The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit
The Teacher

Friday, May 6, 2011

Exposition of the Bible

Some of you my fellow trainees would find this unmeaningful as it seems repetitive but it is different each time I read it and I have added alot of new information. This is call power leveling.

School rejected me this year 2010, but I trust God daily and took initiations and became more Humanized. I still remember the initiation I took and can initiate others through karma balancing.

I couldn't find a job for 2 years now due to schizophrenia. Few years back I experienced alot of brain shrinkage symptoms like over frequent painful migraines and other psychotics symptoms, through my desperation I found a karma healer who healed me and I recovered well. Since I stopped my sessions with the therapist, I gained weight from 52.5 kg to 84.5 kg from risperidone and zuclopenthixol side effects such as increased appetite, low metabolism and muscle loss. So I started this Karma learning blog and website for karma healing to help others since I bought the business, there's a savior complex in me.

The title of my website is Karma Balancing, Human Evolution at a microscope, an important evolutionary leap forward for mankind. No harm reading my website from the future.

Permission Karma Advancement - Understanding

What happens if you do something without permission? You have to suffer the consequences of it in ne of your many lifepaths. If not for God's laws, there would be no peace. God is a personal God. What happens in your life if you have too much karmic baggages, you cannot move forward and you suffer repercussions of your actions and inactions and remissions of sins, as written in the bible is blocked. You eat meat and part of their bad karmas is passed on to you and their good karma gets stuck on you and cannot go back so life punishes you and you don't know why.

How do I know if what I am referring to is true, experience our karma advancement whereby I do karma learning, karma clearing, healing, advancement through the Mind, Heart, Spirit, Soul, Breath, Light of God. You will feel lighter and life stops bothering you for a while. Your entire being radiates with the wisdom of God. This I promise you and money back garantee if it doesn't manifest for you. Explore the reasons for your karmic woes if any and sincerely reconcile with God and you will also feel your suffering lightens and life baggages reduce and you get filled with light like I did on a 40 minute journey home in my father's car. Effects are guaranteed. We do your karma life advancement for you within 3 days of receiving your payment. Follow-up once every two week to get your life lessons learned in your beingness to its totality – reflections and points from me if you contact me minus the indebtedness which calls for tithing.

New karmas are granted once old ones are clear to learn from. Where have I gotten my power from: Jesus, Holy Spirit, God. My beliefs are fun and personal like everyone else to my uninquisitive mind. God: Works on you starts once I get the go ahead from you. We have to work with blocks from people so results might take days to confirm or more. Arrange a waking time and we will do the healing for you so you can experience firsthand. There is alot of work and you get your money worth of healing and learning and you get to keep your soul advancement with you throughout your soul journey. This is quite an excitement so to speak. Your soul no longer needs to experience the tired old routine over and over. The process is equivalent to the saying of attaining Godhood of old Taoist beliefs or enlightenment of Buddhism.

Block is when someone wants you to understand something about yourself or your life, there might be any form of block as I work on you but God is unlimited in wisdom.

It is time to cure the commotions of life.

Ps: You only work with the amount of karma you can handle every day or you die. This is because your psychological, physical self has already changed, and it has to be for the better.

Science and God is correlated, the science of God is the God of science, there is no distinction between one and the other. Each is knowledge found in life and so is life itself.

Benefits of Knowledge, knowledge is power, with knowledge in your career you work better meaning more efficiently and these tend to attract recognition. Do not assume you have learnt something as it may be counterproductive. So it is wise to assume a certain order or way of being/life in other words conditioning. Many times this may not be possible as factorials such as workloads overwhelms your mind and your heart is disease (dis - eased) into believing a conditioning that is false to your nature or your natural order. This becomes unwanted resistance in you. Religion calls neutral resistance - faith which in reality is beliefs unless the nature of the faith in you consists of a loving God neutral to harm and harming.

Why is resistance faith? It is offensive to say resistance is faith because it is sensitive, so I better explains. Resistance is what builds muscles in exercise and the principles of what I mean are one and the same. Muscles are the values of each initiation which consists of a point.

When is a faith consisting blind beliefs and when is faith enlightenment. Enlightenment consists of initiations which constitutes to receiving from other sources not within your means by the process of attunement. Being initiated is also saying that being open to receive. If I were to guide you, you would have to think through, beliefs itself is initiation into life, life inevitably in our society consists of getting to know another person or being such as an animal.

My story of initiations, I have a goal in life in my adolescent years that is to gain enlightenment. To gain enlightenment what are the steps one must take. Mundanely one would do austerities and wait for God to get involve with you. This often does not consist of a message which is to lead to an action, therefore the waiting process is only a belief so is the action. In order to achieve enlightenment one must know what one wants to achieve. The gaining of knowledge and the process of attaining higher consciousness is fraught with persecutions because to God you simply have to ask first or to the spiritual realm you would intuitively be offending the GREAT ALL THERE IS for he is not impotent as to block you from your desired accomplishments. Accomplishments consist of assessments and assessments require reflections.

