grow in Truth and Holiness, Debt is an element of Chance. Remember the bible where Jesus mentioned the truth about the Spirit, Holy Spirit and Spirit of Truth. John mentioned Chosen Ones, Israelites and Virgins. This means they can’t be disturbed and is a Choice of Theirs what their Powers are. You must know your power levels as that is where you are blessed, this is logical deduction of the Book of Revelation.

Truth of God is God is an Austerer or Good as He created so much that there is more to learn.

Sin defined: The need to know is a byproduct of the element of surprise. It hindles because there is doubt of God, injustice and sin in you.

Initiations: Innocence is Good merits. Eloquence is musical Talents. Persecution consists of micro evolution or genetic growth which is information or dna.

Spirit and Angelic Statuses I found through the Blessed Lord, Only begotten Son of God (Married to God through Mother Mary the ever blessed Virgin through his revelation to the Sinned World)

Abaddon, the despondency of life is the need to think

Faithful and True, the power to carry on in life

Alpha and Omega, Righteousness and its rewards

Neutrality and logical deductions

Script Writer of Mine, the endless excess to knowledge from understanding

Necessity – Initiate as one of the Angels, don’t stop growing is Law or choose death

Economics – is a book of Life

Graphical Understanding to be a Genius or Leadership

Correlations as Understanding, a crucial component of Life

All Knowingness through the authentic self

Knowledge of Society as God Self

Reasoning of Chosen Ones

Control Mechanisms and Leadership

Physics as Son of Understanding

Writing and Work (Focus and Concentration)

Eloquence of Music

Innocence of Suffering

Reasoning of Truth


Sathya Sai Baba (Sathya - Truth, Sai - God, Baba - Father or Caretaker)
Rules of Worshipping this Avatar is Love all, Serve all, Authenic Self must know or will know

Sai Krishna – Reasoning a understanding, Integrity, Love for Truth

An Angel would have power leveled as Jesus’ Christed One and understood me (Truth of My Avatarhood)

Point One: Create an angel Power level)
Point Two: Seek Blessings
Point Three: Assumptions are Growth Factors and is Good only or God factors

You are Now at least an angel

I discovered power leveling dowsing God while meditating at God consciousness or Alpha and Omega, it has no difference as Understanding Whole Heartedly/Deeply but talk to God as He replies, His replies are Training and Power, In other words Dowse with Serenity - Alpha Consciousness

Let your suffering end as a Chosen One/elect (understanding level)

-Jesus (chinese - Shan)

Ps: Avatar means Apostle or Angel to you but it could be Spirit, I could be Jesus or Spirit as bible revealed these Statuses as I am a deciperer of codes (Fires of God)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

What Happened to Me

I have an oversized head from blogging with all the ideas flowing around and all the library memories to develop. So much so that I forgot to explain that my salvation army experience was a pretty bad one cause due to the high muscles stress environment I still had to carry heavy load for a customer to his car that my rest from working was waned out. Such a coincident, hopefully Noel can explain this to Miss Tan Peck Yan for me.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Exposition of the Bible

Some of you my fellow trainees would find this unmeaningful as it seems repetitive but it is different each time I read it and I have added alot of new information. This is call power leveling.

School rejected me this year 2010, but I trust God daily and took initiations and became more Humanized. I still remember the initiation I took and can initiate others through karma balancing.

I couldn't find a job for 2 years now due to schizophrenia. Few years back I experienced alot of brain shrinkage symptoms like over frequent painful migraines and other psychotics symptoms, through my desperation I found a karma healer who healed me and I recovered well. Since I stopped my sessions with the therapist, I gained weight from 52.5 kg to 84.5 kg from risperidone and zuclopenthixol side effects such as increased appetite, low metabolism and muscle loss. So I started this Karma learning blog and website for karma healing to help others since I bought the business, there's a savior complex in me.

The title of my website is Karma Balancing, Human Evolution at a microscope, an important evolutionary leap forward for mankind. No harm reading my website from the future.

