The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The power of the human mind and schizophrenia

Some interesting proof that the human mind can implant and create implants

Physical appearance can change
Fantasying about exercising can cause weight reduction, studys shows
My muscles can mysteriously disappear and reappear
I feel good on days and bad on days healthwise with split second change
Schizophrenics reported sensing implants
The same environment such as an air con room feels hot and then cold despite being on for a long time
Chemical substance of atoms change with thoughts, a very powerful evident, don't be a hypocrite, one moment you believe in science, the next you reject schizophrenic patients' beliefs
Conciousness and life can be created in you and the brain if you read storybooks and think through about your characters precise states, thoughts, feelings, drivers
Energy of a place/Feng Shui change with different placements

Ponder through this and give yourself the benefit of the doubt as the thoughts of schizophrenics like us are very powerful, we don't find trouble for ourselves if we can handle this radical life we won't be sick. There are just too many psychic attacks on us. This is my view. There could even be powerful psychic beings projecting these thoughts on us in the universe as the universe is so vast. The human indigoes research i did to know more about these special group of advance beings brought me to a website of spoonbenders, they even teaches how to bend through power of the mind.

Basically how are we to progress and on care giving is very important as the whole fabric of life is base on the positivity we send each other, such as the shapes of water molecules in an experiment revealed. Don't scorn or judge or dismiss, it is our biggest disease. One day Jesus will come and save us all, I truly hope and we have to earn that within ourselves to attract Him into our lives.
(Scripture: Confess our Lord before men and He will confess us before His Father in Heaven. Turn away and you shall be turn away, He shall say: Away from me I never knew you. When I was hungry...)

I doubr that research on schizophrenics show that/reveal that how we react to the voices might be the way our brain lights up. I am concern for myself and schizophrenics so i feel the need to blog.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Book 4: Adolescent Girls

I read about adolescent years of girls at work this week. It was a good book, I have read quite a few books of this genre this year, 3-Human Indigo, Marriage Counselling, Idiot’s guide to Human Indigo. Total I read 4 books other than the current book I am reading. 4th book I have yet to mention is Wheel of time. A fantasy genre book that rivals the great works of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.

I shall write about my new book and what my thoughts and feelings are.

Through the decades, growing up has been made tougher for girls. They have an identity crisis fuelled by media entrenchment in sexuality and violence and possessions and jealousies. The perfect figure has been trimmed down by an astonishing 20 pounds since the late 80s and is growing lesser in the eyes of innocent teens that are anorexic and getting sexual attention everywhere they go. The struggle to be perfect has cost the lives of many teen girls as well as suicide rates scale the highest. The only way to resolve this crisis is to care for these emotionally disturbed teens with the right infusion of love and spirituality, to love themselves and others and not to judge themselves or others around them as to scorn irrationality and influence premarital don’ts into their friends.

Let the world work together in giving each other support in healing this problem in our adolescent girls and give them the equal love and attention, praise and recognition we give to boys. It is only education and sharing experience lacking as girls before adolescence perform remarkably well academically compared to boys, this trend is reverse in adolescence. Eventually the world will have a savior to solve these problems for us, the saviour in whom I trust is the Lamb, Jesus.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Websites information about Schizophrenia

No laboratory test has been found to be diagnostic of this disorder. However, individuals with Schizophrenia often have a number of (non-diagnostic) neurological abnormalities. They have enlargement of the lateral ventricles, decreased brain tissue, decreased volume of the temporal lobe and thalamus, a large cavum septum pellucidi, and hypofrontality (decreased blood flow and metabolic functioning of the frontal lobes). They also have a number of cognitive deficits on psychological testing (e.g., poor attention, poor memory, difficulty in changing response set, impairment in sensory gating, abnormal smooth pursuit and saccadic eye movements, slowed reaction time, alterations in brain laterality, and abnormalities in evoked potential electrocephalograms).

