The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Perfect World

This world is meant for Spirits and not normal people. Normal people has to obey these Spirits to keep from falling into hell. These Spirits are the Holy Spirit, Spirit and the bride, Jesus and Jesus and his brides. And who knows the chosen ones of the bible. They are the big brothers of the world and guides us in our daily life. Please do not carry on the accumulation of sins by ignoring or disobeying the promptings of these spirits and angels. Every insight is as important as the first step into heaven and not falling into the worse hell for normal people cannot know for sure.


The executor of God's wrath has seen the worse in men as he witness the sadisticness of human nature in his life long before he came to the earth for this assignments. The other angels fear that he might be too compassionate and lengthen the earth's people inevitable hardship to come as he might set on testing Mankind torturing their sanity which is also sanctity. The execution is about to come and as the day draws near, the Avenger's power will peak before its climate to unlease the full wrath of God on Mankind. The ancients were aware and unleased a viral plant genetic into the atmosphere to twart the Avenger's power and the lesser angels in an attempt to steal their power. God knows this and this is the perfect opportunity to test the angels and how their loyalty will save them so he set his greatest hope for mankind his Son to the earth to overcome the ancients. For only God's Son will have simpathy for the ancients for their old age in spirits. His Son is a savior for both the sinners and angels - the paradoxy of his assignments.

The avenger is in the form of a man and has came to execute vengance on the island of Okinawa, a metropolis in Japan. Many lesser angels came to greet the avenger as he landed on a plane to Okinawa. It is God's instruction that he is to land there from his plane flights journey. It is on the guise of work assignments that he lands there. He was born an orphan in the district of the English channel near the lake of Iowa in United States of Ameria. The lesser angels are the guardian angels of Okinawa and agents of God in the city. They received divine instructions from the prophetical angel residing in the west gate of heaven as gatekeeper who executed this prophecy to separate the sheeps and goats from the wolves for the Son of God, Jesus who was crucified for mankind's sins.

The Ebola Virus is a virus that rampages on by the savage Angel of Vengance executing vengance on the earth on those who disobeyed God's commandment to curb fornification.

Although the Ebola virus outbreak is being contained, mankind still did not turn from their wicked ways. They carried on drunkenness, practise black magic, girls are casting love spells and calling every guy their boyfriend. The Angel of Vengance's rage burns solemnly in the high mountain of Israel in Jerusalem symbolizing the end of mankind if there is no one holy enough to become chosen to save the world. Either the chosen will save the world or the world will end in horror.

Now Sammy is an adventure sports person kind of innnocent guy who attracts girls' attention now and then. On his way to the high street, he usually met with temptation but gives them a pass. He once rejected an orgy invitation. His austeries and penance is 3 hours of meditation without fail everyday. God is very please with him and is going to take him away like He did to Enoch who walks with Him.

Where Sammy lives, all of a sudden the Angel of Vengance puts a seal on his home, his home brightens up with a bright white glow symbolizing holiness and the aura of that place is one of peace. Now Samy was just worried about not surviving the virus outbreak or watching His friends die around him. In his meditation he talks to the Angel of Vengance and learnt about God. God demands 4 teens Sammy are friends with to help Sammy seal the plague symbolizing mankind reunion with God, all their sins will be forgiven like in the days of Israel as long as they repent.

Sammy first met Pearline in a mall when he was only 4 years old. He went to the mall with his parents to buy groceries. He was in the Spirit when he first met Pearline so was Pearline who was also 4. Now the experience was very special, like lovers in love. Sammy never forgotten Pearline till the day they met again at school which is St Anderson High School. How did Sammy and Pearline spend their days since they last bumped into each other as both were very in tuned to one another. They never lost touch of that connection.

Now the ancient of days were awakened from the Himalayan Caves where Jesus' disciples, when He visited India for advance yoga training (fictionally) were taught, dwelled where they hide in seclusion from the world and lived long lives afterall Jesus said not to love the world. Now the anciennt of days were giants with huge psionic brains and thick brain nerves and they heard the story of the Avenger Angel so they decide to steal His powers.

Our Father the Angels
sealed a portal
victorious gentiles
unleashed a demon
corrupt the holy city
turned to waste
lords and High lord in charge of the devil kins
base on the book of corruption
surrender the holy city
Sacred Eden
Lost scroll the key to sealing the portal
Mankind giving up hope, losing God's trust

The ebola virus outbreak cause by the uncontrolled growing population of locusts is severely killing the cows counting on the grass the locusts feed on to live.
The technology instigated by the government to control the spread of the ebola outbreak is a vaccine unattainable except by the bugs that feed on the manure of the cows.
The people counting on the vaccine has no hope as well as the farmers living with the cows as the cows no longer is part of agricultural use and farming as the dead cows pile up, the landscape deadens and blighted by the diease of the dying and the carcarsses. There is no solution yet as to how to contain the ebola in the county, the vaccine has to be flown in from overseas, the costs only coverable by donations that has to pour in from outside.