Permission Karma Advancement - Understanding

What happens if you do something without permission? You have to suffer the consequences of it in ne of your many lifepaths. If not for God's laws, there would be no peace. God is a personal God. What happens in your life if you have too much karmic baggages, you cannot move forward and you suffer repercussions of your actions and inactions and remissions of sins, as written in the bible is blocked. You eat meat and part of their bad karmas is passed on to you and their good karma gets stuck on you and cannot go back so life punishes you and you don't know why.

How do I know if what I am referring to is true, experience our karma advancement whereby I do karma learning, karma clearing, healing, advancement through the Mind, Heart, Spirit, Soul, Breath, Light of God. You will feel lighter and life stops bothering you for a while. Your entire being radiates with the wisdom of God. This I promise you and money back garantee if it doesn't manifest for you. Explore the reasons for your karmic woes if any and sincerely reconcile with God and you will also feel your suffering lightens and life baggages reduce and you get filled with light like I did on a 40 minute journey home in my father's car. Effects are guaranteed. We do your karma life advancement for you within 3 days of receiving your payment. Follow-up once every two week to get your life lessons learned in your beingness to its totality – reflections and points from me if you contact me minus the indebtedness which calls for tithing.

New karmas are granted once old ones are clear to learn from. Where have I gotten my power from: Jesus, Holy Spirit, God. My beliefs are fun and personal like everyone else to my uninquisitive mind. God: Works on you starts once I get the go ahead from you. We have to work with blocks from people so results might take days to confirm or more. Arrange a waking time and we will do the healing for you so you can experience firsthand. There is alot of work and you get your money worth of healing and learning and you get to keep your soul advancement with you throughout your soul journey. This is quite an excitement so to speak. Your soul no longer needs to experience the tired old routine over and over. The process is equivalent to the saying of attaining Godhood of old Taoist beliefs or enlightenment of Buddhism.

Block is when someone wants you to understand something about yourself or your life, there might be any form of block as I work on you but God is unlimited in wisdom.

It is time to cure the commotions of life.

Ps: You only work with the amount of karma you can handle every day or you die. This is because your psychological, physical self has already changed, and it has to be for the better.

Science and God is correlated, the science of God is the God of science, there is no distinction between one and the other. Each is knowledge found in life and so is life itself.

Benefits of Knowledge, knowledge is power, with knowledge in your career you work better meaning more efficiently and these tend to attract recognition. Do not assume you have learnt something as it may be counterproductive. So it is wise to assume a certain order or way of being/life in other words conditioning. Many times this may not be possible as factorials such as workloads overwhelms your mind and your heart is disease (dis - eased) into believing a conditioning that is false to your nature or your natural order. This becomes unwanted resistance in you. Religion calls neutral resistance - faith which in reality is beliefs unless the nature of the faith in you consists of a loving God neutral to harm and harming.

Why is resistance faith? It is offensive to say resistance is faith because it is sensitive, so I better explains. Resistance is what builds muscles in exercise and the principles of what I mean are one and the same. Muscles are the values of each initiation which consists of a point.

When is a faith consisting blind beliefs and when is faith enlightenment. Enlightenment consists of initiations which constitutes to receiving from other sources not within your means by the process of attunement. Being initiated is also saying that being open to receive. If I were to guide you, you would have to think through, beliefs itself is initiation into life, life inevitably in our society consists of getting to know another person or being such as an animal.

My story of initiations, I have a goal in life in my adolescent years that is to gain enlightenment. To gain enlightenment what are the steps one must take. Mundanely one would do austerities and wait for God to get involve with you. This often does not consist of a message which is to lead to an action, therefore the waiting process is only a belief so is the action. In order to achieve enlightenment one must know what one wants to achieve. The gaining of knowledge and the process of attaining higher consciousness is fraught with persecutions because to God you simply have to ask first or to the spiritual realm you would intuitively be offending the GREAT ALL THERE IS for he is not impotent as to block you from your desired accomplishments. Accomplishments consist of assessments and assessments require reflections.