If you have seen a picture of the brain before, it probably looked like this one, which illustrates the outer surface of the upper brain. This outer surface contains numerous folds that increase the surface area and allow more cerebral cortex to be packed into the skull, giving us more "brain power."

temporal lobe

The Brain
The upper brain, or cerebrum, is divided into left and right halves, called cerebral hemispheres. These are connected by a bundle of nerve fibers called the corpus callosum. Each cerebral hemisphere contains four lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal. Each lobe contains many different areas that control a variety of functions.

The brainstem and spinal cord
The lower part of the brain contains the brainstem, which controls sleep-wake cycles, breathing, and heartbeat. The upper part of the brainstem contains the thalamus and hypothalamus. The lower part of the brainstem is continued as the spinal cord, which carries messages between the brain and the rest of the body.

Nerve cells of the brain
Nerve cells, or neurons, are the building blocks of the brain. They work like computer chips, analyzing and processing information and then sending signals through the nerve fibers. The nerve fibers act like telephone wires, connecting different areas of the brain, spinal cord, muscles, and glands.

Nerve cells are so small that a microscope is needed to see them. There are approximately 100 billion nerve cells in the brain. During a seizure, each cell may fire as many as 500 times a second, much faster than the normal rate of about 80 times a second in the brain and spinal cord. Each call is bombarded by hundreds of impulses every second. One of the wonders of the human brain is how the billions of individual computers (neurons) in the brain function in a coordinated fashion to control our movements and breathing, and most importantly, to allow us to think and feel.

Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers of the brain. These substances are released at the end of the cell and cross the synapse, a tiny space between the walls of one cell's axon and the dendrite of the next nerve cell, to bind to receptors located on that dendrite.

There are many kinds of neurotransmitters, but each individual nerve cell produces only one major type. Some of the neurotransmitters are carried a long distance within the nervous system. Others, however, have local effects; that is, they are produced by and released onto cells that are close to each other.

Neurotransmitters are important in diseases of the nervous system. In Parkinson's disease, for example, cells that manufacture dopamine, an important neurotransmitter that regulates movement, are lost. Loss of nerve cells may contribute to the development of epilepsy in some cases. For example, prolonged lack of oxygen may cause a selective loss of cells in the hippocampus, which may lead to epilepsy.

Some of the major neurotransmitters in the brain shut off or decrease brain electrical activity. They cause nerve cells to stop firing. These neurotransmitters are called "inhibitory" because they inhibit the activity of the cells. A neurotransmitter called GABA is the best-known example of this type.

Other neurotransmitters stimulate or increase brain electrical activity. That is, they cause nerve cells to fire. These are described as "excitatory." Glutamate is an example of this type.

Be prepared for an intellectual orgasm:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


When life seems gloomy, and dark clouds looms think of these:

Yahweh, Heaven, Holy Spirit, Flowers, Cloud, Angels, Bears
Smileys, Favourite books, Sweets, Child, Chocolate

Feeling a bit blue today as typing is disturbed by all the books I have read and redigesting. I have a task from Noel, but I just can't seem to focus. I guess I am digesting what i have read, the only explanation. That's all.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Scary Air Conditioning

A very scary thing happened to me. The air conditioning at work overtire me at the end of the day to the point that i can't read my book/magazine. To spruce up my lifestyle, I decide to take leave every Tueday afternoon to work out at the gym, thanks to my supervisor Noel for approving. The air conditioning has never affected me accept the cold ever before, guess I should inform God with a prayer about my discrepancies. Hopefully things get better or i should consult a doctor about my body's sensivity, i will research into it.

Symptoms: (Do you have this symptoms? It could be due to chemical sensitivity. I think I better start taking supplement and reading up on it)

Difficulty concentrating
Intolerance to heat or cold
Stuffy head or congestion
Sore throat
Memory problems
Breathing problems
Changes in heart rhythm
Chest pain
Muscle pain and/or stiffness
Bloating or gas
Skin rash or hives
Mood changes

I forgot to add big fat prawns with shells and heads to my austeries list.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The subject of delusion is one that is intense and life changing to any schizophrenic who were to research through it. They might not believe how deluded their life was until they actually relate to the scope of the deluded beliefs of other schizophrenics and research.