Keywords upon reflection
Dilemas, hopelessness, despair, virus, calamity
God is not here today, blight represents sins in the bible that comes upon a person as he betrays his God by not obeying His words

Beat me to this by an assignment to think of more words that can be associated with this short paragraph and post here if you have had fun. Write your own short linking story with keywords like this etc that you can think of. It's fun! Have a good mental workout. Good luck!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


My flu lasted 5 days and due to medication I have slept these 5 days due to the medication side effects and the medication has drained me of my energy. I hope I won't suffer potential long term side effects like a lump of fat stuck to my face for years before I go on a detox regime. This is the reason why people get fat, all the chemicals from animals injected for agricultural purposes and medicines. Some go to the extent of consuming exotic animals for curing these ills. What is the purpose of tiger genetics in your penis if you are not attracted to female tigers? Simply don't break laws for these extent of self medication, you can functon perfectly in those proven diets and regimes that doctor recommend. Nothing beats standard exercise and fruits and vegetables, other practices, all doctors in singapore will reject.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Treasures in Heaven I Want

Enemies, are difficult people who gives difficult situation that you might or can't handle, do away with them.

Sorcery, the bible identified this evil that must be rid of in our lives.

Crop circles, alien manipulation and mind control device/entities that must be done away with, especially since we are powerless and can only watch as the world degenerates

Your lovers, remember them and be ready to handle any situations that might crop up for their sake which is true love something a society's labelled schizophrenic cannot do as well as a normal fir citizen who can act as guarantor.

Bad thoughts and feelings to go away

Entities attachment, non schizo type breed of people should be careful of especially otherwise welcome to the family

Superior Genes and Dna

Living your best life

Going to any school without problems and focus on goals

No dangers what so ever

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Avenger Fulfilling Prophecy

The avenger is in the form of a man and has came to execute vengance on the island of Okinawa, a metropolis in Japan. Many lesser angels came to greet the avenger as he landed on a plane to Okinawa. It is God's instruction that he is to land there from his plane flights journey. It is on the guise of work assignments that he lands there. He was born an orphan in the district of the English channel near the lake of Iowa in United States of Ameria. The lesser angels are the guardian angels of Okinawa and agents of God in the city. They received divine instructions from the prophetical angel residing in the west gate of heaven as gatekeeper who executed this prophecy to separate the sheeps and goats from the wolves for the Son of God, Jesus who was crucified for mankind's sins.

The Ebola Virus is a virus that rampages on by the savage Angel of Vengance executing vengance on the earth on those who disobeyed God's commandment to curb fornification.

Although the Ebola virus outbreak is being contained, mankind still did not turn from their wicked ways. They carried on drunkenness, practise black magic, girls are casting love spells and calling every guy their boyfriend. The Angel of Vengance's rage burns solemnly in the high mountain of Israel in Jerusalem symbolizing the end of mankind if there is no one holy enough to become chosen to save the world. Either the chosen will save the world or the world will end in horror.

Now Sammy is an adventure sports person kind of innnocent guy who attracts girls' attention now and then. On his way to the high street, he usually met with temptation but gives them a pass. He once rejected an orgy invitation. His austeries and penance is 3 hours of meditation without fail everyday. God is very please with him and is going to take him away like He did to Enoch who walks with Him.

Where Sammy lives, all of a sudden the Angel of Vengance puts a seal on his home, his home brightens up with a bright white glow symbolizing holiness and the aura of that place is one of peace. Now Samy was just worried about not surviving the virus outbreak or watching His friends die around him. In his meditation he talks to the Angel of Vengance and learnt about God. God demands 4 teens Sammy are friends with to help Sammy seal the plague symbolizing mankind reunion with God, all their sins will be forgiven like in the days of Israel as long as they repent.

Sammy first met Pearline in a mall when he was only 4 years old. He went to the mall with his parents to buy groceries. He was in the Spirit when he first met Pearline so was Pearline who was also 4. Now the experience was very special, like lovers in love. Sammy never forgotten Pearline till the day they met again at school which is St Anderson High School. How did Sammy and Pearline spend their days since they last bumped into each other as both were very in tuned to one another. They never lost touch of that connection.

Now the ancient of days were awakened from the Himalayan Caves where Jesus' disciples, when He visited India for advance yoga training (fictionally) were taught, dwelled where they hide in seclusion from the world and lived long lives afterall Jesus said not to love the world. Now the anciennt of days were giants with huge psionic brains and thick brain nerves and they heard the story of the Avenger Angel so they decide to steal His powers.