What I mean is when God implant into your mind the question of the meaning of your life, your mind wanders off to death and dying then suffering and ended up becoming the spiritual aspirants to conquer such thoughts which are the door of death opening to become your mortal enemy. To many death is a transition process only to facilitate many happier life experiences. Therefore you have to take care as God means to these groups of people that this question is simply an act of giving a long delayed present then once you understand this you can know the correct path to take in your life to achieve this goal with divine assistance as long as you remain one tracked minded. That is the same as saying once you chose poverty; poverty will share its fruits with you.

There are many spiritists in the earth that will tell you who you are and how to live your life. This is to take advantage of the nature of curiosity or despondency in you. It must be uplifting for you to be awakened to the inner truth of your being. This inner truth of your being is simply a curse through my resistance and beliefs as I accidentally stumbled upon you and enforced these on you. In order to strengthen into your authentic self who is God or the process of becoming God you must first acknowledge who or what is talking to you, maybe it is blocks of absolute no communication to you but in order to advance you must overcome. This thought process includes wondering if you want to overcome your inertia. Some people don’t and nobody can make them.

To support the process of initiation I will exemplify one point that is to offer nourishment one source in order to attain satiation such as making changes. To excel in exams you have to overcome inertia and do double checking.

How to write a piece of work:

What laws of rules of writing do you want?

Three Angels were once brothers
They chance upon each other betrayal and thought no further
Two were after the same girl and one hit the other
Their state were no better
They could only think of life without their partners
Where they don't depend on one another
One afternoon they seek to heat up the crater
Where enemies sought no recover
Sounds they heard irritate them over and over
Nobody loves them like they once had been friendlier
So they sought to resolute their dispute quicker
But consulted non other
The Devil in disguise who is their Savior
They left with a state no gooder
Feeling less heartier
All decide they weren't meant to be friends forever
Until one day life got worser
Then heaven gates open to reconcil them together

My main points/rules/guiding principles are to write the poem to rhyme ending with –er and is praising God.Have a purpose.

Do you want readers to find out your purposes and how do you want them to find out. Truths are facts and deserve centerstage.

God is good only so he deserves praise. You are an angel if you remain innocent to the people where it matters. Angel is a messenger of the divine and for one to receive the divine one has to be accepting only Good. The kingdom of Heaven is the kingdom which offers good only – happy endings. Blocks and losses mean the kingdom of God has not come. Faith can confer strength to overcome working like memory it is something that offers a reward. Listening is a byproduct of Faith because it is love that makes one pay attention thus you have loved great will your reward be in Heaven.

Karma is the correlations of one thing to another in you and in the world. Be neutral as Your Fathers in Heaven are. Do not judge. Therefore it is important to have a purpose for there will be destroyers amongst you. What I mean to say is that character will confer you power. With character you can derive benefits through guiding your actions, God is a living God – righteous and all knowing. Some things are simply important to Him - The Sum Total of All There Is. What intrigues you might lead to your downfall if you do not plan carefully such as falling to your death without a rope while rock climbing to quote a simple example. Bad events that warns/omens are revelations that your thoughts has to be in lined with the end product achievements then will people give you credits then you shall be called Holy. You would have to explain yourself such as lying only to escape a fight that you morally can’t participate in, because you are moral, the purpose of escaping a quarrel can triumph.

Why I write this:

To facilitate Human evolution at this level of mastery, the deviant of the websites and books because this is spiritual understanding remission through understanding, there is the soft work of invocation to cure complex ailments by me. I might be ostracized by a community for writing; will death take way the pain? Experience is my teacher. Therefore I make this free to all who wish to receive. My commitment as I was writing was to raise awareness which is self explanatory. One cannot survive as a human being without asking questions. My teachers are the public in general, bible and God. I trust the Holy Spirit that I will publish this. My dilemma is not to block other people’s work for my Kingdom of Heaven. My friends, it is written to worship God in the Spirit and in Truth, choose mercy and not sacrifice. Be proper and thankful for God in Spirit. A chicken must lay eggs so don’t eat it; decide for yourselves what you want but knowledge is expansive and strives in Humans. Trust God only if there is no one else you can turn to. You cannot have read and understand without the heavenly forces standing ready by you, My Chosen Ones. Tithe to the people who matters for it is written freely you have received so freely give. The coming of this writing is but a sign of times to my God.