First of all, a delusion is a firmly belief or hallucination about something that it isn’t true and can be proven untrue. Delusions are extremely common in schizophrenia, occurring in more than 90% of patients as my research has shown. A deluded person is said to have strong wrong beliefs and fantasies that is false or unscientific.

Common schizophrenic delusions:

False persecution or belief that other people are out to cheat, conspire against, plot, discriminate against, victimize, harass, spy on or poison them, directed at them or their family members

Suspicion of every little thing. For instance, when walking down the street, he or she may sense that every eye is on him or her, that people are talking about them, that every phone being used is a device for monitoring their every move and that even the guy sweeping the road is an “agent” observing them.

A patient might believe that the radio or TV is talking directly to them or about them. Or a neighbor is using telepathy to read and control their thoughts.

A common variant of such bizarre delusions is the belief that the CIA or FBI or some secret government agency has been able to implant wires or a radio device into the patient’s brain which enables them to monitor his or her thoughts, and even dictate their behavior and actions.

Other common delusions in schizophrenia are what are referred to as “delusions of grandeur” where the patient might believe he or she is someone famous or important, or knows someone famous or important. Sufferers might believe they are historical figures like Jesus Christ or Napoleon Bonaparte, or they might think they are the President of the United States. They might refer to their “close friendship” with the Pope or Mick Jagger.

A particular dangerous delusion is one where the patient believes he or she has superhuman powers. This is probably brought on by the popular culture of superheroes in comic books, TV and the movies. Regardless of the source, patients might hurt themselves if they choose to call on their “superpowers” for example flying off a 10-story building, or leaping across a river.

Many people with schizophrenia experience hallucinations and delusions. These hallmark schizophrenia symptoms can understandably cause distress and disorientation. Studies have shown that most people who deal with these schizophrenia symptoms have developed their own coping strategies, particularly when dealing with auditory hallucinations or "hearing voices."

Schizophrenia Hallucinations: Coping Strategies

When voices are distressing, some patients may self-adjust their prescription medications or use drugs or alcohol to minimize the hallucinations. But there are better ways to deal with this issue.

Other methods for coping with hallucinations include:

• Fighting back. This technique involves yelling or talking back to the hallucinations. While resisting the voices may seem like a good idea, studies show that the "fight or flight" response can lead to depression, since the voices typically don't go away on their own.

• Passive acceptance. Although accepting that the voices are part of life for a person with schizophrenia seems to have more positive emotional effects, some argue that the danger of acceptance is that the hallucinations may start to consume your life.

• Mindfulness techniques. In a trial of a therapy called Acceptance and Commitment, participants significantly reduced the effects of their symptoms, and had slightly fewer re-hospitalizations, than a control group using traditional therapy. With this philosophy, the patient agrees to acknowledge the voices but does not agree to accept guidance from them.

Schizophrenia Delusions: Coping Strategies

For coping with delusions, not all strategies work for every person, and many people report using more than one strategy.

• Distraction. Focusing on a task, reciting numbers, taking a nap, or watching television can help distract the person from delusional, often paranoid, thoughts. A recent study showed that the choice of distraction is important. Researchers found that choosing favorite music or a news program was a more effective distraction tool than white noise. The study also reported that a personal music player with headphones might be the best way to listen to music when trying to ignore delusions. Headphones minimize other distractions, and people who used them tended to stick with this technique even after the study was completed.

• Asking for help. Some people with schizophrenia seek out the company of friends and family when they are experiencing delusions. Friends and family can help by providing a distracting activity, or even just a listening ear.

• Religion and meditative activities. People who are religious believers report using prayer or meditation to help deal with their active schizophrenia symptoms. Yoga, exercise, or walking can also shift the focus from the delusions and provide a sense of calm.

• Be selective. Some voices are positive and some voices are negative. An organization called Hearing Voices takes an interesting approach: The voices may not be physical beings, but they should still treat you with the respect that you expect from other people. This group recommends engaging with the voices, but politely. The patient should ask the voices to make an appointment, or tell the negative voices that they are not welcome until they have useful information.