What I mean is when God implant into your mind the question of the meaning of your life, your mind wanders off to death and dying then suffering and ended up becoming the spiritual aspirants to conquer such thoughts which are the door of death opening to become your mortal enemy. To many death is a transition process only to facilitate many happier life experiences. Therefore you have to take care as God means to these groups of people that this question is simply an act of giving a long delayed present then once you understand this you can know the correct path to take in your life to achieve this goal with divine assistance as long as you remain one tracked minded. That is the same as saying once you chose poverty; poverty will share its fruits with you.

There are many spiritists in the earth that will tell you who you are and how to live your life. This is to take advantage of the nature of curiosity or despondency in you. It must be uplifting for you to be awakened to the inner truth of your being. This inner truth of your being is simply a curse through my resistance and beliefs as I accidentally stumbled upon you and enforced these on you. In order to strengthen into your authentic self who is God or the process of becoming God you must first acknowledge who or what is talking to you, maybe it is blocks of absolute no communication to you but in order to advance you must overcome. This thought process includes wondering if you want to overcome your inertia. Some people don’t and nobody can make them.

To support the process of initiation I will exemplify one point that is to offer nourishment one source in order to attain satiation such as making changes. To excel in exams you have to overcome inertia and do double checking.

How to write a piece of work:

What laws of rules of writing do you want?

Three Angels were once brothers
They chance upon each other betrayal and thought no further
Two were after the same girl and one hit the other
Their state were no better
They could only think of life without their partners
Where they don't depend on one another
One afternoon they seek to heat up the crater
Where enemies sought no recover
Sounds they heard irritate them over and over
Nobody loves them like they once had been friendlier
So they sought to resolute their dispute quicker
But consulted non other
The Devil in disguise who is their Savior
They left with a state no gooder
Feeling less heartier
All decide they weren't meant to be friends forever
Until one day life got worser
Then heaven gates open to reconcil them together

My main points/rules/guiding principles are to write the poem to rhyme ending with –er and is praising God.Have a purpose.

Do you want readers to find out your purposes and how do you want them to find out. Truths are facts and deserve centerstage.

God is good only so he deserves praise. You are an angel if you remain innocent to the people where it matters. Angel is a messenger of the divine and for one to receive the divine one has to be accepting only Good. The kingdom of Heaven is the kingdom which offers good only – happy endings. Blocks and losses mean the kingdom of God has not come. Faith can confer strength to overcome working like memory it is something that offers a reward. Listening is a byproduct of Faith because it is love that makes one pay attention thus you have loved great will your reward be in Heaven.

Karma is the correlations of one thing to another in you and in the world. Be neutral as Your Fathers in Heaven are. Do not judge. Therefore it is important to have a purpose for there will be destroyers amongst you. What I mean to say is that character will confer you power. With character you can derive benefits through guiding your actions, God is a living God – righteous and all knowing. Some things are simply important to Him - The Sum Total of All There Is. What intrigues you might lead to your downfall if you do not plan carefully such as falling to your death without a rope while rock climbing to quote a simple example. Bad events that warns/omens are revelations that your thoughts has to be in lined with the end product achievements then will people give you credits then you shall be called Holy. You would have to explain yourself such as lying only to escape a fight that you morally can’t participate in, because you are moral, the purpose of escaping a quarrel can triumph.

Why I write this:

To facilitate Human evolution at this level of mastery, the deviant of the websites and books because this is spiritual understanding remission through understanding, there is the soft work of invocation to cure complex ailments by me. I might be ostracized by a community for writing; will death take way the pain? Experience is my teacher. Therefore I make this free to all who wish to receive. My commitment as I was writing was to raise awareness which is self explanatory. One cannot survive as a human being without asking questions. My teachers are the public in general, bible and God. I trust the Holy Spirit that I will publish this. My dilemma is not to block other people’s work for my Kingdom of Heaven. My friends, it is written to worship God in the Spirit and in Truth, choose mercy and not sacrifice. Be proper and thankful for God in Spirit. A chicken must lay eggs so don’t eat it; decide for yourselves what you want but knowledge is expansive and strives in Humans. Trust God only if there is no one else you can turn to. You cannot have read and understand without the heavenly forces standing ready by you, My Chosen Ones. Tithe to the people who matters for it is written freely you have received so freely give. The coming of this writing is but a sign of times to my God.

Understanding this:

Leads to personal consideration, level of seriousness is a factor, type of purpose can be proposal, type of proposal can be marriage
which are true, someone else is there in a marriage can also be true
Worry comes from a possibility that can be a consequence
is a fact felt by a man, outcome is the man is worried