Understanding this:

Leads to personal consideration, level of seriousness is a factor, type of purpose can be proposal, type of proposal can be marriage
which are true, someone else is there in a marriage can also be true
Worry comes from a possibility that can be a consequence
is a fact felt by a man, outcome is the man is worried

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Image blog

I got my Holy Spirit image for my blog.

The reason why I chose Holy Spirit is because life changed since my baptism and prayer to the Holy Spirit. The testimony of Jesus events these changes.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Three Angels

Three Angels were once brothers
They chance upon each other betrayal and thought no further
Two were after the same girl and one hit the other
Their state were no better
They could only think of life without their partners
Where they don't depend on one another
One afternoon they seek to heat up the crater
Where enemies sought no recover
Sounds they heard irritate them over and over
Nobody loves them like they once had been friendlier
So they sought to resolute their dispute quicker
But consulted non other
The Devil in disguise who is their Savior
They left with a state no gooder
Feeling less heartier
All decide they weren't meant to be friends forever
Until one day life got worser
Then heaven gates open to reconcil them together

Justin Bieber and Music

Dna activation is very common in he internet, it usually consists of listening to something. After listening to Justin Bieber I felt much more refresh and the creative genius in me has awakened to higher consciousness. Relax and enjoy your day and allow your dna to activate as you enjoy your moment.

I decide to buy a dna activation cd from the internet so as to have my mood enhance since medication is persecuting my consciousness which is the injection i take.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Metaphysical Topic...

I keep missing. I wanted to share this but slipped my mind to.

Why can some of us accomplish feats such as standing on hands and others dance to incredible rythm? The key is to concentrate then your genetic makeup will cooperate and evolve. The duration and timing and where you choose to place your concentration is key such as Alpha brain waves and beta brainwaves.

I found out while remaining still since a long time and found my dna growing suit. Yoga defined. Then add interesting things such as power levelling something cool such as luck. It probably all adds up to mean something. I guess remaining still is acquiring God consciousness which is all powerful and communion with God.

I won't take this too lightly or too seriously, just a pint of salt as there are plenty of options available to one to try and God won't screw you up.

Book Review

So what have I been reading at home? Since I am into Heaven and Hell (due to vivid dreaming these genre), Yes, the topic has been Angels. I decided not to name the book as it signifies very little. The book revolves around the life of a Chosen One Nephilim who is also the Son of Lucifer, how paradoxical. The hero who is to acquire the Edict of Forgiveness from God is fraught with the interference from Power class Angels. In the end, the neutral personality Lucifer is the only one not forgiven. This means alot as no matter what you do some things just cannot be forgiven such as blasemphy against the Spirit such as the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit. Spirit therefore should means Power, power to prevent sinning and the truth to reclaim one's life again through sincere repentance and rebuilding your relation with Spirit.

Before as the Avian Flu outbreak I thought the world was going to end so I thought to stay at home and wait it happen before Jesus comes and rescue me, silly me. Some facts just cannot be denied and these facts shall be my secrets. Does it dissapoint me that it doesn't end there and then as I wait in my apartment? Probably not as I don't have the resources to save myself from rising sea levels. There is no denying its validity. The world has more diasters as the end time approaches such as time shift. Some aspects of life are just miracles. Those who don't care about the rapture just need to worry about its brimestones.

Don't believe every nonchalant blabber you hear, most of us are just kidding, who hasn't experience heaps of hot coals on your head now and then. Some of us can't accept and chose second death and that should be all, there couldn't possibly be sanity in living in choosing waters of fire that burns away life, it is probably an accident base on choices we make and don't make.

Now for those who criticise or judge me for staying at home, they have repentance to do for I have been balancing myself with the Holy Spirit these times except times where I competely forgot. Having my IMH records cleaned up is part of my balancing prayers as my muscles recover from the punishment of bad blabbering mostly by accidentally finding things to say as the endless barrage of stress to heal from my sessions with the doctor. Now I have more confident as I think through while writing as the dotor's assessment should be more profound to consider why I think these thoughts such as my alien interest. This should come across as common beliefs found in the internet, what a relief.