Schizophrenia Symptoms: Family Reaction

While delusions and hallucinations may not always upset the person with schizophrenia, they are always very real. So how loved ones react to these symptoms is important. Without meaning to, loved ones can cause distress by betraying fear or worry, or by dismissing the patient’s experience.

Family therapy can help the loved ones of a person with schizophrenia know how to react when schizophrenia symptoms manifest themselves. It can also teach families about warning signs that their loved one may be using damaging coping mechanisms, like self-medicating with illicit drugs or alcohol.

My experience

My parents don’t care about my schizophrenia. I feel that they don’t understand what schizophrenia is but my aunt takes a personal approach in communicating with me and advises rest and sunshine and gives me money to eat well. My parents are busy with their own lives and take care of the family well. Despite this my voices tells me that I am Buddha in my past life, I read Buddhist scriptures and considered being Buddhist once before I was healed by a Christian priest of my many years of intense pain after accepting Jesus into my life. When I was at home for the past year, I meditate 2 to 5 hours a day for meditative mood and felt at peace with life and myself to cope with my medication side effects. I feel that I need a change in medication, now that I read about these delusions as I still believe I am someone prominent in my past life. I cope with music and movies as therapy.

While I was at school, I did not experience any deluded beliefs except that intense harm will come to me if I eat at the canteen, so much so was my fear that I couldn’t take it and has to quit school. Such situations can’t be helped, you have to consult a counselor as it arises as you will take her advice as she/he confirms with you that people care and do not seek to harm you.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Feng Shui Original blog intent

Principles of Good feng shui minus curses, hexes, vexes, spells and entities influence:

Envision what you want
Check most beneficial placement area yurself
Avoid cluttering
Be creative
Link - find correlations. How your creatures can befriend each other
Experiment in your life
Feel your environment
Use crystals

Spend wisely, after all it is where you live

Further Initiation

Growing into a human being (Becoming human) [evolutionary term of spiritual level] I have learned:

Karma is mother abandoning child to maid abuses and sexual assualts and intellectual, emotional neglect. Pornstars' pregnancy, abortion dilemma, selling one's soul to the devil, playing the devil's advocate, child born, becomes ostracised, a sin to others and fear of retribution in their life. (God of earth initiation)

There is Devil Quotion, Angel Quotion base on your commitment to reflect on your life
22nd April, My understanding reached God of earth level as i contemplate on my life (revelation)
Demon King - must understand, reflect and learn
Karma Lord - Beginning and the Last, where it all began
My training from the Holy Spirit, God added to my training, modus operandi speakingly

The story: From 100 pages a day, self help guidance book - demon dialogue in marriages (recommended book choice) to understand how emotional handling fails to connect to one's spouse spiritually - karma to 6 - 11 pages of A level textbooks a day. I discover that through the Holy Spirit I was meditating in reality, conscious effort applied revealed from prayer, Holy Spirit at work. Don't blasemphy Spirits say Jesus whose works speak for itself and hot promise of 100 times more in our lifetime - God's only begotten Son speaks in the bible - testimony to the prophecies and Holiness of Israel. My spiritual goal - to live to my fullest potential - Human and Godly through God provided evolution through understanding in my own realm with total security. Blasemphy against the Spirit and the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. We don't know who is Spirit yet who will have a bride.

The evolutionary leap forward

Humanity must as a race understand that no secrets should separate them and God. His punishment and rebukes come A betterment for our overall living conditions. As long as he is omnipotent towards us, we should live securely and im praise and joy of our blessedness as the catholic church of Saint Anthony does in their asking for God's blessings in prayer. It is either understanding or live as an alien.

I live with blocks of limiting potential in my life and throughout my life but God's saving hands has never yet to lift me out of my misery. No doubt some readers or their past lives through personal faith and beliefs might turn against me and block me or my clients or intend harm but all of life is correlated I learned as I requested my prayers to be halted for a while. We are all in a constant state of learning and each soul holds astorehouses of knowledge and you will find God working intimately with you as you appreciate him more, it is our sins that block us from Him. Karma learning and clearing, balancing offers you the opportunity to learn from God through me and tap into this vast treasure of appreciation of life and eventually ascends to Heaven. I offer you resting waterhole of the karmas I have grasped as well as the Nothing, Principle, Power of the karmas as well as spiritual (overall) growth in God towards evolution of humanity, your soul.