Our Father the Angels
sealed a portal
victorious gentiles
unleashed a demon
corrupt the holy city
turned to waste
lords and High lord in charge of the devil kins
base on the book of corruption
surrender the holy city
Sacred Eden
Lost scroll the key to sealing the portal
Mankind giving up hope, losing God's trust

The ebola virus outbreak cause by the uncontrolled growing population of locusts is severely killing the cows counting on the grass the locusts feed on to live.
The technology instigated by the government to control the spread of the ebola outbreak is a vaccine unattainable except by the bugs that feed on the manure of the cows.
The people counting on the vaccine has no hope as well as the farmers living with the cows as the cows no longer is part of agricultural use and farming as the dead cows pile up, the landscape deadens and blighted by the diease of the dying and the carcarsses. There is no solution yet as to how to contain the ebola in the county, the vaccine has to be flown in from overseas, the costs only coverable by donations that has to pour in from outside.

Keywords upon reflection
Dilemas, hopelessness, despair, virus, calamity
God is not here today, blight represents sins in the bible that comes upon a person as he betrays his God by not obeying His words

Beat me to this by an assignment to think of more words that can be associated with this short paragraph and post here if you have had fun. Write your own short linking story with keywords like this etc that you can think of. It's fun! Have a good mental workout. Good luck!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Life summarised

I was thinking on life and found out that our ups and downs (illness to failures) is our undead inquities as a result of the experiment of life by Spirit, genetically glued to us until it is solved, in short life lessons. We simply cannot have it our way until we cease attacking unknown logic that the Spirit is overseeing. Until all our debts are cleared and we have enough treasures in heaven can we leave our lair for an advance lair, one made of convience for our sake.

Psychiatric Condition

Examing the reasons behind why i keep smiling to myself at work and at home, i found that the reasons could only be all the stuff in my mind. As i read a book, I learn rapidly and figure many things out since i first started initiating myself to life's questions from techniques of war to nature's phemonom. It is a miracle that my intelligence can grow to this size it is all through sheer hard work. My writing speed also increased greatly. So i appreciate it very much and can't help but question why i really smile to myself.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Trying my hands at false channeling, simply going to write.
The bible says not to visit a spiritist, so don't go searching on the internet for these unless wisdom is foundation of your search.

The intution from the chakra, the third eye opens my consciousness to the divine harmony of the karmic order sustaining the world's orders. I saw that society problem has its root in mankind ever insatiability desire to consume more and more, taking away from the earth but not giving enough back. So God has put in place warning signs such as the elnino, suffering ordained from the beginning of creation to pursue chaos in the willful child that is our societies.

My soul mate the Goddess, Lady of the Universe and unknown realms, calls my soul to pursue this subject further as my interest is aroused and new consciousness forms in my mind through her guidance as I ensoul her on in mind meditation to pursue me as a devotee. This is my soul mission to trust myself fully in the Goddess so that the perfection of God the Father can be manifested in me the disciple. I must guide my soul in this direction in order to understand, comprehend, the sufferings that plague the world.

Fast food is consuming animals that is producing methane gas that destroys our environment, but despite its bad health, we are stilling buying fastfood back for our children.

That's all for now as the job club has to close.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Describing God beings

One who has the contenance of God has:

Glows and auric vibratory contribution to the Order/School of Chaos, the school of influences, subtle and disruptions

The Lord and Lady of the quality has the principle power that is angelic, pure and is an order, school

Talks about his divine duty over the nature of a school of power

His or her relations with God is at the level of Arch-qualities

Karmic lord training as a God in the heaven or realm or dimensional or planetary or combination into the power, principalities (prinicplities is the soul power, definition, geez and cruz of the spirit of the thing we are talking about, like the definition of any english word can be fully found in a dictionary

The karmic retributory equivalent in full of offending a soul dedicated to the divine service of God has the same impact as the cursed souls of the ones who sinned against Spirit, the degatoriness is of one who offends a child of God

The apostolic school dedicated to the saint of service will warn the children of perdition against trangression

The power of writing karma can be resolved into the simplified points in this short paragraph.

If I were a disciple of Christ, with the assignment of strengthening what remains, crushing the nations, enduring persecution I would withdraw from Christ my treasure in heaven to write and master all the karmas until i don't need to do so in my if possible.

The Holy Spirit fills my mind as I understand this point about what a treasure is.

Hopefully you will do the same now or in future as the Spirit guides you. This is a Trueness and a Heart that is filling with desire that comes with the power of understanding.
The guidance of the Spirit is therefore true. Solomon says do not scorn wisdom, so take my advise my inform God to learn karma through withdrawing and writing in Spirit and adding to your spiritual cache and treasures in heaven.


Sorry i forgot to update my blog twice last week as I was busy with exercise and diet regime. What is going on is that i can't go on a diet as doctor declared that all diets are fads. What i will do and had done is to eat less. Despite having eaten alot I have lost 2 kg, probably from digesting. What a miracle, maybe someone should clock this.