Blog update

Now many of you may think tht I am into metaphysics but I am not, it is just a topic of interest in my life where there is most interesting science.

I contemplated on science with a fresh outlook and discovered some interesting facts:
Speed is energy as
Gravity is energy
Speed and Gravity are like Time
Maybe the existence of Speed and Gravity created Time
along with Fire which is raw energy

Haha very scientific thinking as I was about to fall asleep, this comes with the realisation of the law of attraction where your efforts at believing and actions to affirm that belief sets off in motion the energy to manifest with increasing speed into your life. Should all these lead to further revelation of the working of the universe such as the chaos theory. You won't find these secrets revealed elsewhere I am sure, I might be first at unveiling this mysterious links.

Interesting Question I will probe into, maybe with external help:
Does extreme speed create the univerese? what must be involve in the creational process
Theory of going back in time involve speed which has a direction, so it couldn't have been possible to go back in time unless it is a parallel universe

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Schizophrenia Class Suffering

In today's world, with all sort of harmful environmental issues, people are conscientious about all sorts of things and they try to help each other out. Doctors are busy researching viruses, companies are coming up with nifty new gadgets. How I wish to be born into a rich family with powerful gene pool to play a part in all these excitement. Without schizophrenia class suffering I wouldn't be as blessed with all the time I have to contemplate on life. Hopefully I wouldn't have spent my time looking at girls if not for schizo, which is an abuse to nature, overloading hormones class genes into suffering.

Now I haven't blog for a while as my computer desktop buzzed with a violent sound and failed to display any messages. To add to the list of woes, the modem has no signal, that's all I have to blog as the router keeps losing signal.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blogging On

I don't feel like blogging on but that's not the main reason why i don't blog. That's because my computer is spoiled and I have reverted to using my laptop, that is after several years - 2 to be exact of using cpu version.

Chinese people eat all sort of exotic food. No wonder viruses such as avian bird flu sprang from there. I learned this from a news channel. The point is if Christians and Muslims don't eat them, stay away from them. Buddhists aren't even suppose to eat meat. Why waste all those extra cups of resources producing extra carbon and adding to the greenhouse woe. Is our economy really that steady? I doubt even the governers know this.

Feng shui is metaphysics and when put together with health and environment is giving the two different story a bad reputation. Those who appreciate good healthy lifestye should not be faced with the optional selection of metaphysics. Youtube had such good songs about saving the environment. For those of you who don't plan on donating to saving our planet even just intentions is going to face the full fury of the wrath of God almighty, no prophets will be able to save you for it is written God will destroy those who destroy the earth.

The Lord of the earth will come and claim back his glory eternal, and wash the tears of His servants - Revelation book. And He shall give each his reward. What matters is to follow your heart and act now. Always remember - Act Now before its too late. If I had acted, I won't be labelled mentally unsound, all those voices are just harmless why bother with medication that causes more harm than damage. I never felt better when I heard the voices now I have to face the economic woe of low salary. Somehow it will all work out like iy always does. So, to the good Lord upstairs, keep the support rolling in!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Dreams are interconnected. This is my belief after I prayed to the Holy Spirit for a revelation dream.

I woke up twice and fall back into the same dream under the same scenario and details of the dream are the same. The dream was about God and where i was to live after i ascended to heaven. Now i don't doubt this dream will manifest in my life.

No doubt the mystical aura from my apartment is Holy Spirit at work. I hope this will strengthen your faith.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Language Efficiency

I am very proud of my increasing language efficiency, I prayed to Holy Spirit for it and has seen steady increase in my writing and good news is this shall stay with me even after I die -my prayer, i experienced marked increase in intelligence steadily and does not doubt the Spirit as I keep a notebook and remember what i wrote and what I mean also incremental, consciousness raising.

Pray, Have Faith, Choose long suffering as I believe that it is the Spirit working on you, probably downloading like life's a dream you wish you would never woke from and simply didn't once its all done - How I feel sometimes.

Btw, Noel, Tv watching in the bible is quoted as watching what is contrary to the bible, anybody will disagree with that. That is to say corrupting our hearts and minds is not a wise thing to do.