According to solomon, we have to pay 7 times more if a thief when caught - The greviousness of our sins. Make a mistake and the devolution to demons is guaranteed in my experience as I learn and remit sin.

Books recommendation - Maitreya speaks (don't accept blindly of what use does God see in blind following versus understanding of knowledge and its transmutation into wisdom?

As you read and understand, God has offered you marriage in sacrament.

I work with God only and all his forces of nature even the Holy Spirit.

You must allow for change to happen and free your minds to the infinite Godly potential at work as oppose to wallowing in your karma or sins. Sins must be remitted, and you must confess to God in silence as written in the bible about your sins. When you are ready, spend your spiritual cache here with me and God. Don't let the devil take God's words and blessings away from you by turning a blind eye to evolution and growth. Everlasting progress.

Write on our forum and share, testify to your life with God:
My four year old have ben having a bad day at school. I as a father neglected to probe into it. Since I confessed my sins, I have started to care more for my daughter and talking to her has helped me learn and reconnect to myself while growing up, how my parents have failed to supervise me and neglected my sense of belonging.

An experiment on sharing. Share your life with us.

If you want to help someone through me, you must spend your spiritual cache. Write thus: I want to spend $1 million worth of spiritual money in USD to help my mother through difficult time at work.

I for fear of blasemphy to an extremist perspective failed to include the Holy Spirit in my work and stalled my business launch. Everything is correlated is the knowledge i found.

Jesus-son of man, God is man. The only man we know of is human. Darwin and other biologists has scientific evidences of various pre-human species so we can conclude that evolution does not end simply. We can evolve further, karma balancing offers the means.

Quotable quote (Initiations, which might be blocked):
Speak not of that which you know not of unless known to be safe
buying diamond is an investment in the supranatural

If you understand and won't even betray accidentally, meditate and affirmations for you to join to strengthen the power vested therein (Best meditation and affirmation from Heaven):

God, provide me and my brethens with me with evolution to man as you are, as Jesus declared in the totality of our being and life which are our consciousness, ever blessed genes and dna, and other genetics, atoms; electrons, neutrons, protons, light, nucleuses, cytoplasmics, parallel lives, past existence, Spirit (for example: resilience), Breath, soul as you are in these aspects of ours and karmas which we have masterd through You. And evolution of the Goddess, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Spirit, Bride, Prophets, Angels, Witnesses, Riders and the Chosen Ones in the bible and their efficiency as I have been known to be evil as Jesus spake. (Zeus' colony's first incarnation as God by God in power that wouldn't fall)

25 April 2010, I found out I as a whole was learning spiritual power, absolute reign, which leaks. From then on I began learning integration to counter loss of energies and power.
My other spiritual powers: Debt collector if I need. Oily faith, God. Purest perfection. Godly life's math. Website building. Godly repentance. Divine guidance, protection, obedience. Exercising in reality. Celestial potential. Personal Pet. Psychiatry. General Management. And with God. Creativity seer. Verbal affirmation in reality. Past life's affirmations. Maintaining good standing with past lives and gang through God. What God wants me to see, hear and learn.

Reward for serving my brethens I want: Genes, Dna, Knowledge, Power and Intelligences to reach Godly Potential
My brethens are (If i ought to serve them as Jesus said):
God, Goddess, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Spirit, Bride
Zeus, Hera, Aprodite, Dionysus, Hades, Hermes, Athena, Hephaestus, Ares, Poseidon
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Raguel
Persus, Hercules, Jason, Opedius and wife
Bhrama, Vishnu, Shiva, Narayana, Ganesha
Sakyamuni Buddha, Earth Store Boddhisattva, Guan Yin Boddhisattva, Gautama Buddha
Zen Meditation, Schizophrenia, Parkinson, Diabetes, Alzhemier, English Language, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Business, IQ, Eq, SQ

Include my spirtual powers meditation for the benefits I myself have experienced and am glad. Momently rewarded.
Betrayals curtails annulation.
Rewards for the following as in order according to bible texts guidance (General Order):
1st Betrayal, 2nd Unconditional Love 3rd Sacred Sex 4th Understanding 5th Keeping Updated 6th Desire to suffer 7th Suicidal Death

% Breed. Reach God Status for these breeds to enjoy the karmic blessedness meaning maximum benefits.
Satyr - Sex predator breed
Matryr - Religious, sacrificial benefit seeker
Wooer - Beginning stages of adultery to plain flirting only
Flirt - Of women and men, karmic debt (unwanted)
Idiot - Playfulness or karmic debt
Angel - Like Michael, Raphael, Raguel
Lord - Estates, like dracula, executive, vampire likeness
Emperor - General Manager, forms of business management
Suicidal - Depression, of love loss, of general failure, of starveness

Others: Studies/Student - Found in the correlatedness and strength of the karmas

All of life consists of these breeds declare God to me. Please inform of other beings you like know the percentages of and location karmically such as at your work place and a personal idol or for a family member. Career/Jobs/Vocations such as newsreporter, you are welcome.

This business will sells for $300 including answers from Spirit. Karmically business strength will increase.

100% stable karmic progress group and how to join
1 lifetime of normal business relations with understanding karmically 250,000 USD under a 4,000 USD salary base will earn the knowledge and power to progress meaningfully on and on karmically forever. Or slightly more to invest in understanding, spend also so that you are affirmig and spending your karma meaningfully. Karma/God's like that with guarantee from Him. You might be forced to spend more for perfection due to new laws at any point in time, nothing compared to God Status which is near impossible to reach unless you spend your entire life spiritual cache with understanding, meaning no loss or suffer persecution.

Karmically alike business (website):
Goddess Sophia
Robert E. Deztler

Karma Advancement Resource: - read and pray for karma advancement; good merits (400% suicidal tenacity relieved in me)

What else do we do?
Recommended jewelry not astrologically but karmically and astrological bangles to Angelic and God, percentages of what talent karmically to unlock base on list and personal preference. I Ching, Feng Shui, Tarot, Our Solar System has reached God Status karmically yesterday. (In the past, the bible said not to divinate, Read these books for God Status)
Jewelry company that sources or investment funds needed.

Star and Planets in Solar System to alliance (we don't need other planets astrologically):
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Karmically purchase my business for good merits.
Simply refer at least 2 referer for karmic business luck.

My advancing God Status: Advancing Glowing Ratna (Gem) on 25 April

Buy all facets of a rudrashakas or a big one for God status in one's lifetime as a baby.

Ratnas: (Bread of life status beings)
Robert E. Deztler (bread said God)
Goddess Sophia (Bread of life)
Christ Jesus (Bread of life)

Karmically Clients should know from God, Holy Spirit and Jesus: If you receive somebody as a prophet, you receive a prophet's reward and a worker, a worker. Give sincerely with your heart for best results as God's rewards for you. As you give, so you shall receive says the bible.

Draco-Lucy - new borg i created, now a breed (law)
Vampire - blood lust (now law says God)

I work with my sources and found these knowledge. Benjamin Creme's source - Maitreya

Faith for long suffering in trust of the Holy Spirit involves spiritual sacrifices. One doesn't get what one wants for a reason.

26/27th April - Another status added - Saint from the earth. Claimed ownership of my business. My God advanced into a more powerful overseer as I progressed intellectually and included more karmic ideas and laws. I AM SPIRIT, He declares.
Bought full body biology and from God other bodies and minds karmically for everlasting progress that I am free to use. Since I sacrificed my dimensions to God as Spirit, I can't betray anyone anymore, soon anything.
Acquired Spirit growth learnign from God - Initiation
-A part of Goddess Sophia's S.I.R course
Status from God (Initiation), personal source and the bible (bought from reading)(100% means God and my levels)
As I perceive, these statuses are who you are to God and others karmically, God verified this with me)
Demon Qualities Slayer - gluttony, lust 24% (spent and 100%)
God Status:
Principles 60% (spent and 100%)
Power 20% (spent and 100%)
Nothing 75% (spent and 100%)
Higher Self Member 120%
Holy Spirit 91% (Spent and 100% filled with the Holy Spirit forever)
Spirit 90%
Karmic indebtedness value base om $4,000 USD salary 100% safe from it
Sin level 10% (spent 0% forever, God status)
Poverty in level (Kingdom of Heaven Standing) 90% (from suffering: schizophrenia, school's rejections - a miracle school leaver, I don't have poor results)
Son of God, peacemaker - 40% (Spent 200%)
Fallen Angel: 20% (for fun, by God. Spent, now 300%)
Unfallable Angel 90% (80% by Lucifer)

Life's status (Initiations):
CEO 60%
Executive 20%
Chairman 90% (spent - 100%)
Freshmen (student)- 20% (100%, spent)
Freshmen (employee) - 100%
Nurse 60% (spent, 100%)
Virgin 90% (spent, 100%)
Mind Control only (crop circles, magic arts) - 20% (spent, now 100%)
Flirt: Husband 30% (now 100%, spent) Wife 40% (spent, now 100%)

God standing (status being) - Karmic strength attained at these level 27th April 2-3 am after initiation and permission from God to advance spirits (at God level - Initiation by Lucifer before his fall to advance his fallen angels if they come). Can't be helped statisically as Lucifer is God to me. I have a past life soul purpose to reform Lucifer. To have life's guarantee from God.

You see only what I want you to see karmically in 2 weeks time, Lucifer or Satan has vested interest here too.

Honor and Glory (Now I can have Jesus Stats -100%, spent 200%) 75% mine (100% spent)
God's stats in believable strengths -200%

Group strength by presence: 100% Lucifer 200% Satan 300%
Leadership (Power): 200% (300%, spent chache so did Satan who is 1500%)
-America's President karmically (as of 27th April 3:30 am) 300%
Recognition -70% (spent 400%, forever infinite, Satan: 1500%)
Business level power achieved 100% (Satanism up to Satan to spend)

University final exams and a PHD 100%
Carelessness - 200% (2 God status)
Fear - 100% (Fearlessness)
Ego - 100% solved
Forgetfulness - 200%
Buddha - 60%
Boddhisatttva -60% (100% reached, spent)

I had schizophrenia which medicine could not cure but aggravated karmically and made me overweight 84kg from 52.5 kg so i search for help and found karma clearing. Years later I founded this business as I initiated myself.

Pain treatment that is karma clearing cause my abnormal and low stats. And also meditating on for a long time in magnitude, i spent my daily spiritual cache to confirm.

Lucifer fell because he felt miserable and sucidal, this was confirmed. Highest Angel's ego and expectancy so he desired to rise his throne to God's - Initiation with his message there. In case someone hacks.

True benefits comes from payment. My list would make anyone jealous, any healers with the intend of growth. - World's initiation this moment rippled across the radar, i included alpha and omega healing to the list with God

I am very upset that initiation in life itself there are people who wants to block. But I acknowledge that people have their reasons, ups and downs and lessons in their life. Hopefully people who do not experience this life changing initiation will still believe that God cares.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Father and dear friends,

I confess to you my sins that to cut off all world ties in a heavenly rage instead of accepting and having a soul of compassion and love that i drank 2 cups of boiling water, consume a plate of durian seeds, a big bowl of orange peels (Partially to honor becoming as advance as the Orange God, God of orange aliens from Nevada from the internet) and ate bones and piping hot chilli as austerities, as well as big fat prawns with shells and heads. From now on I am forever free from non suffering as I did all this for total security in my own realm as Faithful and True to me, a Lord of lords, King of kings in the bible. It has been 3 years.

Now that i need to exercise, I need money for operation or Noel simply has to understand that I will feel nausea. I simply don't have the money for operation and my soul yearns for my desire fulfilled.

From blessed sharing with Jesus, I now have him as my personal guardian Angel and it is His instruction to write. All healing takes time and my healing and ascension has just began. Father I know that from this baptism, all my real sufferings has ended and from my life path that I shall be One with You and Perfected as Jesus declared for us sinners in the bible that he is forever more and always.

I suffered in the hands of God 100 million time more in pain of my brain that i thought was schizophrenia, clearly works of God and portals from Hell. Yes, I have ascended. It must be true.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Song Writing (Expression)

Noel asks me to blog a song so i did here. I lost a soulful song in the attempt as my memory let me down. My soul longs for an entry into the sacred Heart, the presence of Jesus and His glory so i blog this song and sang it with my soul and heart.

Lament: Jesus’ Ascension

My soul is crying
My nearest refuge has ascended

Glory, Glory, Glory
Hosanna to the highest

Don’t think that life has past me by
Life does not end with his ascending

His Spirit leads me onwards to Paradise
Glory, Glory, Glory to the highest

In the end we shall be as One
Together as One forever

Heaven is His dwelling
Earth is His footstool
Glory to the highest

My Spirit endures on for the access to His Heart
My Soul endures on to the Secrets of His Life
Forever, forever is your glory
Glorious life, everlasting salvation, the Lamb has come to me
Finally, we are One.

My emotion is suddenly insurmountable
Just as the moody sky is a sign of rain to come
My sorrow sings of valuable tears to drop
Precious emotions in a dull world still
Nobody but me exists in this whole world and with You again.

Remark: Borrowed a line from the church that sings and shout his glory:
Hossanna to the highest

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Job Experience So Far

I have been assigned a higher task which is data entry for Noel, my supervisor. I don't know if it has been my work performance or a new assignment since I passed my probation. It probably is an assignment to test my abilities. Anyway I experienced some difficulty typing as my mind seems lost now and then, I don't know why. And worse of all, as the work is summarisation, there is nothing to summarise not strange as it is a serious genre of book writing of presenting information to the readers, I hope Noel understands this. If he does, I won't be so worried. But overall, there is no problem as to my efficiency as I read my work. [After thorough reading, I found that summarisation is indeed required now and then]

The singing session has really enliven up my life as I love music although I don't play any instruments. I wonder if there is any good music I can add to my collection. Haven't even heard of Elton John or Sugar Ray's other music other than Your Sweet Dreams which has quite a reputation. Good thing I remember Youtube so I won't waste my money on bad music. Music has been a traditional therapy for years, It has enliven my life very much since I started listening beginning this year.

I did a test for a cognitive performance research but the details of which I have to keep secret, I guess that's the last of what I have to say then.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Business Idea

I look up a website on the seven deadly sins and noticed they sell T shirts. Which gave me a business idea of selling T shirts with slogans like Help One Another. And maybe my blog of my site can progress to that level eventually. Just feel the need to note this down. Maybe IMH can set up such a business too as I will have a source for my wears, I will definitely buy from IMH or perhaps the salvation army. I have to check if they already have such services.

Exercise and Cognitive Functions

Although I use to work out, I still feel very exhausted by the gym session. I hope to fit into what I am suppose to do in a few months. I will start some basic exercises at home for a start to fit in. I don't know why I felt very nauseas, maybe it is wrong food. From now on, I will cut down on my meat intake. This is my exercise training plan.

Alienated By New Environment

Wow! It has been 3 weeks since my job posting to IMH as a receptionist trainee. I still haven't gotten used to my new environment, even at home I have to make conscious effort to wind down, I am less than half way through coping with my new schedule. Over the phone, as i was handling clients I am still very nervous, sometimes i forgot what to say as I am afraid of making mistakes. Pondering over my abnormal nervousness, which is a new thing for me as I had close friends, I realise it was due to the voices I have been hearing since our separation that made me wary of people. The emotional support is missing as I have to be tested at work for work related efficiency.

This wariness of people is something I have to come to terms with and that people are not out to harm me, it is just the side effects of medication. One bad effect of changing environment is that I sometimes become blurred out by God knows why. Thankfully it hasn't affected my work severely as I double or triple check my work and most of the times there were no mistakes.